123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112 |
- import * as pinia from 'pinia';
- import { StateTree, PiniaPluginContext, PiniaPlugin } from 'pinia';
- type Prettify<T> = {
- [K in keyof T]: T[K];
- };
- type StorageLike = Pick<Storage, 'getItem' | 'setItem'>;
- interface Serializer {
- /**
- * Serializes state into string before storing
- * @default JSON.stringify
- */
- serialize: (value: StateTree) => string;
- /**
- * Deserializes string into state before hydrating
- * @default JSON.parse
- */
- deserialize: (value: string) => StateTree;
- }
- interface PersistedStateOptions {
- /**
- * Storage key to use.
- * @default $store.id
- */
- key?: string | ((id: string) => string);
- /**
- * Where to store persisted state.
- * @default localStorage
- */
- storage?: StorageLike;
- /**
- * Dot-notation paths to partially save state. Saves everything if undefined.
- * @default undefined
- */
- paths?: Array<string>;
- /**
- * Customer serializer to serialize/deserialize state.
- */
- serializer?: Serializer;
- /**
- * Hook called before state is hydrated from storage.
- * @default null
- */
- beforeRestore?: (context: PiniaPluginContext) => void;
- /**
- * Hook called after state is hydrated from storage.
- * @default undefined
- */
- afterRestore?: (context: PiniaPluginContext) => void;
- /**
- * Logs errors in console when enabled.
- * @default false
- */
- debug?: boolean;
- }
- type PersistedStateFactoryOptions = Prettify<Pick<PersistedStateOptions, 'storage' | 'serializer' | 'afterRestore' | 'beforeRestore' | 'debug'> & {
- /**
- * Global key generator, allows pre/postfixing store keys.
- * @default storeKey => storeKey
- */
- key?: (storeKey: string) => string;
- /**
- * Automatically persists all stores, opt-out individually.
- * @default false
- */
- auto?: boolean;
- }>;
- declare module 'pinia' {
- interface DefineStoreOptionsBase<S extends StateTree, Store> {
- /**
- * Persists store in storage.
- * @see https://prazdevs.github.io/pinia-plugin-persistedstate
- */
- persist?: boolean | PersistedStateOptions | PersistedStateOptions[];
- unistorage?: boolean | PersistedStateOptions | PersistedStateOptions[];
- }
- interface PiniaCustomProperties {
- /**
- * Rehydrates store from persisted state
- * Warning: this is for advances usecases, make sure you know what you're doing.
- * @see https://prazdevs.github.io/pinia-plugin-persistedstate/guide/advanced.html#forcing-the-rehydration
- */
- $hydrate: (opts?: {
- runHooks?: boolean;
- }) => void;
- /**
- * Persists store into configured storage
- * Warning: this is for advances usecases, make sure you know what you're doing.
- * @see https://prazdevs.github.io/pinia-plugin-persistedstate/guide/advanced.html#forcing-the-persistence
- */
- $persist: () => void;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates a pinia persistence plugin
- * @param factoryOptions global persistence options
- * @returns pinia plugin
- */
- declare function createPersistedState(factoryOptions?: PersistedStateFactoryOptions): PiniaPlugin;
- declare const _default: pinia.PiniaPlugin;
- export { PersistedStateFactoryOptions, PersistedStateOptions, Serializer, StorageLike, createPersistedState, _default as default, createUnistorage };
- /**
- * Creates a pinia persistence plugin with uniapp
- * @param factoryOptions global persistence options
- * @returns pinia plugin
- */
- declare function createUnistorage(factoryOptions?: PersistedStateFactoryOptions): PiniaPlugin;