import { DataSourceApi, DataSourceInstanceSettings, DataSourcePlugin, DataSourcePluginMeta, ScopedVar, } from '@grafana/data'; import { DatasourceSrv } from 'app/features/plugins/datasource_srv'; // Datasource variable $datasource with current value 'BBB' const templateSrv: any = { getVariables: () => [ { type: 'datasource', name: 'datasource', current: { value: 'BBB', }, }, { type: 'datasource', name: 'datasourceDefault', current: { value: 'default', }, }, ], replace: (v: string, scopedVars: ScopedVar) => { if (scopedVars && scopedVars.datasource) { return v.replace('${datasource}', scopedVars.datasource.value); } let result = v.replace('${datasource}', 'BBB'); result = result.replace('${datasourceDefault}', 'default'); return result; }, }; class TestDataSource { constructor(public instanceSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings) {} } jest.mock('../plugin_loader', () => ({ importDataSourcePlugin: (meta: DataSourcePluginMeta) => { return Promise.resolve(new DataSourcePlugin(TestDataSource as any)); }, })); const getBackendSrvGetMock = jest.fn(); jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime'), getBackendSrv: () => ({ get: getBackendSrvGetMock, }), })); describe('datasource_srv', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); }); const dataSourceSrv = new DatasourceSrv(templateSrv); const dataSourceInit = { mmm: { type: 'test-db', name: 'mmm', uid: 'uid-code-mmm', meta: { metrics: true, annotations: true } as any, }, '-- Grafana --': { type: 'grafana', name: '-- Grafana --', meta: { builtIn: true, metrics: true, id: 'grafana' }, }, '-- Dashboard --': { type: 'dashboard', name: '-- Dashboard --', meta: { builtIn: true, metrics: true, id: 'dashboard' }, }, '-- Mixed --': { type: 'test-db', name: '-- Mixed --', meta: { builtIn: true, metrics: true, id: 'mixed' }, }, ZZZ: { type: 'test-db', name: 'ZZZ', uid: 'uid-code-ZZZ', meta: { metrics: true }, }, aaa: { type: 'test-db', name: 'aaa', uid: 'uid-code-aaa', meta: { metrics: true }, }, BBB: { type: 'test-db', name: 'BBB', uid: 'uid-code-BBB', meta: { metrics: true }, isDefault: true, }, Jaeger: { type: 'jaeger-db', name: 'Jaeger', uid: 'uid-code-Jaeger', meta: { tracing: true, id: 'jaeger' }, }, CannotBeQueried: { type: 'no-query', name: 'no-query', uid: 'no-query', meta: { id: 'no-query' }, }, }; describe('Given a list of data sources', () => { beforeEach(() => { dataSourceSrv.init(dataSourceInit as any, 'BBB'); }); describe('when getting data source class instance', () => { it('should load plugin and create instance and set meta', async () => { const ds = (await dataSourceSrv.get('mmm')) as any; expect(ds.meta).toBe(dataSourceInit.mmm.meta); expect(ds.instanceSettings).toBe(dataSourceInit.mmm); // validate that it caches instance const ds2 = await dataSourceSrv.get('mmm'); expect(ds).toBe(ds2); }); it('should be able to load data source using uid as well', async () => { const dsByUid = await dataSourceSrv.get('uid-code-mmm'); const dsByName = await dataSourceSrv.get('mmm'); expect(dsByUid.meta).toBe(dsByName.meta); expect(dsByUid).toBe(dsByName); }); it('should patch legacy datasources', async () => { expect(TestDataSource instanceof DataSourceApi).toBe(false); const instance = await dataSourceSrv.get('mmm'); expect('mmm'); expect(instance.type).toBe('test-db'); expect(instance.uid).toBe('uid-code-mmm'); expect(instance.getRef()).toEqual({ type: 'test-db', uid: 'uid-code-mmm' }); }); it('Can get by variable', async () => { const ds = (await dataSourceSrv.get('${datasource}')) as any; expect(ds.meta).toBe(dataSourceInit.BBB.meta); const ds2 = await dataSourceSrv.get('${datasource}', { datasource: { text: 'Prom', value: 'uid-code-aaa' } }); expect(ds2.uid).toBe(; }); }); describe('when getting instance settings', () => { it('should work by name or uid', () => { const ds = dataSourceSrv.getInstanceSettings('mmm'); expect(dataSourceSrv.getInstanceSettings('uid-code-mmm')).toBe(ds); expect(dataSourceSrv.getInstanceSettings({ uid: 'uid-code-mmm' })).toBe(ds); }); it('should work with variable', () => { const ds = dataSourceSrv.getInstanceSettings('${datasource}'); expect(ds?.name).toBe('${datasource}'); expect(ds?.uid).toBe('${datasource}'); expect(ds?.rawRef).