import { NavModel, NavModelItem } from '@grafana/data'; import coreModule from 'app/angular/core_module'; import config from 'app/core/config'; interface Nav { breadcrumbs: NavModelItem[]; node?: NavModelItem; main?: NavModelItem; } export class NavModelSrv { navItems: NavModelItem[]; constructor() { this.navItems = config.bootData.navTree; } getCfgNode() { return this.navItems.find((navItem) => === 'cfg'); } getNav(...args: Array) { let children = this.navItems; const nav: Nav = { breadcrumbs: [], }; for (const id of args) { // if its a number then it's the index to use for main if (typeof id === 'number') { nav.main = nav.breadcrumbs[id]; break; } const node = children.find((child) => === id); if (node) { nav.breadcrumbs.push(node); nav.node = node; nav.main = node; children = node.children ?? []; } } if (nav.main?.children) { for (const item of nav.main.children) { = item.url === nav.node?.url; } } return nav; } getNotFoundNav() { return getNotFoundNav(); // the exported function } } export function getExceptionNav(error: any): NavModel { console.error(error); return getWarningNav('Exception thrown', 'See console for details'); } export function getNotFoundNav(): NavModel { return getWarningNav('Page not found', '404 Error'); } export function getWarningNav(text: string, subTitle?: string): NavModel { const node = { text, subTitle, icon: 'exclamation-triangle', }; return { breadcrumbs: [node], node: node, main: node, }; } coreModule.service('navModelSrv', NavModelSrv);