import { from, of, OperatorFunction } from 'rxjs'; import { map, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { FieldType, getFieldDisplayName, isDataFrame, MetricFindValue, PanelData } from '@grafana/data'; import { getProcessedDataFrames } from 'app/features/query/state/runRequest'; import { ThunkDispatch } from '../../../types'; import { validateVariableSelectionState } from '../state/actions'; import { toKeyedAction } from '../state/keyedVariablesReducer'; import { QueryVariableModel } from '../types'; import { getTemplatedRegex, toKeyedVariableIdentifier, toVariablePayload } from '../utils'; import { updateVariableOptions } from './reducer'; export function toMetricFindValues(): OperatorFunction { return (source) => source.pipe( map((panelData) => { const frames = panelData.series; if (!frames || !frames.length) { return []; } if (areMetricFindValues(frames)) { return frames; } const processedDataFrames = getProcessedDataFrames(frames); const metrics: MetricFindValue[] = []; let valueIndex = -1; let textIndex = -1; let stringIndex = -1; let expandableIndex = -1; for (const frame of processedDataFrames) { for (let index = 0; index < frame.fields.length; index++) { const field = frame.fields[index]; const fieldName = getFieldDisplayName(field, frame, frames).toLowerCase(); if (field.type === FieldType.string && stringIndex === -1) { stringIndex = index; } if (fieldName === 'text' && field.type === FieldType.string && textIndex === -1) { textIndex = index; } if (fieldName === 'value' && field.type === FieldType.string && valueIndex === -1) { valueIndex = index; } if ( fieldName === 'expandable' && (field.type === FieldType.boolean || field.type === FieldType.number) && expandableIndex === -1 ) { expandableIndex = index; } } } if (stringIndex === -1) { throw new Error("Couldn't find any field of type string in the results."); } for (const frame of frames) { for (let index = 0; index < frame.length; index++) { const expandable = expandableIndex !== -1 ? frame.fields[expandableIndex].values.get(index) : undefined; const string = frame.fields[stringIndex].values.get(index); const text = textIndex !== -1 ? frame.fields[textIndex].values.get(index) : null; const value = valueIndex !== -1 ? frame.fields[valueIndex].values.get(index) : null; if (valueIndex === -1 && textIndex === -1) { metrics.push({ text: string, value: string, expandable }); continue; } if (valueIndex === -1 && textIndex !== -1) { metrics.push({ text, value: text, expandable }); continue; } if (valueIndex !== -1 && textIndex === -1) { metrics.push({ text: value, value, expandable }); continue; } metrics.push({ text, value, expandable }); } } return metrics; }) ); } export function updateOptionsState(args: { variable: QueryVariableModel; dispatch: ThunkDispatch; getTemplatedRegexFunc: typeof getTemplatedRegex; }): OperatorFunction { return (source) => source.pipe( map((results) => { const { variable, dispatch, getTemplatedRegexFunc } = args; if (!variable.rootStateKey) { console.error('updateOptionsState: variable.rootStateKey is not defined'); return; } const templatedRegex = getTemplatedRegexFunc(variable); const payload = toVariablePayload(variable, { results, templatedRegex }); dispatch(toKeyedAction(variable.rootStateKey, updateVariableOptions(payload))); }) ); } export function validateVariableSelection(args: { variable: QueryVariableModel; dispatch: ThunkDispatch; searchFilter?: string; }): OperatorFunction { return (source) => source.pipe( mergeMap(() => { const { dispatch, variable, searchFilter } = args; // If we are searching options there is no need to validate selection state // This condition was added to as validateVariableSelectionState will update the current value of the variable // So after search and selection the current value is already update so no setValue, refresh and URL update is performed // The if statement below fixes if (!searchFilter) { return from(dispatch(validateVariableSelectionState(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable)))); } return of(); }) ); } export function areMetricFindValues(data: any[]): data is MetricFindValue[] { if (!data) { return false; } if (!data.length) { return true; } const firstValue: any = data[0]; if (isDataFrame(firstValue)) { return false; } for (const firstValueKey in firstValue) { if (!firstValue.hasOwnProperty(firstValueKey)) { continue; } if ( firstValue[firstValueKey] !== null && typeof firstValue[firstValueKey] !== 'string' && typeof firstValue[firstValueKey] !== 'number' ) { continue; } const key = firstValueKey.toLowerCase(); if (key === 'text' || key === 'value') { return true; } } return false; }