import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import { DashboardModel, PanelModel } from '../../state'; import { ShareEmbed } from './ShareEmbed'; jest.mock('app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv', () => ({ getTimeSrv: () => ({ timeRange: () => { return { from: new Date(1000), to: new Date(2000) }; }, }), })); jest.mock('app/core/services/context_srv', () => ({ contextSrv: { sidemenu: true, user: {}, isSignedIn: false, isGrafanaAdmin: false, isEditor: false, hasEditPermissionFolders: false, }, })); function mockLocationHref(href: string) { const location = window.location; let search = ''; const searchPos = href.indexOf('?'); if (searchPos >= 0) { search = href.substring(searchPos); } // @ts-ignore delete window.location; (window as any).location = { ...location, href, origin: new URL(href).origin, search, }; } describe('ShareEmbed', () => { let originalBootData: any; beforeAll(() => { originalBootData = config.bootData; config.appUrl = ''; config.bootData = { user: { orgId: 1, }, } as any; }); afterAll(() => { config.bootData = originalBootData; }); it('generates the correct embed url for a dashboard', () => { const mockDashboard = new DashboardModel({ uid: 'mockDashboardUid', }); const mockPanel = new PanelModel({ id: 'mockPanelId', }); mockLocationHref(`${mockDashboard.uid}?orgId=1`); render(); const embedUrl = screen.getByTestId('share-embed-html'); expect(embedUrl).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(embedUrl).toHaveTextContent( `${mockDashboard.uid}?orgId=1&from=1000&to=2000&panelId=${}` ); }); it('generates the correct embed url for a dashboard set to the homepage in the grafana config', () => { mockLocationHref(''); const mockDashboard = new DashboardModel({ uid: 'mockDashboardUid', }); const mockPanel = new PanelModel({ id: 'mockPanelId', }); render(); const embedUrl = screen.getByTestId('share-embed-html'); expect(embedUrl).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(embedUrl).toHaveTextContent( `${mockDashboard.uid}?orgId=1&from=1000&to=2000&panelId=${}` ); }); it('generates the correct embed url for a snapshot', () => { const mockSlug = 'mockSlug'; mockLocationHref(`${mockSlug}?orgId=1`); const mockDashboard = new DashboardModel({ uid: 'mockDashboardUid', }); const mockPanel = new PanelModel({ id: 'mockPanelId', }); render(); const embedUrl = screen.getByTestId('share-embed-html'); expect(embedUrl).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(embedUrl).toHaveTextContent( `${mockSlug}?orgId=1&from=1000&to=2000&panelId=${}` ); }); it('generates the correct embed url for a scripted dashboard', () => { const mockSlug = 'scripted.js'; mockLocationHref(`${mockSlug}?orgId=1`); const mockDashboard = new DashboardModel({ uid: 'mockDashboardUid', }); const mockPanel = new PanelModel({ id: 'mockPanelId', }); render(); const embedUrl = screen.getByTestId('share-embed-html'); expect(embedUrl).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(embedUrl).toHaveTextContent( `${mockSlug}?orgId=1&from=1000&to=2000&panelId=${}` ); }); });