YuXinLong 79168dd0fc bugfix:修复ListSSLCert方法解析证书列表出错的问题 | vor 1 Jahr | |
proto @ 15ffd7fb7a | vor 1 Jahr | |
src | vor 1 Jahr | |
.gitignore | vor 1 Jahr | |
.gitlab-ci.yml | vor 2 Jahren | |
.gitmodules | vor 1 Jahr | |
LICENSE | vor 4 Jahren | |
README.md | vor 1 Jahr | |
pyproject.toml | vor 2 Jahren | |
测试.ipynb | vor 1 Jahr |
网站 https://control.llnw.com/acontrol/#/login
API explorer: https://support.limelight.com/public/explorer/llnw-api-explorer.html
文档 https://support.limelight.com/public/openapi/configuration/index.html
SDK https://github.com/llnw/llnw-sdk-python
GRPC https://grpc.io/docs/languages/python/basics/
GRPC 端口:50052
python3 gencode.py
python3 src/main.py
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
conda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/
conda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/main/
conda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/conda-forge/
conda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/bioconda/
conda create -n llnw python=3.10 libpython-static grpcio grpcio-tools pydash requests nuitka
conda activate llnw
python3 -m nuitka --onefile src/main.py
git clone <git_hub_url>
cd llnw-sdk-python
pip install -e .
import client:
from sdk.config_api import ConfigApiClient
Initialize client:
username = "{llnw_user}"
shared_key = "{llnw_shared_key}"
cl = ConfigApiClient('apis.llnw.com', username, shared_key)
Verify that it works
print(cl.get_status().json()) Should be returned something like this: {'version': '5.9-RC2', 'timestamp': '2020-04-03T15:39:03+0300', 'branch': 'ea4b4ca4c77cf8185d8b55381936a451bad87622', 'commitId': 'ea4b4ca4c77cf8185d8b55381936a451bad87622', 'mysqlConnection': {'connectionTime': '3'}, 'cfgMgmtConnection': {'available': 'true'}, 'remoteComponentsConnection': {'available': 'true'}, 'serviceDbConnection': {'available': 'true'}}
Generate delivery payload:
from sdk.utils.config_api_helper.deilver import DeliverServiceInstanceObj
a = DeliverServiceInstanceObj()
a.generate_default('{llnw_shortname}', 'example.pub.llnw.com', 'w.example.orig.llnw.com', 'LLNW-Generic', 'https', 'https')
{'accounts': [{'shortname': '{llnw_shortname}'}],
'body': {'protocolSets': [{'options': [],
'publishedProtocol': 'http',
'sourceProtocol': 'http'}],
'publishedHostname': 'example.pub.llnw.com',
'publishedUrlPath': '',
'serviceKey': {'name': 'delivery'},
'serviceProfileName': 'LLNW-Generic',
'sourceHostname': 'w.example.orig.llnw.com',
'sourceUrlPath': ''}}
Using this payload you can create or validate delivery service instance:
Validate call always return 200, but in body it has key 'Success' it can be True if everything is fine or False if an error occurs
Return 200 if config was successfully created or error code(400, 403, etc) for errors
import client:
from sdk.realtime-reporting-api import RealtimeReportingClient
username = "{llnw_user}"
shared_key = "{llnw_shared_key}"
Initialize client:
cl = RealtimeReportingClient('apis.llnw.com', username, shared_key)
Verify that it works
print(cl.health_check().json()) ['OK']
response = cl.traffic(shortname="{llnw_shortname}",
service=[cl.SERVICE_HTTP, cl.SERVICE_HLS],
or via general request and key: value argument (similar in limelight javaScript sdk)
response2 = cl2.request(**{"report": 'traffic',
"shortname": "{llnw_shortname}",
"service": [cl2.SERVICE_HTTP, cl2.SERVICE_HLS],
"requestedFields": cl2.REQUESTED_FIELDS_INBYTES,
"timespan": cl2.LAST_24_HOURS,
"granularity": cl2.GRANULARITY_FIVE_MINUTES})
Congratulate you've done well
Run tests
pytest -v --pyargs sdk.test