import { Awaitable, Dispatcher, IncomingRequest, Middleware, __facade_invoke__, __facade_register__, __facade_registerInternal__, } from "./common"; export { __facade_register__, __facade_registerInternal__ }; // Miniflare 2's `EventTarget` follows the spec and doesn't allow exceptions to // be caught by `dispatchEvent`. Instead it has a custom `ThrowingEventTarget` // class that rethrows errors from event listeners in `dispatchEvent`. // We'd like errors to be propagated to the top-level `addEventListener`, so // we'd like to use `ThrowingEventTarget`. Unfortunately, `ThrowingEventTarget` // isn't exposed on the global scope, but `WorkerGlobalScope` (which extends // `ThrowingEventTarget`) is. Therefore, we get at it in this nasty way. let __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__: EventTarget; if ((globalThis as any).MINIFLARE) { __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__ = new (Object.getPrototypeOf(WorkerGlobalScope))(); } else { __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__ = new EventTarget(); } function __facade_isSpecialEvent__( type: string ): type is "fetch" | "scheduled" { return type === "fetch" || type === "scheduled"; } const __facade__originalAddEventListener__ = globalThis.addEventListener; const __facade__originalRemoveEventListener__ = globalThis.removeEventListener; const __facade__originalDispatchEvent__ = globalThis.dispatchEvent; globalThis.addEventListener = function (type, listener, options) { if (__facade_isSpecialEvent__(type)) { __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__.addEventListener( type, listener as EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options ); } else { __facade__originalAddEventListener__(type, listener, options); } }; globalThis.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, options) { if (__facade_isSpecialEvent__(type)) { __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__.removeEventListener( type, listener as EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options ); } else { __facade__originalRemoveEventListener__(type, listener, options); } }; globalThis.dispatchEvent = function (event) { if (__facade_isSpecialEvent__(event.type)) { return __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__.dispatchEvent(event); } else { return __facade__originalDispatchEvent__(event); } }; declare global { var addMiddleware: typeof __facade_register__; var addMiddlewareInternal: typeof __facade_registerInternal__; } globalThis.addMiddleware = __facade_register__; globalThis.addMiddlewareInternal = __facade_registerInternal__; const __facade_waitUntil__ = Symbol("__facade_waitUntil__"); const __facade_response__ = Symbol("__facade_response__"); const __facade_dispatched__ = Symbol("__facade_dispatched__"); class __Facade_ExtendableEvent__ extends Event { [__facade_waitUntil__]: Awaitable[] = []; waitUntil(promise: Awaitable) { if (!(this instanceof __Facade_ExtendableEvent__)) { throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); } this[__facade_waitUntil__].push(promise); } } interface FetchEventInit extends EventInit { request: Request; passThroughOnException: FetchEvent["passThroughOnException"]; } class __Facade_FetchEvent__ extends __Facade_ExtendableEvent__ { #request: Request; #passThroughOnException: FetchEvent["passThroughOnException"]; [__facade_response__]?: Awaitable; [__facade_dispatched__] = false; constructor(type: "fetch", init: FetchEventInit) { super(type); this.#request = init.request; this.#passThroughOnException = init.passThroughOnException; } get request() { return this.#request; } respondWith(response: Awaitable) { if (!(this instanceof __Facade_FetchEvent__)) { throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); } if (this[__facade_response__] !== undefined) { throw new DOMException( "FetchEvent.respondWith() has already been called; it can only be called once.", "InvalidStateError" ); } if (this[__facade_dispatched__]) { throw new DOMException( "Too late to call FetchEvent.respondWith(). It must be called synchronously in the event handler.", "InvalidStateError" ); } this.stopImmediatePropagation(); this[__facade_response__] = response; } passThroughOnException() { if (!(this instanceof __Facade_FetchEvent__)) { throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); } // Need to call native method immediately in case uncaught error thrown this.#passThroughOnException(); } } interface ScheduledEventInit extends EventInit { scheduledTime: number; cron: string; noRetry: ScheduledEvent["noRetry"]; } class __Facade_ScheduledEvent__ extends __Facade_ExtendableEvent__ { #scheduledTime: number; #cron: string; #noRetry: ScheduledEvent["noRetry"]; constructor(type: "scheduled", init: ScheduledEventInit) { super(type); this.#scheduledTime = init.scheduledTime; this.#cron = init.cron; this.#noRetry = init.noRetry; } get scheduledTime() { return this.#scheduledTime; } get cron() { return this.#cron; } noRetry() { if (!(this instanceof __Facade_ScheduledEvent__)) { throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); } // Need to call native method immediately in case uncaught error thrown this.#noRetry(); } } __facade__originalAddEventListener__("fetch", (event) => { const ctx: ExecutionContext = { waitUntil: event.waitUntil.bind(event), passThroughOnException: event.passThroughOnException.bind(event), }; const __facade_sw_dispatch__: Dispatcher = function (type, init) { if (type === "scheduled") { const facadeEvent = new __Facade_ScheduledEvent__("scheduled", { scheduledTime:, cron: init.cron ?? "", noRetry() {}, }); __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__.dispatchEvent(facadeEvent); event.waitUntil(Promise.all(facadeEvent[__facade_waitUntil__])); } }; const __facade_sw_fetch__: Middleware = function (request, _env, ctx) { const facadeEvent = new __Facade_FetchEvent__("fetch", { request, passThroughOnException: ctx.passThroughOnException, }); __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__.dispatchEvent(facadeEvent); facadeEvent[__facade_dispatched__] = true; event.waitUntil(Promise.all(facadeEvent[__facade_waitUntil__])); const response = facadeEvent[__facade_response__]; if (response === undefined) { throw new Error("No response!"); // TODO: proper error message } return response; }; event.respondWith( __facade_invoke__( event.request as IncomingRequest, globalThis, ctx, __facade_sw_dispatch__, __facade_sw_fetch__ ) ); }); __facade__originalAddEventListener__("scheduled", (event) => { const facadeEvent = new __Facade_ScheduledEvent__("scheduled", { scheduledTime: event.scheduledTime, cron: event.cron, noRetry: event.noRetry.bind(event), }); __FACADE_EVENT_TARGET__.dispatchEvent(facadeEvent); event.waitUntil(Promise.all(facadeEvent[__facade_waitUntil__])); });