var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var AppState = require('../app_state'); var errorTemplate = require('./error.hbs'); var BaseView = Backbone.View.extend({ constructor: function(options) { // As of 1.10, Backbone no longer automatically attaches options passed // to the constructor as this.options, but that's often useful in some // cases, like a className function, that happen before initialize() // would have a chance to attach the same options. this.options = options || {}; return Backbone.View.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, initialize: function() { this.subviews = []; this.rendered = false; }, template: function() {}, skippedRender: function() {}, render: function(data) { if (this.renderOnce && this.rendered) { this.skippedRender(); return this; } this.removeSubviews(); var ctx = this.getRenderCtx(data); // console.log('render ctx: %o', ctx); var html = this.template(ctx); if (!this.removed) { this.$el.empty(); this.$el.append(html); this.postRender(ctx); } this.rendered = true; return this; }, getRenderCtx: function(data) { var ctx = { 'graph_enabled': AppState.get('GRAPH_ENABLED'), 'graph_interval': AppState.get('graph_interval'), 'graph_active': AppState.get('GRAPH_ENABLED') && AppState.get('graph_interval') !== 'off', 'nsqlookupd': AppState.get('NSQLOOKUPD'), 'version': AppState.get('VERSION') }; if (this.model) { ctx = _.extend(ctx, this.model.toJSON()); } else if (this.collection) { ctx = _.extend(ctx, {'collection': this.collection.toJSON()}); } if (data) { ctx = _.extend(ctx, data); } return ctx; }, postRender: function() {}, appendSubview: function(subview, selector) { return this.appendSubviews([subview], selector); }, appendSubviews: function(subviews, selector) { this.subviews.push.apply(this.subviews, subviews); var $el = selector ? this.$(selector) : this.$el; $el.append( { return subview.render().delegateEvents().el; })); }, removeSubviews: function() { while (this.subviews.length) { this.subviews.pop().remove(); } }, remove: function() { this.removed = true; this.removeSubviews(); Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments); }, parseErrorMessage: function(jqXHR) { var msg = 'ERROR: failed to connect to nsqadmin'; if (jqXHR.readyState === 4) { try { var parsed = JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText); msg = parsed['message']; } catch (err) { msg = 'ERROR: failed to decode JSON - ' + err.message; } } return msg; }, handleAJAXError: function(jqXHR) { $('#warning, #error').hide(); $('#error .alert').text(this.parseErrorMessage(jqXHR)); $('#error').show(); }, handleViewError: function(jqXHR) { this.removeSubviews(); this.$el.html(errorTemplate({'message': this.parseErrorMessage(jqXHR)})); } }); module.exports = BaseView;