import { cx } from '@emotion/css'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { connect, ConnectedProps } from 'react-redux'; import AutoSizer from 'react-virtualized-auto-sizer'; import { ArrayVector, DataFrame, dateTime, FieldType, TimeRange } from '@grafana/data'; import { featureEnabled } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { LegendDisplayMode, TooltipDisplayMode } from '@grafana/schema'; import { Graph, InfoBox, Themeable2, VizTooltip, withTheme2 } from '@grafana/ui'; import PageHeader from 'app/core/components/PageHeader/PageHeader'; import { UpgradeBox } from 'app/core/components/Upgrade/UpgradeBox'; import { GrafanaRouteComponentProps } from 'app/core/navigation/types'; import { getNavModel } from 'app/core/selectors/navModel'; import { highlightTrial } from 'app/features/admin/utils'; import { loadDataSource, loadDataSourceMeta } from 'app/features/datasources/state/actions'; import { getDataSourceLoadingNav } from 'app/features/datasources/state/navModel'; import { EnterpriseStoreState } from '../../types'; import { SeriesOptions } from '../../types/flotgraph'; import { getGraphSeriesModel } from '../GraphSeriesModel'; import { DAILY_SUMMARY_DATE_FORMAT, DataSourceDailySummaryDTO, getDataSourceDailySummaries } from '../api'; import { getInsightsStyles, InsightsStyles } from '../styles'; interface RouteProps extends GrafanaRouteComponentProps<{ uid: string }> {} const mapStateToProps = (state: EnterpriseStoreState, props: RouteProps) => { const dataSourceUid = props.match.params.uid; const dataSourceLoadingNav = getDataSourceLoadingNav('insights'); return { navModel: getNavModel(state.navIndex, `datasource-insights-${dataSourceUid}`, dataSourceLoadingNav), dataSourceUid, }; }; const mapDispatchToProps = { loadDataSource, loadDataSourceMeta, }; export const connector = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps); export type Props = Themeable2 & ConnectedProps; interface State { dailySummaries: DataSourceDailySummaryDTO[]; from: string; to: string; } interface ChartConfig { title: string | JSX.Element; valueField: keyof DataSourceDailySummaryDTO; fieldType: FieldType; width: number; timeRange: TimeRange; color: string; showBars: boolean; showLines: boolean; } class DataSourceInsights extends PureComponent { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { dailySummaries: [], from: '', to: '', }; } async componentDidMount(): Promise { const { dataSourceUid, loadDataSource, loadDataSourceMeta } = this.props; loadDataSource(dataSourceUid).then(loadDataSourceMeta); if (featureEnabled('analytics')) { let from = dateTime().subtract(30, 'days').format(DAILY_SUMMARY_DATE_FORMAT); let to = dateTime().format(DAILY_SUMMARY_DATE_FORMAT); const dailySummaries = await getDataSourceDailySummaries(dataSourceUid, from, to); this.setState({ dailySummaries, from, to }); } } buildTimeRange(): TimeRange { const { from, to } = this.state; const timeRangeFrom = dateTime(from); const timeRangeTo = dateTime(to).add(24, 'hours'); return { from: timeRangeFrom, to: timeRangeTo, raw: { from, to }, }; } convertDailySummariesToDataFrame( data: DataSourceDailySummaryDTO[], valueField: keyof DataSourceDailySummaryDTO, valueFieldType: FieldType ): DataFrame { const time = new ArrayVector([]); const values = new ArrayVector([]); data.forEach((dailySummary) => { time.buffer.push(dateTime(, DAILY_SUMMARY_DATE_FORMAT).valueOf()); let value = dailySummary[valueField]; if (valueField === 'loadDuration') { value = dailySummary.queries ? dailySummary.loadDuration / (dailySummary.queries * 1000000) : 0; } values.buffer.push(value); }); return { name: valueField, fields: [ { name: 'Time', type: FieldType.time, config: {}, values: time }, { name: valueField, type: valueFieldType, config: {}, values: values }, ], length: data.length, }; } renderChart(config: ChartConfig, styles: InsightsStyles) { const { dailySummaries } = this.state; const { color, fieldType, showBars, showLines, timeRange, title, valueField, width } = config; let dataFrame = this.convertDailySummariesToDataFrame(dailySummaries, valueField, fieldType); const seriesOptions: SeriesOptions = { [valueField]: { color: color } }; const series = getGraphSeriesModel( [dataFrame], 'browser', seriesOptions, { showBars: showBars, showLines: showLines, showPoints: false }, { placement: 'bottom', displayMode: LegendDisplayMode.Hidden } ); return (
); } renderContent() { const { theme } = this.props; const styles = getInsightsStyles(theme); const { dailySummaries } = this.state; const timeRange = this.buildTimeRange(); return dailySummaries?.length > 0 ? ( {({ width }) => { const charts: ChartConfig[] = [ { title: 'Queries last 30 days', valueField: 'queries', fieldType: FieldType.number, width, timeRange, color: '', showBars: true, showLines: false, }, { title: 'Errors last 30 days', valueField: 'errors', fieldType: FieldType.number, width, timeRange, color: theme.colors.error.border, showBars: true, showLines: false, }, { title: 'Average load duration last 30 days (ms)', valueField: 'loadDuration', fieldType: FieldType.number, width, timeRange, color: theme.colors.primary.border, showBars: true, showLines: false, }, ]; return
{ => this.renderChart(chart, styles))}
; }}
) : ( No available data for this data source. ); } render() { const { navModel } = this.props; return ( <>
{featureEnabled('analytics.writers') && !featureEnabled('analytics') ? ( Data source insights are not available with an expired license. Data will continue to be collected but you need to update your license to see this page. ) : ( <> {highlightTrial() && ( )} {this.renderContent()} )}
); } } export default connector(withTheme2(DataSourceInsights));