# insert-module-globals insert implicit module globals (`__filename`, `__dirname`, `process`, `global`, `setImmediate`, `clearImmediate` and `Buffer`) as a browserify-style transform [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/browserify/insert-module-globals.png)](http://travis-ci.org/browserify/insert-module-globals) # example ``` js var mdeps = require('module-deps'); var bpack = require('browser-pack'); var insert = require('insert-module-globals'); function inserter (file) { return insert(file, { basedir: __dirname + '/files' }); } var files = [ __dirname + '/files/main.js' ]; mdeps(files, { transform: inserter }) .pipe(bpack({ raw: true })) .pipe(process.stdout) ; ``` ``` $ node example/insert.js | node in main.js: {"__filename":"/main.js","__dirname":"/"} in foo/index.js: {"__filename":"/foo/index.js","__dirname":"/foo"} ``` or use the command-line scripts: ``` $ module-deps main.js | insert-module-globals | browser-pack | node in main.js: {"__filename":"/main.js","__dirname":"/"} in foo/index.js: {"__filename":"/foo/index.js","__dirname":"/foo"} ``` or use insert-module-globals as a transform: ``` $ module-deps main.js --transform insert-module-globals | browser-pack | node in main.js: {"__filename":"/main.js","__dirname":"/"} in foo/index.js: {"__filename":"/foo/index.js","__dirname":"/foo"} ``` # methods ``` js var insertGlobals = require('insert-module-globals') ``` ## var inserter = insertGlobals(file, opts) Return a transform stream `inserter` for the filename `file` that will accept a javascript file as input and will output the file with a closure around the contents as necessary to define extra builtins. When `opts.always` is true, wrap every file with all the global variables without parsing. This is handy because parsing the scope can take a long time, so you can prioritize fast builds over saving bytes in the final output. When `opts.always` is truthy but not true, avoid parsing but perform a quick test to determine if wrapping should be skipped. Use `opts.vars` to override the default inserted variables, or set `opts.vars[name]` to `undefined` to not insert a variable which would otherwise be inserted. `opts.vars` properties with a `.` in their name will be executed instead of the parent object if ONLY that property is used. For example, `"Buffer.isBuffer"` will mask `"Buffer"` only when there is a `Buffer.isBuffer()` call in a file and no other references to `Buffer`. If `opts.debug` is true, an inline source map will be generated to compensate for the extra lines. # events ## inserter.on('global', function (name) {}) When a global is detected, the inserter stream emits a `'global'` event. # usage ``` usage: insert-module-globals {basedir} ``` # install With [npm](https://npmjs.org), to get the library do: ``` npm install insert-module-globals ``` and to get the bin script do: ``` npm install -g insert-module-globals ``` # insert custom globals. `insert-module-globals` can also insert arbitary globals into files. Pass in an object of functions as the `vars` option. ``` js var vars = { process: function (file, basedir) { return { id: "path/to/custom_process.js", source: customProcessContent } }, Buffer: function (file, basedir) { return { id: 'path/to/custom_buffer.js', source: customProcessContent, //suffix is optional //it's used to extract the value from the module. //it becomes: require(...).Buffer in this case. suffix: '.Buffer' } }, Math: function () { //if you return a string, //it's simply set as the value. return '{}' //^ any attempt to use Math[x] will throw! } } function inserter (file) { return insert(file, { vars: vars }); } mdeps(files, { transform: inserter }) .pipe(bpack({ raw: true })) .pipe(process.stdout) ``` # license MIT