import { DataFrame, FieldType, getDefaultTimeRange, LoadingState, PanelData, PanelPluginMeta, toDataFrame, VisualizationSuggestion, } from '@grafana/data'; import { config } from 'app/core/config'; import { SuggestionName } from 'app/types/suggestions'; import { getAllSuggestions, panelsToCheckFirst } from './getAllSuggestions'; jest.unmock('app/core/core'); jest.unmock('app/features/plugins/plugin_loader'); for (const pluginId of panelsToCheckFirst) { config.panels[pluginId] = { module: `app/plugins/panel/${pluginId}/module`, } as any; } config.panels['text'] = { id: 'text', name: 'Text', skipDataQuery: true, info: { description: 'pretty decent plugin', logos: { small: 'small/logo', large: 'large/logo' }, }, } as PanelPluginMeta; class ScenarioContext { data: DataFrame[] = []; suggestions: VisualizationSuggestion[] = []; setData(scenarioData: DataFrame[]) { = scenarioData; beforeAll(async () => { await; }); } async run() { const panelData: PanelData = { series:, state: LoadingState.Done, timeRange: getDefaultTimeRange(), }; this.suggestions = await getAllSuggestions(panelData); } names() { return =>; } } function scenario(name: string, setup: (ctx: ScenarioContext) => void) { describe(name, () => { const ctx = new ScenarioContext(); setup(ctx); }); } scenario('No series', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([]); it('should return correct suggestions', () => { expect(ctx.names()).toEqual([SuggestionName.Table, SuggestionName.TextPanel]); }); }); scenario('No rows', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'Time', type: FieldType.time, values: [] }, { name: 'Max', type: FieldType.number, values: [] }, ], }), ]); it('should return correct suggestions', () => { expect(ctx.names()).toEqual([SuggestionName.Table]); }); }); scenario('Single frame with time and number field', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'Time', type: FieldType.time, values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }, { name: 'Max', type: FieldType.number, values: [1, 10, 50, 2, 5] }, ], }), ]); it('should return correct suggestions', () => { expect(ctx.names()).toEqual([ SuggestionName.LineChart, SuggestionName.LineChartSmooth, SuggestionName.AreaChart, SuggestionName.LineChartGradientColorScheme, SuggestionName.BarChart, SuggestionName.BarChartGradientColorScheme, SuggestionName.Gauge, SuggestionName.GaugeNoThresholds, SuggestionName.Stat, SuggestionName.StatColoredBackground, SuggestionName.BarGaugeBasic, SuggestionName.BarGaugeLCD, SuggestionName.Table, SuggestionName.StateTimeline, SuggestionName.StatusHistory, ]); }); it('Bar chart suggestion should be using timeseries panel', () => { expect(ctx.suggestions.find((x) => === SuggestionName.BarChart)?.pluginId).toBe('timeseries'); }); it('Stat panels have reduce values disabled', () => { for (const suggestion of ctx.suggestions) { if (suggestion.options?.reduceOptions?.values) { throw new Error(`Suggestion ${} reduce.values set to true when it should be false`); } } }); }); scenario('Single frame with time 2 number fields', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'Time', type: FieldType.time, values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }, { name: 'ServerA', type: FieldType.number, values: [1, 10, 50, 2, 5] }, { name: 'ServerB', type: FieldType.number, values: [1, 10, 50, 2, 5] }, ], }), ]); it('should return correct suggestions', () => { expect(ctx.names()).toEqual([ SuggestionName.LineChart, SuggestionName.LineChartSmooth, SuggestionName.AreaChartStacked, SuggestionName.AreaChartStackedPercent, SuggestionName.BarChartStacked, SuggestionName.BarChartStackedPercent, SuggestionName.Gauge, SuggestionName.GaugeNoThresholds, SuggestionName.Stat, SuggestionName.StatColoredBackground, SuggestionName.PieChart, SuggestionName.PieChartDonut, SuggestionName.BarGaugeBasic, SuggestionName.BarGaugeLCD, SuggestionName.Table, SuggestionName.StateTimeline, SuggestionName.StatusHistory, ]); }); it('Stat panels have reduceOptions.values disabled', () => { for (const suggestion of ctx.suggestions) { if (suggestion.options?.reduceOptions?.values) { throw new Error(`Suggestion ${} reduce.values set to true when it should be false`); } } }); }); scenario('Single time series with 100 data points', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'Time', type: FieldType.time, values: [...Array(100).keys()] }, { name: 'ServerA', type: FieldType.number, values: [...Array(100).keys()] }, ], }), ]); it('should not suggest bar chart', () => { expect(ctx.suggestions.find((x) => === SuggestionName.BarChart)).toBe(undefined); }); }); scenario('30 time series with 100 data points', (ctx) => { ctx.setData( repeatFrame( 30, toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'Time', type: FieldType.time, values: [...Array(100).keys()] }, { name: 'ServerA', type: FieldType.number, values: [...Array(100).keys()] }, ], }) ) ); it('should not suggest timeline', () => { expect(ctx.suggestions.find((x) => x.pluginId === 'state-timeline')).toBe(undefined); }); }); scenario('50 time series with 100 data points', (ctx) => { ctx.setData( repeatFrame( 50, toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'Time', type: FieldType.time, values: [...Array(100).keys()] }, { name: 'ServerA', type: FieldType.number, values: [...Array(100).keys()] }, ], }) ) ); it('should not suggest gauge', () => { expect(ctx.suggestions.find((x) => x.pluginId === 'gauge')).toBe(undefined); }); }); scenario('Single frame with string and number field', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'Name', type: FieldType.string, values: ['Hugo', 'Dominik', 'Marcus'] }, { name: 'ServerA', type: FieldType.number, values: [1, 2, 3] }, ], }), ]); it('should return correct suggestions', () => { expect(ctx.names()).toEqual([ SuggestionName.BarChart, SuggestionName.BarChartHorizontal, SuggestionName.Gauge, SuggestionName.GaugeNoThresholds, SuggestionName.Stat, SuggestionName.StatColoredBackground, SuggestionName.PieChart, SuggestionName.PieChartDonut, SuggestionName.BarGaugeBasic, SuggestionName.BarGaugeLCD, SuggestionName.Table, ]); }); it('Stat/Gauge/BarGauge/PieChart panels to have reduceOptions.values enabled', () => { for (const suggestion of ctx.suggestions) { if (suggestion.options?.reduceOptions && !suggestion.options?.reduceOptions?.values) { throw new Error(`Suggestion ${} reduce.values set to false when it should be true`); } } }); }); scenario('Single frame with string and 2 number field', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'Name', type: FieldType.string, values: ['Hugo', 'Dominik', 'Marcus'] }, { name: 'ServerA', type: FieldType.number, values: [1, 2, 3] }, { name: 'ServerB', type: FieldType.number, values: [1, 2, 3] }, ], }), ]); it('should return correct suggestions', () => { expect(ctx.names()).toEqual([ SuggestionName.BarChart, SuggestionName.BarChartStacked, SuggestionName.BarChartStackedPercent, SuggestionName.BarChartHorizontal, SuggestionName.BarChartHorizontalStacked, SuggestionName.BarChartHorizontalStackedPercent, SuggestionName.Gauge, SuggestionName.GaugeNoThresholds, SuggestionName.Stat, SuggestionName.StatColoredBackground, SuggestionName.PieChart, SuggestionName.PieChartDonut, SuggestionName.BarGaugeBasic, SuggestionName.BarGaugeLCD, SuggestionName.Table, ]); }); }); scenario('Single frame with only string field', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([ toDataFrame({ fields: [{ name: 'Name', type: FieldType.string, values: ['Hugo', 'Dominik', 'Marcus'] }], }), ]); it('should return correct suggestions', () => { expect(ctx.names()).toEqual([SuggestionName.Stat, SuggestionName.Table]); }); it('Stat panels have reduceOptions.fields set to show all fields', () => { for (const suggestion of ctx.suggestions) { if (suggestion.options?.reduceOptions) { expect(suggestion.options.reduceOptions.fields).toBe('/.*/'); } } }); }); scenario('Given default loki logs data', (ctx) => { ctx.setData([ toDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'ts', type: FieldType.time, values: ['2021-11-11T13:38:45.440Z', '2021-11-11T13:38:45.190Z'] }, { name: 'line', type: FieldType.string, values: [ 't=2021-11-11T14:38:45+0100 lvl=dbug msg="Client connected" logger=live user=1 client=ee79155b-a8d1-4730-bcb3-94d8690df35c', 't=2021-11-11T14:38:45+0100 lvl=dbug msg="Adding CSP header to response" logger=http.server cfg=0xc0005fed00', ], labels: { filename: '/var/log/grafana/grafana.log', job: 'grafana' }, }, ], meta: { preferredVisualisationType: 'logs', }, }), ]); it('should return correct suggestions', () => { expect(ctx.names()).toEqual([SuggestionName.Logs, SuggestionName.Table]); }); }); function repeatFrame(count: number, frame: DataFrame): DataFrame[] { const frames: DataFrame[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { frames.push(frame); } return frames; }