import { Geometry, GeometryCollection, LineString, Point } from 'ol/geom'; import { fromLonLat } from 'ol/proj'; import { ArrayVector, Field, FieldConfig, FieldType } from '@grafana/data'; import { getCenterPoint } from 'app/features/transformers/spatial/utils'; import { Gazetteer } from '../gazetteer/gazetteer'; import { decodeGeohash } from './geohash'; export function pointFieldFromGeohash(geohash: Field): Field { return { name: ?? 'Point', type: FieldType.geo, values: new ArrayVector( geohash.values.toArray().map((v) => { const coords = decodeGeohash(v); if (coords) { return new Point(fromLonLat(coords)); } return undefined; }) ), config: hiddenTooltipField, }; } export function pointFieldFromLonLat(lon: Field, lat: Field): Field { const buffer = new Array(lon.values.length); for (let i = 0; i < lon.values.length; i++) { buffer[i] = new Point(fromLonLat([lon.values.get(i), lat.values.get(i)])); } return { name: 'Point', type: FieldType.geo, values: new ArrayVector(buffer), config: hiddenTooltipField, }; } export function getGeoFieldFromGazetteer(gaz: Gazetteer, field: Field): Field { const count = field.values.length; const geo = new Array(count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { geo[i] = gaz.find(field.values.get(i))?.geometry(); } return { name: 'Geometry', type: FieldType.geo, values: new ArrayVector(geo), config: hiddenTooltipField, }; } export function createGeometryCollection( src: Field, dest: Field ): Field { const v0 = src.values.toArray(); const v1 = dest.values.toArray(); if (!v0 || !v1) { throw 'missing src/dest'; } if (v0.length !== v1.length) { throw 'Source and destination field lengths do not match'; } const count = src.values.length!; const geo = new Array(count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const a = v0[i]; const b = v1[i]; if (a && b) { geo[i] = new GeometryCollection([a, b]); } else if (a) { geo[i] = a; } else if (b) { geo[i] = b; } } return { name: 'Geometry', type: FieldType.geo, values: new ArrayVector(geo), config: hiddenTooltipField, }; } export function createLineBetween( src: Field, dest: Field ): Field { const v0 = src.values.toArray(); const v1 = dest.values.toArray(); if (!v0 || !v1) { throw 'missing src/dest'; } if (v0.length !== v1.length) { throw 'Source and destination field lengths do not match'; } const count = src.values.length!; const geo = new Array(count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const a = v0[i]; const b = v1[i]; if (a && b) { geo[i] = new LineString([getCenterPoint(a), getCenterPoint(b)]); } } return { name: 'Geometry', type: FieldType.geo, values: new ArrayVector(geo), config: hiddenTooltipField, }; } const hiddenTooltipField: FieldConfig = Object.freeze({ custom: { hideFrom: { tooltip: true }, }, });