import { cx } from '@emotion/css'; import { isNumber } from 'lodash'; import React from 'react'; import SVG from 'react-inlinesvg'; import { Field, getFieldDisplayName } from '@grafana/data'; import { config, getDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { Checkbox, Icon, IconButton, IconName, TagList } from '@grafana/ui'; import { PluginIconName } from 'app/features/plugins/admin/types'; import { QueryResponse, SearchResultMeta } from '../../service'; import { SelectionChecker, SelectionToggle } from '../selection'; import { TableColumn } from './SearchResultsTable'; const TYPE_COLUMN_WIDTH = 250; const DATASOURCE_COLUMN_WIDTH = 200; const SORT_FIELD_WIDTH = 175; export const generateColumns = ( response: QueryResponse, availableWidth: number, selection: SelectionChecker | undefined, selectionToggle: SelectionToggle | undefined, clearSelection: () => void, styles: { [key: string]: string }, onTagSelected: (tag: string) => void, onDatasourceChange?: (datasource?: string) => void ): TableColumn[] => { const columns: TableColumn[] = []; const access = response.view.fields; const uidField = access.uid; const kindField = access.kind; const sortField = (access as any)[response.view.dataFrame.meta?.custom?.sortBy] as Field; if (sortField) { availableWidth -= SORT_FIELD_WIDTH; // pre-allocate the space for the last column } let width = 50; if (selection && selectionToggle) { width = 30; columns.push({ id: `column-checkbox`, width, Header: () => { if (selection('*', '*')) { return (
); } return (
{ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const { view } = response; const count = Math.min(view.length, 50); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const item = view.get(i); if (item.uid && item.kind) { if (!selection(item.kind, item.uid)) { selectionToggle(item.kind, item.uid); } } } }} />
); }, Cell: (p) => { const uid = uidField.values.get(p.row.index); const kind = kindField ? kindField.values.get(p.row.index) : 'dashboard'; // HACK for now const selected = selection(kind, uid); const hasUID = uid != null; // Panels don't have UID! Likely should not be shown on pages with manage options return (
{ selectionToggle(kind, uid); }} />
); }, field: uidField, }); availableWidth -= width; } // Name column width = Math.max(availableWidth * 0.2, 300); columns.push({ Cell: (p) => { let classNames = cx(styles.nameCellStyle); let name =; if (!name?.length) { name = 'Missing title'; // normal for panels classNames += ' ' + styles.missingTitleText; } return ( {name} ); }, id: `column-name`, field:!, Header: () => { return
; }, width, }); availableWidth -= width; width = TYPE_COLUMN_WIDTH; columns.push(makeTypeColumn(access.kind, access.panel_type, width, styles)); availableWidth -= width; const meta = response.view.dataFrame.meta?.custom as SearchResultMeta; if (meta?.locationInfo && availableWidth > 0) { width = Math.max(availableWidth / 1.75, 300); availableWidth -= width; columns.push({ Cell: (p) => { const parts = (access.location?.values.get(p.row.index) ?? '').split('/'); return (
{ => { const info = meta.locationInfo[p]; return info ? ( {} ) : ( {p} ); })}
); }, id: `column-location`, field: access.location ?? access.url, Header: 'Location', width, }); } // Show datasources if we have any if (access.ds_uid && onDatasourceChange) { width = DATASOURCE_COLUMN_WIDTH; columns.push( makeDataSourceColumn( access.ds_uid, width, styles.typeIcon, styles.datasourceItem, styles.invalidDatasourceItem, onDatasourceChange ) ); availableWidth -= width; } if (availableWidth > 0) { columns.push(makeTagsColumn(access.tags, availableWidth, styles.tagList, onTagSelected)); } if (sortField) { columns.push({ Header: () =>
, Cell: (p) => { let value = sortField.values.get(p.row.index); try { if (isNumber(value)) { value = Number(value).toLocaleString(); } } catch {} return (
); }, id: `column-sort-field`, field: sortField, width: SORT_FIELD_WIDTH, }); } return columns; }; function getIconForKind(v: string): IconName { if (v === 'dashboard') { return 'apps'; } if (v === 'folder') { return 'folder'; } return 'question-circle'; } function makeDataSourceColumn( field: Field, width: number, iconClass: string, datasourceItemClass: string, invalidDatasourceItemClass: string, onDatasourceChange: (datasource?: string) => void ): TableColumn { const srv = getDataSourceSrv(); return { id: `column-datasource`, field, Header: 'Data source', Cell: (p) => { const dslist = field.values.get(p.row.index); if (!dslist?.length) { return null; } return (
{, i) => { const settings = srv.getInstanceSettings(v); const icon = settings?.meta?.info?.logos?.small; if (icon) { return ( { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); onDatasourceChange(settings.uid); }} > {} ); } return ( {v} ); })}
); }, width, }; } function makeTypeColumn( kindField: Field, typeField: Field, width: number, styles: Record ): TableColumn { return { id: `column-type`, field: kindField ?? typeField, Header: 'Type', Cell: (p) => { const i = p.row.index; const kind = kindField?.values.get(i) ?? 'dashboard'; let icon = 'public/img/icons/unicons/apps.svg'; let txt = 'Dashboard'; if (kind) { txt = kind; switch (txt) { case 'dashboard': txt = 'Dashboard'; break; case 'folder': icon = 'public/img/icons/unicons/folder.svg'; txt = 'Folder'; break; case 'panel': icon = `public/img/icons/unicons/${PluginIconName.panel}.svg`; const type = typeField.values.get(i); if (type) { txt = type; const info = config.panels[txt]; if (info?.name) { txt =; } else { switch (type) { case 'row': txt = 'Row'; icon = `public/img/icons/unicons/bars.svg`; break; case 'singlestat': // auto-migration txt = 'Singlestat'; break; default: icon = `public/img/icons/unicons/question.svg`; // plugin not found } } } break; } } return (
); }, width, }; } function makeTagsColumn( field: Field, width: number, tagListClass: string, onTagSelected: (tag: string) => void ): TableColumn { return { Cell: (p) => { const tags = field.values.get(p.row.index); return tags ? (
) : null; }, id: `column-tags`, field: field, Header: 'Tags', width, }; }