import { throwError } from 'rxjs'; import { delay, first } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { AlertState, AlertStateInfo } from '@grafana/data'; import { setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { silenceConsoleOutput } from '../../../../../test/core/utils/silenceConsoleOutput'; import { backendSrv } from '../../../../core/services/backend_srv'; import * as annotationsSrv from '../../../annotations/executeAnnotationQuery'; import { createDashboardQueryRunner } from './DashboardQueryRunner'; import { getDefaultOptions, LEGACY_DS_NAME, NEXT_GEN_DS_NAME, toAsyncOfResult } from './testHelpers'; import { DashboardQueryRunner, DashboardQueryRunnerResult } from './types'; jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...(jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime') as unknown as object), getBackendSrv: () => backendSrv, })); function getTestContext() { jest.clearAllMocks(); const timeSrvMock: any = { timeRange: jest.fn() }; const options = getDefaultOptions(); // These tests are setup so all the workers and runners are invoked once, this wouldn't be the case in real life const runner = createDashboardQueryRunner({ dashboard: options.dashboard, timeSrv: timeSrvMock }); const getResults: AlertStateInfo[] = [ { id: 1, state: AlertState.Alerting, dashboardId: 1, panelId: 1 }, { id: 2, state: AlertState.Alerting, dashboardId: 1, panelId: 2 }, ]; const getMock = jest.spyOn(backendSrv, 'get').mockResolvedValue(getResults); const executeAnnotationQueryMock = jest .spyOn(annotationsSrv, 'executeAnnotationQuery') .mockReturnValue(toAsyncOfResult({ events: [{ id: 'NextGen' }] })); const annotationQueryMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([{ id: 'Legacy' }]); const dataSourceSrvMock: any = { get: async (name: string) => { if (name === LEGACY_DS_NAME) { return { annotationQuery: annotationQueryMock, }; } if (name === NEXT_GEN_DS_NAME) { return { annotations: {}, }; } return {}; }, }; setDataSourceSrv(dataSourceSrvMock); return { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock }; } function expectOnResults(args: { runner: DashboardQueryRunner; panelId: number; done: jest.DoneCallback; expect: (results: DashboardQueryRunnerResult) => void; }) { const { runner, done, panelId, expect: expectCallback } = args; runner .getResult(panelId) .pipe(first()) .subscribe({ next: (value) => { try { expectCallback(value); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }, }); } describe('DashboardQueryRunnerImpl', () => { describe('when calling run and all workers succeed', () => { it('then it should return the correct results', (done) => { const { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock } = getTestContext(); expectOnResults({ runner, panelId: 1, done, expect: (results) => { // should have one alert state, one snapshot, one legacy and one next gen result // having both snapshot and legacy/next gen is a imaginary example for testing purposes and doesn't exist for real expect(results).toEqual(getExpectedForAllResult()); expect(annotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(executeAnnotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, });; }); }); describe('when calling run and all workers succeed but take longer than 200ms', () => { it('then it should return the empty results', (done) => { const { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock } = getTestContext(); const wait = 201; executeAnnotationQueryMock.mockReturnValue(toAsyncOfResult({ events: [{ id: 'NextGen' }] }).pipe(delay(wait))); expectOnResults({ runner, panelId: 1, done, expect: (results) => { // should have one alert state, one snapshot, one legacy and one next gen result // having both snapshot and legacy/next gen is a imaginary example for testing purposes and doesn't exist for real expect(results).toEqual({ annotations: [] }); expect(annotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(executeAnnotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, });; }); }); describe('when calling run and all workers succeed but the subscriber subscribes after the run', () => { it('then it should return the last results', (done) => { const { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock } = getTestContext();; setTimeout( () => expectOnResults({ runner, panelId: 1, done, expect: (results) => { // should have one alert state, one snapshot, one legacy and one next gen result // having both snapshot and legacy/next gen is a imaginary example for testing purposes and doesn't exist for real expect(results).toEqual(getExpectedForAllResult()); expect(annotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(executeAnnotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, }), 200 ); // faking a late subscriber to make sure we get the latest results }); }); describe('when calling run and all workers fail', () => { silenceConsoleOutput(); it('then it should return the correct results', (done) => { const { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock } = getTestContext(); getMock.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Get error' }); annotationQueryMock.