import { AGGREGATIONS, SYSTEM_LABELS } from './constants'; import { extractServicesFromMetricDescriptors, getAggregationOptionsByMetric, getAlignmentOptionsByMetric, getAlignmentPickerData, getLabelKeys, getMetricTypes, getMetricTypesByService, labelsToGroupedOptions, stringArrayToFilters, } from './functions'; import { newMockDatasource } from './specs/testData'; import { AlignmentTypes, MetricDescriptor, MetricKind, ValueTypes } from './types'; jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...(jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime') as unknown as object), getTemplateSrv: () => ({ replace: jest.fn().mockImplementation((s: string) => s), }), })); describe('functions', () => { describe('extractServicesFromMetricDescriptors', () => { it('should return unique metric descriptors', () => { const desc: MetricDescriptor = { valueType: '', metricKind: MetricKind.CUMULATIVE, type: '', unit: '', service: '1', serviceShortName: '', displayName: '', description: '', }; expect(extractServicesFromMetricDescriptors([desc, desc])).toEqual([desc]); }); }); describe('getMetricTypesByService', () => { it('filters by metric descriptiors', () => { const desc1: MetricDescriptor = { valueType: '', metricKind: MetricKind.CUMULATIVE, type: '', unit: '', service: '1', serviceShortName: '', displayName: '', description: '', }; const desc2: MetricDescriptor = { valueType: '', metricKind: MetricKind.CUMULATIVE, type: '', unit: '', service: '2', serviceShortName: '', displayName: '', description: '', }; expect(getMetricTypesByService([desc1, desc2], '1')).toEqual([desc1]); }); }); describe('getMetricTypes', () => { it('gets metric type that exists in the array', () => { const desc1: MetricDescriptor = { valueType: '', metricKind: MetricKind.CUMULATIVE, type: '1', unit: '', service: 'svc1', serviceShortName: '', displayName: 'uno', description: '', }; const desc2: MetricDescriptor = { valueType: '', metricKind: MetricKind.CUMULATIVE, type: '2', unit: '', service: 'svc2', serviceShortName: '', displayName: 'dos', description: '', }; expect(getMetricTypes([desc1, desc2], '1', '1', 'svc1')).toEqual({ metricTypes: [{ name: 'uno', value: '1' }], selectedMetricType: '1', }); }); it('gets metric type that does not exist in the array', () => { const desc1: MetricDescriptor = { valueType: '', metricKind: MetricKind.CUMULATIVE, type: '1', unit: '', service: 'svc1', serviceShortName: '', displayName: 'uno', description: '', }; const desc2: MetricDescriptor = { valueType: '', metricKind: MetricKind.CUMULATIVE, type: '2', unit: '', service: 'svc2', serviceShortName: '', displayName: 'dos', description: '', }; expect(getMetricTypes([desc1, desc2], '3', '4', 'svc1')).toEqual({ metricTypes: [{ name: 'uno', value: '1' }], selectedMetricType: '1', }); }); }); describe('getAlignmentOptionsByMetric', () => { let result: any; describe('when double and gauge is passed', () => { beforeEach(() => { result = getAlignmentOptionsByMetric(ValueTypes.DOUBLE, MetricKind.GAUGE); }); it('should return all alignment options except two', () => { expect(result.length).toBe(10); expect( any) => o.value)).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining(['REDUCE_COUNT_TRUE', 'REDUCE_COUNT_FALSE']) ); }); }); describe('when double and delta is passed', () => { beforeEach(() => { result = getAlignmentOptionsByMetric(ValueTypes.DOUBLE, MetricKind.DELTA); }); it('should return all alignment options except four', () => { expect(result.length).toBe(9); expect( any) => o.value)).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining([ 'ALIGN_COUNT_TRUE', 'ALIGN_COUNT_FALSE', 'ALIGN_FRACTION_TRUE', 'ALIGN_INTERPOLATE', ]) ); }); }); }); describe('getAggregationOptionsByMetric', () => { it('gets a result for a type and a metric kind', () => { expect(getAggregationOptionsByMetric(ValueTypes.BOOL, MetricKind.CUMULATIVE)).toEqual([ AGGREGATIONS[0], AGGREGATIONS[6], ]); }); }); describe('getLabelKeys', () => { it('should return labels', async () => { const ds = newMockDatasource(); ds.getLabels = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ l1: true, l2: true }); expect(await getLabelKeys(ds, 'type', 'project')).toEqual(['l1', 'l2', ...SYSTEM_LABELS]); }); }); describe('getAlignmentPickerData', () => { it('should return default data', () => { const res = getAlignmentPickerData(); expect(res.alignOptions).toHaveLength(10); expect(res.perSeriesAligner).toEqual(AlignmentTypes.ALIGN_MEAN); }); it('should use provided data', () => { const res = getAlignmentPickerData(ValueTypes.BOOL, MetricKind.CUMULATIVE); expect(res.alignOptions).toHaveLength(0); expect(res.perSeriesAligner).toEqual(AlignmentTypes.ALIGN_MEAN); }); }); describe('labelsToGroupedOptions', () => { it('should group in the same label', () => { expect(labelsToGroupedOptions(['foo', 'bar'])).toEqual([ { expanded: true, label: '', options: [ { label: 'foo', value: 'foo' }, { label: 'bar', value: 'bar' }, ], }, ]); }); it('should group in different labels', () => { expect(labelsToGroupedOptions(['', 'foobar'])).toEqual([ { expanded: true, label: 'Foo Bar', options: [{ label: '', value: '' }], }, { expanded: true, label: '', options: [{ label: 'foobar', value: 'foobar' }], }, ]); }); }); describe('stringArrayToFilters', () => { it('chunks an array', () => { expect(stringArrayToFilters(['key', 'operator', 'value', 'condition'])).toEqual([ { condition: 'condition', key: 'key', operator: 'operator', value: 'value', }, ]); }); }); });