import { css, cx } from '@emotion/css'; import { stripIndent, stripIndents } from 'common-tags'; import Prism from 'prismjs'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { QueryEditorHelpProps } from '@grafana/data'; import { flattenTokens } from '@grafana/ui/src/slate-plugins/slate-prism'; import tokenizer from '../syntax'; import { CloudWatchQuery } from '../types'; interface QueryExample { category: string; examples: Array<{ title: string; expr: string; }>; } const CLIQ_EXAMPLES: QueryExample[] = [ { category: 'Lambda', examples: [ { title: 'View latency statistics for 5-minute intervals', expr: stripIndents`filter @type = "REPORT" | stats avg(@duration), max(@duration), min(@duration) by bin(5m)`, }, { title: 'Determine the amount of overprovisioned memory', expr: stripIndent` filter @type = "REPORT" | stats max(@memorySize / 1024 / 1024) as provisonedMemoryMB, min(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as smallestMemoryRequestMB, avg(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as avgMemoryUsedMB, max(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as maxMemoryUsedMB, provisonedMemoryMB - maxMemoryUsedMB as overProvisionedMB`, }, { title: 'Find the most expensive requests', expr: stripIndents`filter @type = "REPORT" | fields @requestId, @billedDuration | sort by @billedDuration desc`, }, ], }, { category: 'VPC Flow Logs', examples: [ { title: 'Average, min, and max byte transfers by source and destination IP addresses', expr: `stats avg(bytes), min(bytes), max(bytes) by srcAddr, dstAddr`, }, { title: 'IP addresses using UDP transfer protocol', expr: 'filter protocol=17 | stats count(*) by srcAddr', }, { title: 'Top 10 byte transfers by source and destination IP addresses', expr: stripIndents`stats sum(bytes) as bytesTransferred by srcAddr, dstAddr | sort bytesTransferred desc | limit 10`, }, { title: 'Top 20 source IP addresses with highest number of rejected requests', expr: stripIndents`filter action="REJECT" | stats count(*) as numRejections by srcAddr | sort numRejections desc | limit 20`, }, ], }, { category: 'CloudTrail', examples: [ { title: 'Number of log entries by service, event type, and region', expr: 'stats count(*) by eventSource, eventName, awsRegion', }, { title: 'Number of log entries by region and EC2 event type', expr: stripIndents`filter eventSource="" | stats count(*) as eventCount by eventName, awsRegion | sort eventCount desc`, }, { title: 'Regions, usernames, and ARNs of newly created IAM users', expr: stripIndents`filter eventName="CreateUser" | fields awsRegion, requestParameters.userName, responseElements.user.arn`, }, ], }, { category: 'Common Queries', examples: [ { title: '25 most recently added log events', expr: stripIndents`fields @timestamp, @message | sort @timestamp desc | limit 25`, }, { title: 'Number of exceptions logged every 5 minutes', expr: stripIndents`filter @message like /Exception/ | stats count(*) as exceptionCount by bin(5m) | sort exceptionCount desc`, }, { title: 'List of log events that are not exceptions', expr: 'fields @message | filter @message not like /Exception/', }, ], }, { category: 'Route 53', examples: [ { title: 'Number of requests received every 10 minutes by edge location', expr: 'stats count(*) by queryType, bin(10m)', }, { title: 'Number of unsuccessful requests by domain', expr: 'filter responseCode="SERVFAIL" | stats count(*) by queryName', }, { title: 'Number of requests received every 10 minutes by edge location', expr: 'stats count(*) as numRequests by resolverIp | sort numRequests desc | limit 10', }, ], }, { category: 'AWS AppSync', examples: [ { title: 'Number of unique HTTP status codes', expr: stripIndents`fields ispresent(graphQLAPIId) as isApi | filter isApi | filter logType = "RequestSummary" | stats count() as statusCount by statusCode | sort statusCount desc`, }, { title: 'Top 10 resolvers with maximum latency', expr: stripIndents`fields resolverArn, duration | filter logType = "Tracing" | sort duration desc | limit 10`, }, { title: 'Most frequently invoked resolvers', expr: stripIndents`fields ispresent(resolverArn) as isRes | stats count() as invocationCount by resolverArn | filter isRes | filter logType = "Tracing" | sort invocationCount desc | limit 10`, }, { title: 'Resolvers with most errors in mapping templates', expr: stripIndents`fields ispresent(resolverArn) as isRes | stats count() as errorCount by resolverArn, logType | filter isRes and (logType = "RequestMapping" or logType = "ResponseMapping") and fieldInError | sort errorCount desc | limit 10`, }, { title: 'Field latency statistics', expr: stripIndents`fields requestId, latency | filter logType = "RequestSummary" | sort latency desc | limit 10`, }, { title: 'Resolver latency statistics', expr: stripIndents`fields ispresent(resolverArn) as isRes | filter isRes | filter logType = "Tracing" | stats min(duration), max(duration), avg(duration) as avgDur by resolverArn | sort avgDur desc | limit 10`, }, { title: 'Top 10 requests with maximum latency', expr: stripIndents`fields requestId, latency | filter logType = "RequestSummary" | sort latency desc | limit 10`, }, ], }, ]; function renderHighlightedMarkup(code: string, keyPrefix: string) { const grammar = tokenizer; const tokens = flattenTokens(Prism.tokenize(code, grammar)); const spans = tokens .filter((token) => typeof token !== 'string') .map((token, i) => { return ( {token.content} ); }); return
; } const exampleCategory = css` margin-top: 5px; `; export default class LogsCheatSheet extends PureComponent< QueryEditorHelpProps, { userExamples: string[] } > { onClickExample(query: CloudWatchQuery) { this.props.onClickExample(query); } renderExpression(expr: string, keyPrefix: string) { return (
this.onClickExample({ refId: this.props.query.refId ?? 'A', expression: expr, queryMode: 'Logs', region: this.props.query.region, id: this.props.query.refId ?? 'A', logGroupNames: 'logGroupNames' in this.props.query ? this.props.query.logGroupNames : [], }) } >
{renderHighlightedMarkup(expr, keyPrefix)}
); } renderLogsCheatSheet() { return (

CloudWatch Logs Cheat Sheet

{, i) => (
{, j) => (


{this.renderExpression(item.expr, `item-${j}`)}
); } render() { return (

CloudWatch Logs cheat sheet

{, i) => (
{, j) => (


{this.renderExpression(item.expr, `item-${j}`)}
); } }