import { css } from '@emotion/css'; import React from 'react'; import { useFormContext, useFieldArray } from 'react-hook-form'; import { GrafanaTheme2 } from '@grafana/data'; import { Button, Input, Field, FieldSet, useStyles2 } from '@grafana/ui'; import { MuteTimingFields } from '../../types/mute-timing-form'; import { DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK, MONTHS, validateArrayField, defaultTimeInterval } from '../../utils/mute-timings'; import { MuteTimingTimeRange } from './MuteTimingTimeRange'; export const MuteTimingTimeInterval = () => { const styles = useStyles2(getStyles); const { formState, register } = useFormContext(); const { fields: timeIntervals, append: addTimeInterval, remove: removeTimeInterval, } = useFieldArray({ name: 'time_intervals', }); return (

A time interval is a definition for a moment in time. All fields are lists, and at least one list element must be satisfied to match the field. If a field is left blank, any moment of time will match the field. For an instant of time to match a complete time interval, all fields must match. A mute timing can contain multiple time intervals.

{, timeIntervalIndex) => { const errors = formState.errors; return (
validateArrayField( value, (day) => DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK.includes(day.toLowerCase()), 'Invalid day of the week' ), })} className={styles.input} data-testid="mute-timing-weekdays" // @ts-ignore react-hook-form doesn't handle nested field arrays well defaultValue={timeInterval.weekdays} placeholder="Example: monday, tuesday:thursday" /> validateArrayField( value, (day) => { const parsedDay = parseInt(day, 10); return (parsedDay > -31 && parsedDay < 0) || (parsedDay > 0 && parsedDay < 32); }, 'Invalid day' ), })} className={styles.input} // @ts-ignore react-hook-form doesn't handle nested field arrays well defaultValue={timeInterval.days_of_month} placeholder="Example: 1, 14:16, -1" data-testid="mute-timing-days" /> validateArrayField( value, (month) => MONTHS.includes(month) || (parseInt(month, 10) < 13 && parseInt(month, 10) > 0), 'Invalid month' ), })} className={styles.input} placeholder="Example: 1:3, may:august, december" // @ts-ignore react-hook-form doesn't handle nested field arrays well defaultValue={timeInterval.months} data-testid="mute-timing-months" /> validateArrayField(value, (year) => /^\d{4}$/.test(year), 'Invalid year'), })} className={styles.input} placeholder="Example: 2021:2022, 2030" // @ts-ignore react-hook-form doesn't handle nested field arrays well defaultValue={timeInterval.years} data-testid="mute-timing-years" />
); })}
); }; const getStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => ({ input: css` width: 400px; `, timeIntervalLegend: css` legend { font-size: 1.25rem; } `, timeIntervalSection: css` background-color: ${theme.colors.background.secondary}; padding: ${theme.spacing(1)}; margin-bottom: ${theme.spacing(1)}; `, removeTimeIntervalButton: css` margin-top: ${theme.spacing(1)}; `, });