import { Observable, of, throwError } from 'rxjs'; import { thunkTester } from 'test/core/thunk/thunkTester'; import { FetchResponse } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { notifyApp } from 'app/core/actions'; import { createWarningNotification } from 'app/core/copy/appNotification'; import { backendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv'; import { checkFolderPermissions } from './actions'; import { setCanViewFolderPermissions } from './reducers'; describe('folder actions', () => { let fetchSpy: jest.SpyInstance>>; beforeAll(() => { fetchSpy = jest.spyOn(backendSrv, 'fetch'); }); afterAll(() => { fetchSpy.mockRestore(); }); function mockFetch(resp: Observable) { fetchSpy.mockReturnValueOnce(resp); } const folderUid = 'abc123'; describe('checkFolderPermissions', () => { it('should dispatch true when the api call is successful', async () => { mockFetch(of({})); const dispatchedActions = await thunkTester({}) .givenThunk(checkFolderPermissions) .whenThunkIsDispatched(folderUid); expect(dispatchedActions).toEqual([setCanViewFolderPermissions(true)]); }); it('should dispatch just "false" when the api call fails with 403', async () => { mockFetch(throwError(() => ({ status: 403, data: { message: 'Access denied' } }))); const dispatchedActions = await thunkTester({}) .givenThunk(checkFolderPermissions) .whenThunkIsDispatched(folderUid); expect(dispatchedActions).toEqual([setCanViewFolderPermissions(false)]); }); it('should also dispatch a notification when the api call fails with an error other than 403', async () => { mockFetch(throwError(() => ({ status: 500, data: { message: 'Server error' } }))); const dispatchedActions = await thunkTester({}) .givenThunk(checkFolderPermissions) .whenThunkIsDispatched(folderUid); const notificationAction = notifyApp( createWarningNotification('Error checking folder permissions', 'Server error') ); = expect.any(String); notificationAction.payload.timestamp = expect.any(Number); expect(dispatchedActions).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining(notificationAction), setCanViewFolderPermissions(false), ]); }); }); });