import { dateTime } from '@grafana/data'; import { formatUtcOffset } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/DateTimePickers/TimeZonePicker/TimeZoneOffset'; import { IntervalFrequency, ReportTime, SchedulingData, SchedulingFrequency, SchedulingOptions } from '../../types'; import { initialState } from '../state/reducers'; import { getTime, createDate, getDate, padTime } from './dateTime'; /** * Process schedule data * @param scheduleData */ export const getSchedule = (scheduleData = {} as SchedulingData) => { const { time, startDate, endDate, endTime, timeZone, frequency, dayOfMonth, workdaysOnly, intervalFrequency, intervalAmount, sendTime, } = scheduleData; const parsedTime = !time && startDate ? getTime(String(startDate)) : time; const combinedStartDate = startDate && sendTime !== 'now' ? createDate(startDate, parsedTime as ReportTime, timeZone) : ''; const combinedEndDate = endDate && ![SchedulingFrequency.Once, SchedulingFrequency.Never].includes(frequency) ? createDate(endDate, endTime as unknown as ReportTime, timeZone) : ''; const options = { frequency, timeZone, workdaysOnly, intervalFrequency, intervalAmount: intervalAmount ? parseInt(intervalAmount, 10) : 0, startDate: combinedStartDate, endDate: combinedEndDate, dayOfMonth: dayOfMonth ? 'last' : '', }; // Remove empty/falsy fields from the schedule object return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(options).filter(([_, val]) => val)) as unknown as SchedulingOptions; }; export function getOrdinal(n: number) { const suffixes = ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd']; const value = n % 100; return n + (suffixes[(value - 20) % 10] || suffixes[value] || suffixes[0]); } export const isHourFrequency = (frequency: SchedulingFrequency, interval = IntervalFrequency.Hours) => { return frequency === SchedulingFrequency.Custom && interval === IntervalFrequency.Hours; }; export const showWorkdaysOnly = (frequency: SchedulingFrequency, interval = IntervalFrequency.Hours) => { return ( [SchedulingFrequency.Hourly, SchedulingFrequency.Daily].includes(frequency) || isHourFrequency(frequency, interval) ); }; export function parseScheduleTime({ startDate, endDate, intervalFrequency = IntervalFrequency.Hours, intervalAmount = 2, frequency, dayOfMonth, timeZone, workdaysOnly, }: SchedulingOptions) { if (!startDate) { return ''; } const locale = 'en-US'; const { hour: h, minute: m } = getTime(startDate); const minute = padTime(m); const hour = padTime(h); const day = dateTime(getDate(startDate)).locale(locale).format('dddd'); const date = dayOfMonth === 'last' ? `the last` : getOrdinal((getDate(startDate) as Date).getDate()); let duration, time; const offset = formatUtcOffset(, timeZone); const timeString = `at ${hour}:${minute}${offset ? ` ${offset}` : ''}`; const workdaysOnlyStr = workdaysOnly && showWorkdaysOnly(frequency, intervalFrequency) ? ', Monday to Friday' : ''; if (endDate) { duration = `${dateTime(getDate(startDate)).locale(locale).format('LL')} - ${dateTime(getDate(endDate)) .locale(locale) .format('LL')}`; } switch (frequency) { case SchedulingFrequency.Monthly: time = `Monthly on ${date} day ${timeString}`; break; case SchedulingFrequency.Weekly: time = `Every ${day} ${timeString}`; break; case SchedulingFrequency.Daily: time = `Daily ${timeString}`; break; case SchedulingFrequency.Hourly: time = `Hourly at minute ${minute}`; break; case SchedulingFrequency.Custom: time = `Every ${intervalAmount} ${intervalFrequency}`; break; case SchedulingFrequency.Once: time = `Once on ${dateTime(getDate(startDate)).locale(locale).format('LL')}`; break; case SchedulingFrequency.Never: time = `Never`; break; } if (duration && time) { return `${time}, ${duration}${workdaysOnlyStr}`; } else if (frequency === SchedulingFrequency.Custom) { time += `, ${ intervalFrequency === IntervalFrequency.Hours ? `from ${hour}:${minute}${offset ? ` ${offset}` : ''}` : `from ${dateTime(getDate(startDate)).locale(locale).format('LL')}` }`; } return time + workdaysOnlyStr; } const recurrenceMap = new Map([ [SchedulingFrequency.Monthly, 'month'], [SchedulingFrequency.Daily, 'day'], [SchedulingFrequency.Weekly, 'week'], [SchedulingFrequency.Hourly, 'hour'], ]); export const schedulePreview = (schedule: SchedulingData) => { const { frequency, intervalFrequency = IntervalFrequency.Hours, intervalAmount = '2' } = schedule; if (frequency === SchedulingFrequency.Never) { return 'The report will not be sent.'; } const workdaysOnly = schedule.workdaysOnly ? ', Monday to Friday.' : '.'; if (!schedule.sendTime || schedule.sendTime === 'now') { let preview = `The report will be sent immediately after it is saved`; let recurrence; if (recurrenceMap.has(frequency)) { recurrence = recurrenceMap.get(frequency); } else if (frequency === SchedulingFrequency.Custom) { recurrence = `${intervalAmount} ${intervalFrequency}`; } if (recurrence) { preview += ` and will be sent every ${recurrence}`; } return `${preview}${workdaysOnly}`; } const preview = parseScheduleTime(getSchedule(schedule)); if (preview) { return `The report will be sent: ${preview}.`; } return ''; }; export const scheduleUpdated = (newSchedule: Partial) => { const originalSchedule =; if (Object.keys(originalSchedule).length !== Object.keys(newSchedule).length) { return true; } return Object.entries(originalSchedule).some(([key, value]) => value !== newSchedule[key as keyof SchedulingOptions]); };