'use strict'; const { getBooleanOption, cppdb } = require('../util'); module.exports = function defineFunction(name, options, fn) { // Apply defaults if (options == null) options = {}; if (typeof options === 'function') { fn = options; options = {}; } // Validate arguments if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected first argument to be a string'); if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Expected last argument to be a function'); if (typeof options !== 'object') throw new TypeError('Expected second argument to be an options object'); if (!name) throw new TypeError('User-defined function name cannot be an empty string'); // Interpret options const safeIntegers = 'safeIntegers' in options ? +getBooleanOption(options, 'safeIntegers') : 2; const deterministic = getBooleanOption(options, 'deterministic'); const directOnly = getBooleanOption(options, 'directOnly'); const varargs = getBooleanOption(options, 'varargs'); let argCount = -1; // Determine argument count if (!varargs) { argCount = fn.length; if (!Number.isInteger(argCount) || argCount < 0) throw new TypeError('Expected function.length to be a positive integer'); if (argCount > 100) throw new RangeError('User-defined functions cannot have more than 100 arguments'); } this[cppdb].function(fn, name, argCount, safeIntegers, deterministic, directOnly); return this; };