binding.gyp 943 B

  1. # ===
  2. # This is the main GYP file, which builds better-sqlite3 with SQLite3 itself.
  3. # ===
  4. {
  5. 'includes': ['deps/common.gypi'],
  6. 'targets': [
  7. {
  8. 'target_name': 'better_sqlite3',
  9. 'dependencies': ['deps/sqlite3.gyp:sqlite3'],
  10. 'sources': ['src/better_sqlite3.cpp'],
  11. 'cflags_cc': ['-std=c++17'],
  12. 'xcode_settings': {
  13. 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': ['-std=c++17', '-stdlib=libc++'],
  14. },
  15. 'msvs_settings': {
  16. 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
  17. 'AdditionalOptions': [
  18. '/std:c++17',
  19. ],
  20. },
  21. },
  22. 'conditions': [
  23. ['OS=="linux"', {
  24. 'ldflags': [
  25. '-Wl,-Bsymbolic',
  26. '-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL',
  27. ],
  28. }],
  29. ],
  30. },
  31. {
  32. 'target_name': 'test_extension',
  33. 'dependencies': ['deps/sqlite3.gyp:sqlite3'],
  34. 'conditions': [['sqlite3 == ""', { 'sources': ['deps/test_extension.c'] }]],
  35. },
  36. ],
  37. }