import { sortAlerts } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/utils/misc'; import { SortOrder } from 'app/plugins/panel/alertlist/types'; import { Alert } from 'app/types/unified-alerting'; import { GrafanaAlertState } from 'app/types/unified-alerting-dto'; function withState(state: GrafanaAlertState, labels?: {}): Alert { return { activeAt: '', annotations: {}, labels: labels || {}, state: state, value: '' }; } function withDate(activeAt?: string, labels?: {}): Alert { return { activeAt: activeAt || '', annotations: {}, labels: labels || {}, state: GrafanaAlertState.Alerting, value: '', }; } function permute(inputArray: any[]): any[] { return inputArray.reduce(function permute(res, item, key, arr) { return res.concat( (arr.length > 1 && arr .slice(0, key) .concat(arr.slice(key + 1)) .reduce(permute, []) .map(function (perm: any) { return [item].concat(perm); })) || item ); }, []); } describe('Unified Altering misc', () => { describe('sortAlerts', () => { describe('when using any sortOrder with a list of alert instances', () => { it.each` alerts | sortOrder | expected ${[withState(GrafanaAlertState.Pending), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Alerting), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Normal)]} | ${SortOrder.Importance} | ${[withState(GrafanaAlertState.Alerting), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Pending), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Normal)]} ${[withState(GrafanaAlertState.Pending), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Alerting), withState(GrafanaAlertState.NoData)]} | ${SortOrder.Importance} | ${[withState(GrafanaAlertState.Alerting), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Pending), withState(GrafanaAlertState.NoData)]} ${[withState(GrafanaAlertState.Pending), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Error), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Normal)]} | ${SortOrder.Importance} | ${[withState(GrafanaAlertState.Error), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Pending), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Normal)]} ${[withDate('2021-11-29T14:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T15:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00')]} | ${SortOrder.TimeAsc} | ${[withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T14:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T15:10:07-05:00')]} ${[withDate('2021-11-29T14:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T15:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00')]} | ${SortOrder.TimeDesc} | ${[withDate('2021-11-29T15:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T14:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00')]} ${[withDate('', { mno: 'pqr' }), withDate('', { abc: 'def' }), withDate('', { ghi: 'jkl' })]} | ${SortOrder.AlphaAsc} | ${[withDate('', { abc: 'def' }), withDate('', { ghi: 'jkl' }), withDate('', { mno: 'pqr' })]} ${[withDate('', { mno: 'pqr' }), withDate('', { abc: 'def' }), withDate('', { ghi: 'jkl' })]} | ${SortOrder.AlphaDesc} | ${[withDate('', { mno: 'pqr' }), withDate('', { ghi: 'jkl' }), withDate('', { abc: 'def' })]} `('then it should sort the alerts correctly', ({ alerts, sortOrder, expected }) => { const result = sortAlerts(sortOrder, alerts); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('when sorting ties', () => { it.each` alerts | sortOrder ${[withState(GrafanaAlertState.Alerting, { ghi: 'jkl' }), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Alerting, { abc: 'def' }), withState(GrafanaAlertState.Alerting)]} | ${SortOrder.Importance} ${[withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00', { ghi: 'jkl' }), withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00', { abc: 'def' })]} | ${SortOrder.TimeAsc} ${[withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00', { ghi: 'jkl' }), withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00'), withDate('2021-11-29T13:10:07-05:00', { abc: 'def' })]} | ${SortOrder.TimeDesc} `('then tie order should be deterministic', ({ alerts, sortOrder }) => { // All input permutations should result in the same sorted order const sortedPermutations = permute(alerts).map((a) => sortAlerts(sortOrder, a)); sortedPermutations.forEach((p) => { expect(p).toEqual(sortedPermutations[0]); }); }); }); }); });