import { AnyAction, createAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { NavIndex, NavModel, NavModelItem } from '@grafana/data'; import config from 'app/core/config'; export function buildInitialState(): NavIndex { const navIndex: NavIndex = {}; const rootNodes = config.bootData.navTree as NavModelItem[]; buildNavIndex(navIndex, rootNodes); return navIndex; } function buildNavIndex(navIndex: NavIndex, children: NavModelItem[], parentItem?: NavModelItem) { for (const node of children) { navIndex[!] = { ...node, parentItem: parentItem, }; if (node.children) { buildNavIndex(navIndex, node.children, node); } } navIndex['not-found'] = { ...buildWarningNav('Page not found', '404 Error').node }; } function buildWarningNav(text: string, subTitle?: string): NavModel { const node = { text, subTitle, icon: 'exclamation-triangle', }; return { breadcrumbs: [node], node: node, main: node, }; } export const initialState: NavIndex = {}; export const updateNavIndex = createAction('navIndex/updateNavIndex'); // Since the configuration subtitle includes the organization name, we include this action to update the org name if it changes. export const updateConfigurationSubtitle = createAction('navIndex/updateConfigurationSubtitle'); export const getItemWithNewSubTitle = (item: NavModelItem, subTitle: string): NavModelItem => ({ ...item, parentItem: { ...item.parentItem, text: item.parentItem?.text ?? '', subTitle, }, }); // Redux Toolkit uses ImmerJs as part of their solution to ensure that state objects are not mutated. // ImmerJs has an autoFreeze option that freezes objects from change which means this reducer can't be migrated to createSlice // because the state would become frozen and during run time we would get errors because Angular would try to mutate // the frozen state. // export const navIndexReducer = (state: NavIndex = initialState, action: AnyAction): NavIndex => { if (updateNavIndex.match(action)) { const newPages: NavIndex = {}; const payload = action.payload; for (const node of payload.children!) { newPages[!] = { ...node, parentItem: payload, }; } return { ...state, ...newPages }; } else if (updateConfigurationSubtitle.match(action)) { const subTitle = `Organization: ${action.payload}`; return { ...state, cfg: { ...state.cfg, subTitle }, datasources: getItemWithNewSubTitle(state.datasources, subTitle), users: getItemWithNewSubTitle(state.users, subTitle), teams: getItemWithNewSubTitle(state.teams, subTitle), plugins: getItemWithNewSubTitle(state.plugins, subTitle), 'org-settings': getItemWithNewSubTitle(state['org-settings'], subTitle), apikeys: getItemWithNewSubTitle(state.apikeys, subTitle), }; } return state; };