package.json 3.8 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "domain-browser",
  3. "version": "1.2.0",
  4. "description": "Node's domain module for the web browser. This is merely an evented try...catch with the same API as node, nothing more.",
  5. "homepage": "",
  6. "license": "MIT",
  7. "keywords": [
  8. "domain",
  9. "trycatch",
  10. "try",
  11. "catch",
  12. "node-compat",
  13. "ender.js",
  14. "component",
  15. "",
  16. "umd",
  17. "amd",
  18. "require.js",
  19. "browser"
  20. ],
  21. "badges": {
  22. "list": [
  23. "travisci",
  24. "npmversion",
  25. "npmdownloads",
  26. "daviddm",
  27. "daviddmdev",
  28. "---",
  29. "patreon",
  30. "opencollective",
  31. "gratipay",
  32. "flattr",
  33. "paypal",
  34. "bitcoin",
  35. "wishlist",
  36. "---",
  37. "slackin"
  38. ],
  39. "config": {
  40. "patreonUsername": "bevry",
  41. "opencollectiveUsername": "bevry",
  42. "gratipayUsername": "bevry",
  43. "flattrUsername": "balupton",
  44. "paypalURL": "",
  45. "bitcoinURL": "",
  46. "wishlistURL": "",
  47. "slackinURL": ""
  48. }
  49. },
  50. "author": "2013+ Bevry Pty Ltd <> (",
  51. "maintainers": [
  52. "Benjamin Lupton <> ("
  53. ],
  54. "contributors": [
  55. "Benjamin Lupton <> (",
  56. "Evan Solomon (",
  57. "James Halliday <> (",
  58. "Guy Bedford <> (",
  59. "Bogdan Chadkin <> ("
  60. ],
  61. "bugs": {
  62. "url": ""
  63. },
  64. "repository": {
  65. "type": "git",
  66. "url": ""
  67. },
  68. "engines": {
  69. "node": ">=0.4",
  70. "npm": ">=1.2"
  71. },
  72. "editions": [
  73. {
  74. "description": "Source + ES5 + Require",
  75. "directory": "source",
  76. "entry": "index.js",
  77. "syntaxes": [
  78. "javascript",
  79. "es5",
  80. "require"
  81. ]
  82. }
  83. ],
  84. "main": "source/index.js",
  85. "browser": "source/index.js",
  86. "dependencies": {},
  87. "devDependencies": {
  88. "assert-helpers": "^4.5.0",
  89. "eslint": "^4.16.0",
  90. "joe": "^2.0.2",
  91. "joe-reporter-console": "^2.0.1",
  92. "projectz": "^1.4.0"
  93. },
  94. "scripts": {
  95. "our:setup": "npm run our:setup:npm",
  96. "our:setup:npm": "npm install",
  97. "our:clean": "rm -Rf ./docs ./es2015 ./es5 ./out",
  98. "our:compile": "echo no need for this project",
  99. "our:meta": "npm run our:meta:projectz",
  100. "our:meta:projectz": "projectz compile",
  101. "our:verify": "npm run our:verify:eslint",
  102. "our:verify:eslint": "eslint --fix ./source",
  103. "our:test": "npm run our:verify && npm test",
  104. "our:release": "npm run our:release:prepare && npm run our:release:check && npm run our:release:tag && npm run our:release:push",
  105. "our:release:prepare": "npm run our:clean && npm run our:compile && npm run our:test && npm run our:meta",
  106. "our:release:check": "npm run our:release:check:changelog && npm run our:release:check:dirty",
  107. "our:release:check:changelog": "cat ./ | grep v$npm_package_version || (echo add a changelog entry for v$npm_package_version && exit -1)",
  108. "our:release:check:dirty": "git diff --exit-code",
  109. "our:release:tag": "export MESSAGE=$(cat ./ | sed -n \"/## v$npm_package_version/,/##/p\" | sed 's/## //' | awk 'NR>1{print buf}{buf = $0}') && test \"$MESSAGE\" || (echo 'proper changelog entry not found' && exit -1) && git tag v$npm_package_version -am \"$MESSAGE\"",
  110. "our:release:push": "git push origin master && git push origin --tags",
  111. "test": "node --harmony source/test.js --joe-reporter=console"
  112. },
  113. "jspm": {
  114. "map": {
  115. "source/index.js": {
  116. "node": "@node/domain"
  117. }
  118. }
  119. }
  120. }