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Legacy error' }); executeAnnotationQueryMock.mockReturnValue(throwError({ message: 'NextGen error' })); expectOnResults({ runner, panelId: 1, done, expect: (results) => { // should have one alert state, one snapshot, one legacy and one next gen result // having both snapshot and legacy/next gen is a imaginary example for testing purposes and doesn't exist for real const expected = { alertState: undefined, annotations: [getExpectedForAllResult().annotations[2]] }; expect(results).toEqual(expected); expect(annotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(executeAnnotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, });; }); }); describe('when calling run and AlertStatesWorker fails', () => { silenceConsoleOutput(); it('then it should return the correct results', (done) => { const { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock } = getTestContext(); getMock.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Get error' }); expectOnResults({ runner, panelId: 1, done, expect: (results) => { // should have one alert state, one snapshot, one legacy and one next gen result // having both snapshot and legacy/next gen is a imaginary example for testing purposes and doesn't exist for real const { annotations } = getExpectedForAllResult(); const expected = { alertState: undefined, annotations }; expect(results).toEqual(expected); expect(annotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(executeAnnotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, });; }); describe('when calling run and AnnotationsWorker fails', () => { silenceConsoleOutput(); it('then it should return the correct results', (done) => { const { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock } = getTestContext(); annotationQueryMock.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Legacy error' }); executeAnnotationQueryMock.mockReturnValue(throwError({ message: 'NextGen error' })); expectOnResults({ runner, panelId: 1, done, expect: (results) => { // should have one alert state, one snapshot, one legacy and one next gen result // having both snapshot and legacy/next gen is a imaginary example for testing purposes and doesn't exist for real const { alertState, annotations } = getExpectedForAllResult(); const expected = { alertState, annotations: [annotations[2]] }; expect(results).toEqual(expected); expect(annotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(executeAnnotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, });; }); }); }); describe('when calling run twice', () => { it('then it should cancel previous run', (done) => { const { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock } = getTestContext(); executeAnnotationQueryMock.mockReturnValueOnce( toAsyncOfResult({ events: [{ id: 'NextGen' }] }).pipe(delay(10000)) ); expectOnResults({ runner, panelId: 1, done, expect: (results) => { // should have one alert state, one snapshot, one legacy and one next gen result // having both snapshot and legacy/next gen is a imaginary example for testing purposes and doesn't exist for real const { alertState, annotations } = getExpectedForAllResult(); const expected = { alertState, annotations }; expect(results).toEqual(expected); expect(annotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(executeAnnotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }, });;; }); }); describe('when calling cancel', () => { it('then it should cancel matching workers', (done) => { const { runner, options, annotationQueryMock, executeAnnotationQueryMock, getMock } = getTestContext(); executeAnnotationQueryMock.mockReturnValueOnce( toAsyncOfResult({ events: [{ id: 'NextGen' }] }).pipe(delay(10000)) ); expectOnResults({ runner, panelId: 1, done, expect: (results) => { // should have one alert state, one snapshot, one legacy and one next gen result // having both snapshot and legacy/next gen is a imaginary example for testing purposes and doesn't exist for real const { alertState, annotations } = getExpectedForAllResult(); expect(results).toEqual({ alertState, annotations: [annotations[0], annotations[2]] }); expect(annotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(executeAnnotationQueryMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, });; setTimeout(() => { // call to async needs to be async or the cancellation will be called before any of the workers have started runner.cancel(options.dashboard.annotations.list[1]); }, 100); }); }); }); function getExpectedForAllResult(): DashboardQueryRunnerResult { return { alertState: { dashboardId: 1, id: 1, panelId: 1, state: AlertState.Alerting, }, annotations: [ { color: '#ffc0cb', id: 'Legacy', isRegion: false, source: { datasource: 'Legacy', enable: true, hide: false, iconColor: 'pink', id: undefined, name: 'Test', snapshotData: undefined, }, type: 'Test', }, { color: '#ffc0cb', id: 'NextGen', isRegion: false, source: { datasource: 'NextGen', enable: true, hide: false, iconColor: 'pink', id: undefined, name: 'Test', snapshotData: undefined, }, type: 'Test', }, { annotation: { datasource: 'Legacy', enable: true, hide: false, iconColor: 'pink', id: 'Snapshotted', name: 'Test', }, color: '#ffc0cb', isRegion: true, source: { datasource: 'Legacy', enable: true, hide: false, iconColor: 'pink', id: 'Snapshotted', name: 'Test', }, time: 1, timeEnd: 2, type: 'Test', }, ], }; }