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "type": "test-db", "uid": "uid-code-BBB", } `); }); it('should work with variable via scopedVars', () => { const ds = dataSourceSrv.getInstanceSettings('${datasource}', { datasource: { text: 'Prom', value: 'uid-code-aaa' }, }); expect(ds?.rawRef?.uid).toBe('uid-code-aaa'); }); it('should not set isDefault when being fetched via variable', () => { const ds = dataSourceSrv.getInstanceSettings('${datasource}'); expect(ds?.isDefault).toBe(false); }); it('should work with variable', () => { const ds = dataSourceSrv.getInstanceSettings('${datasourceDefault}'); expect(ds?.name).toBe('${datasourceDefault}'); expect(ds?.uid).toBe('${datasourceDefault}'); expect(ds?.rawRef).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "type": "test-db", "uid": "uid-code-BBB", } `); }); }); describe('when getting external metric sources', () => { it('should return list of explore sources', () => { const externalSources = dataSourceSrv.getExternal(); expect(externalSources.length).toBe(6); }); }); it('Should by default filter out data sources that cannot be queried', () => { const list = dataSourceSrv.getList({}); expect(list.find((x) => === 'no-query')).toBeUndefined(); const all = dataSourceSrv.getList({ all: true }); expect(all.find((x) => === 'no-query')).toBeDefined(); }); it('Can get list of data sources with variables: true', () => { const list = dataSourceSrv.getList({ metrics: true, variables: true }); expect(list[0].name).toBe('${datasourceDefault}'); expect(list[1].name).toBe('${datasource}'); }); it('Can get list of data sources with tracing: true', () => { const list = dataSourceSrv.getList({ tracing: true }); expect(list[0].name).toBe('Jaeger'); }); it('Can get list of data sources with annotation: true', () => { const list = dataSourceSrv.getList({ annotations: true }); expect(list[0].name).toBe('mmm'); }); it('Can get get list and filter by pluginId', () => { const list = dataSourceSrv.getList({ pluginId: 'jaeger' }); expect(list[0].name).toBe('Jaeger'); expect(list.length).toBe(1); }); it('Can get list of data sources with metrics: true, builtIn: true, mixed: true', () => { expect(dataSourceSrv.getList({ metrics: true, dashboard: true, mixed: true })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Object { "meta": Object { "metrics": true, }, "name": "aaa", "type": "test-db", "uid": "uid-code-aaa", }, Object { "isDefault": true, "meta": Object { "metrics": true, }, "name": "BBB", "type": "test-db", "uid": "uid-code-BBB", }, Object { "meta": Object { "annotations": true, "metrics": true, }, "name": "mmm", "type": "test-db", "uid": "uid-code-mmm", }, Object { "meta": Object { "metrics": true, }, "name": "ZZZ", "type": "test-db", "uid": "uid-code-ZZZ", }, Object { "meta": Object { "builtIn": true, "id": "mixed", "metrics": true, }, "name": "-- Mixed --", "type": "test-db", "uid": "-- Mixed --", }, Object { "meta": Object { "builtIn": true, "id": "dashboard", "metrics": true, }, "name": "-- Dashboard --", "type": "dashboard", "uid": "-- Dashboard --", }, Object { "meta": Object { "builtIn": true, "id": "grafana", "metrics": true, }, "name": "-- Grafana --", "type": "grafana", "uid": "-- Grafana --", }, ] `); }); it('Should reload the datasource', async () => { // arrange getBackendSrvGetMock.mockReturnValueOnce({ datasources: { ...dataSourceInit, }, defaultDatasource: 'aaa', }); const initMock = jest.spyOn(dataSourceSrv, 'init').mockImplementation(() => {}); // act await dataSourceSrv.reload(); // assert expect(getBackendSrvGetMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/api/frontend/settings'); expect(initMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(dataSourceInit, 'aaa'); }); }); });