var concat = require("concat-stream"); var browserify = require("browserify"); var assert = require("assert"); var vm = require("vm"); var b = browserify(__dirname + "/browsercode.js"); b.transform(require("hbsfy")); // Browser mock var context = { document: { body: {} } }; b.bundle({ debug: false }).pipe(concat(function(data) { // Browserify is not respecting the `debug` flag, so source maps // are included, blowing up the size. var stripped = data.toString('utf8').replace(/\/\/# sourceMappingURL.+/g, ''); assert(stripped.length < 35000, "Bundle is too big! Maybe full Handlebars got compiled in?"); vm.runInNewContext(data.toString(), context); })); setTimeout(function() { assert.equal(context.document.body.innerHTML.trim(), "


"); }, 400);