var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Handlebars = require('hbsfy/runtime'); var AppState = require('../app_state'); var formatStatsdKey = function(metricType, key) { var fullKey = key; var fmt; if (metricType === 'counter') { fmt = AppState.get('STATSD_COUNTER_FORMAT'); fullKey = fmt.replace(/%s/g, key); } else if (metricType === 'gauge') { fmt = AppState.get('STATSD_GAUGE_FORMAT'); fullKey = fmt.replace(/%s/g, key); } return fullKey; }; var statsdPrefix = function(host) { var prefix = AppState.get('STATSD_PREFIX'); var statsdHostKey = host.replace(/[\.:]/g, '_'); prefix = prefix.replace(/%s/g, statsdHostKey); if (prefix.substring(prefix.length, 1) !== '.') { prefix += '.'; } return prefix; }; /* eslint-disable key-spacing */ var metricType = function(key) { return { 'depth': 'gauge', 'in_flight_count': 'gauge', 'deferred_count': 'gauge', 'requeue_count': 'counter', 'timeout_count': 'counter', 'message_count': 'counter', 'clients': 'gauge', '*_bytes': 'gauge', 'gc_pause_*': 'gauge', 'gc_runs': 'counter', 'heap_objects': 'gauge', 'e2e_processing_latency': 'gauge' }[key]; }; /* eslint-enable key-spacing */ var genColorList = function(typ, key) { if (typ === 'topic' || typ === 'channel') { if (key === 'depth' || key === 'deferred_count') { return 'red'; } } else if (typ === 'node') { return 'red,green,blue,purple'; } else if (typ === 'counter') { return 'green'; } return 'blue'; }; // sanitizeGraphiteKey removes special characters from a graphite key // this matches behavior of bitly/statsdaemon // var sanitizeGraphiteKey = function(s) { return s.replaceAll(' ', '_').replaceAll('/', '-').replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.]/g, ''); } var genTargets = function(typ, node, ns1, ns2, key) { var targets = []; var prefix = statsdPrefix(node ? node : '*'); var fullKey; var target; if (typ === 'topic') { fullKey = formatStatsdKey(metricType(key), prefix + 'topic.' + sanitizeGraphiteKey(ns1) + '.' + key); targets.push('sumSeries(' + fullKey + ')'); } else if (typ === 'channel') { fullKey = formatStatsdKey(metricType(key), prefix + 'topic.' + sanitizeGraphiteKey(ns1) + '.channel.' + sanitizeGraphiteKey(ns2) + '.' + key); targets.push('sumSeries(' + fullKey + ')'); } else if (typ === 'node') { target = prefix + 'mem.' + key; if (key === 'gc_runs') { target = 'movingAverage(' + target + ',45)'; } targets.push(formatStatsdKey(metricType(key), target)); } else if (typ === 'e2e') { targets =['percentiles'], function(p) { var t; if (ns1['channel'] !== '') { t = prefix + 'topic.' + ns1['topic'] + '.channel.' + ns1['channel'] + '.' + key + '_' + (p['quantile'] * 100); } else { t = prefix + 'topic.' + ns1['topic'] + '.' + key + '_' + (p['quantile'] * 100); } if (node === '*') { t = 'averageSeries(' + t + ')'; } return 'scale(' + formatStatsdKey(metricType(key), t) + ',0.000001)'; }); } else if (typ === 'counter') { fullKey = formatStatsdKey(metricType(key), prefix + 'topic.*.channel.*.' + key); targets.push('sumSeries(' + fullKey + ')'); } return targets; }; Handlebars.registerHelper('default', function(x, defaultValue) { return x ? x : defaultValue; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('ifeq', function(a, b, options) { return (a === b) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('unlesseq', function(a, b, options) { return (a !== b) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('ifgteq', function(a, b, options) { return (a >= b) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('iflteq', function(a, b, options) { return (a <= b) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('length', function(xs) { return xs.length; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('lowercase', function(s) { return s.toLowerCase(); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('uppercase', function(s) { return s.toUpperCase(); }); // this helper is inclusive of the top number Handlebars.registerHelper('for', function(from, to, incr, block) { var accum = ''; for (var i = from; i <= to; i += incr) { accum += block.fn(i); } return accum; }); // Logical operators as helper functions, which can be useful when used within // an `if` or `unless` block via the new helper composition syntax, like so: // // {{#if (or step.unlocked step.is_finished)}} // Step is unlocked or finished! // {{/if}} // // Any number of arguments may be given to either helper. NOTE: _.initial() is // used below because every helper takes an options hash as its last argument. Handlebars.registerHelper('and', function() { return _.all(_.initial(arguments)); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('or', function() { return _.any(_.initial(arguments)); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('eq', function(a, b) { return a === b; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('neq', function(a, b) { return a !== b; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('urlencode', function(a) { return encodeURIComponent(a); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('floatToPercent', function(f) { return Math.floor(f * 100); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('percSuffix', function(f) { var v = Math.floor(f * 100) % 10; if (v === 1) { return 'st'; } else if (v === 2) { return 'nd'; } else if (v === 3) { return 'rd'; } return 'th'; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('commafy', function(n) { n = n || 0; return n.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ','); }); function round(num, places) { var multiplier = Math.pow(10, places); return Math.round(num * multiplier) / multiplier; } Handlebars.registerHelper('nanotohuman', function(n) { var s = ''; var v; if (n >= 3600000000000) { v = Math.floor(n / 3600000000000); n = n % 3600000000000; s = v + 'h'; } if (n >= 60000000000) { v = Math.floor(n / 60000000000); n = n % 60000000000; s += v + 'm'; } if (n >= 1000000000) { n = round(n / 1000000000, 2); s += n + 's'; } else if (n >= 1000000) { n = round(n / 1000000, 2); s += n + 'ms'; } else if (n >= 1000) { n = round(n / 1000, 2); s += n + 'us'; } else { s = n + 'ns'; } return s; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('sparkline', function(typ, node, ns1, ns2, key) { var q = { 'colorList': genColorList(typ, key), 'height': '20', 'width': '120', 'hideGrid': 'true', 'hideLegend': 'true', 'hideAxes': 'true', 'bgcolor': 'ff000000', // transparent 'fgcolor': 'black', 'margin': '0', 'yMin': '0', 'lineMode': 'connected', 'drawNullAsZero': 'false', 'from': '-' + AppState.get('graph_interval'), 'until': '-1min' }; var interval = AppState.get('STATSD_INTERVAL') + 'sec'; q['target'] =, node, ns1, ns2, key), function(t) { return 'summarize(' + t + ',"' + interval + '","avg")'; }); return AppState.get('GRAPHITE_URL') + '/render?' + $.param(q); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('large_graph', function(typ, node, ns1, ns2, key) { var q = { 'colorList': genColorList(typ, key), 'height': '450', 'width': '800', 'bgcolor': 'ff000000', // transparent 'fgcolor': '999999', 'yMin': '0', 'lineMode': 'connected', 'drawNullAsZero': 'false', 'from': '-' + AppState.get('graph_interval'), 'until': '-1min' }; var interval = AppState.get('STATSD_INTERVAL') + 'sec'; q['target'] =, node, ns1, ns2, key), function(t) { if (metricType(key) === 'counter') { var scale = 1 / AppState.get('STATSD_INTERVAL'); t = 'scale(' + t + ',' + scale + ')'; } return 'summarize(' + t + ',"' + interval + '","avg")'; }); return AppState.get('GRAPHITE_URL') + '/render?' + $.param(q); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('rate', function(typ, node, ns1, ns2) { return genTargets(typ, node, ns1, ns2, 'message_count')[0]; }); Handlebars.registerPartial('error', require('../views/error.hbs')); Handlebars.registerPartial('warning', require('../views/warning.hbs')); Handlebars.registerHelper('basePath', function(p) { return AppState.basePath(p); });