import { css } from '@emotion/css'; import { debounce, intersectionBy, unionBy } from 'lodash'; import { LanguageMap, languages as prismLanguages } from 'prismjs'; import React, { ReactNode } from 'react'; import { Editor, Node, Plugin } from 'slate'; import { AbsoluteTimeRange, QueryEditorProps, SelectableValue } from '@grafana/data'; import { BracesPlugin, LegacyForms, MultiSelect, QueryField, SlatePrism, TypeaheadInput, TypeaheadOutput, } from '@grafana/ui'; import { InputActionMeta } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/Select/types'; import { notifyApp } from 'app/core/actions'; import { createErrorNotification } from 'app/core/copy/appNotification'; import { dispatch } from 'app/store/store'; import { ExploreId } from 'app/types'; // Utils & Services // dom also includes Element polyfills import { CloudWatchDatasource } from '../datasource'; import { CloudWatchLanguageProvider } from '../language_provider'; import syntax from '../syntax'; import { CloudWatchJsonData, CloudWatchLogsQuery, CloudWatchQuery } from '../types'; import { getStatsGroups } from '../utils/query/getStatsGroups'; import { appendTemplateVariables } from '../utils/utils'; import QueryHeader from './QueryHeader'; export interface CloudWatchLogsQueryFieldProps extends QueryEditorProps { absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange; onLabelsRefresh?: () => void; ExtraFieldElement?: ReactNode; exploreId: ExploreId; allowCustomValue?: boolean; } const containerClass = css` flex-grow: 1; min-height: 35px; `; const rowGap = css` gap: 3px; `; interface State { selectedLogGroups: Array>; availableLogGroups: Array>; loadingLogGroups: boolean; invalidLogGroups: boolean; hint: | { message: string; fix: { label: string; action: () => void; }; } | undefined; } export class CloudWatchLogsQueryField extends React.PureComponent { state: State = { selectedLogGroups: (this.props.query as CloudWatchLogsQuery).logGroupNames?.map((logGroup) => ({ value: logGroup, label: logGroup, })) ?? [], availableLogGroups: [], invalidLogGroups: false, loadingLogGroups: false, hint: undefined, }; plugins: Plugin[]; constructor(props: CloudWatchLogsQueryFieldProps, context: React.Context) { super(props, context); this.plugins = [ BracesPlugin(), SlatePrism( { onlyIn: (node: Node) => node.object === 'block' && node.type === 'code_block', getSyntax: (node: Node) => 'cloudwatch', }, { ...(prismLanguages as LanguageMap), cloudwatch: syntax } ), ]; } fetchLogGroupOptions = async (region: string, logGroupNamePrefix?: string) => { try { const logGroups: string[] = await this.props.datasource.describeLogGroups({ refId: this.props.query.refId, region, logGroupNamePrefix, }); return => ({ value: logGroup, label: logGroup, })); } catch (err) { let errMessage = 'unknown error'; if (typeof err !== 'string') { try { errMessage = JSON.stringify(err); } catch (e) {} } else { errMessage = err; } dispatch(notifyApp(createErrorNotification(errMessage))); return []; } }; onLogGroupSearch = (searchTerm: string, region: string, actionMeta: InputActionMeta) => { if (actionMeta.action !== 'input-change') { return Promise.resolve(); } // No need to fetch matching log groups if the search term isn't valid // This is also useful for preventing searches when a user is typing out a log group with template vars // See for the source of the pattern below const logGroupNamePattern = /^[\.\-_/#A-Za-z0-9]+$/; if (!logGroupNamePattern.test(searchTerm)) { return Promise.resolve(); } this.setState({ loadingLogGroups: true, }); return this.fetchLogGroupOptions(region, searchTerm) .then((matchingLogGroups) => { this.setState((state) => ({ availableLogGroups: unionBy(state.availableLogGroups, matchingLogGroups, 'value'), })); }) .finally(() => { this.setState({ loadingLogGroups: false, }); }); }; onLogGroupSearchDebounced = debounce(this.onLogGroupSearch, 300); componentDidMount = () => { const { query, onChange } = this.props; this.setState({ loadingLogGroups: true, }); query.region && this.fetchLogGroupOptions(query.region).then((logGroups) => { this.setState((state) => { const selectedLogGroups = state.selectedLogGroups; if (onChange) { const nextQuery = { ...query, logGroupNames: => group.value!), }; onChange(nextQuery); } return { loadingLogGroups: false, availableLogGroups: logGroups, selectedLogGroups, }; }); }); }; onChangeQuery = (value: string) => { // Send text change to parent const { query, onChange } = this.props; const { selectedLogGroups } = this.state; if (onChange) { const nextQuery = { ...query, expression: value, logGroupNames: selectedLogGroups?.map((logGroupName) => logGroupName.value!) ?? [], statsGroups: getStatsGroups(value), }; onChange(nextQuery); } }; setSelectedLogGroups = (selectedLogGroups: Array>) => { this.setState({ selectedLogGroups, }); const { onChange, query } = this.props; onChange?.({ ...(query as CloudWatchLogsQuery), logGroupNames: => logGroupName.value!) ?? [], }); }; setCustomLogGroups = (v: string) => { const customLogGroup: SelectableValue = { value: v, label: v }; const selectedLogGroups = [...this.state.selectedLogGroups, customLogGroup]; this.setSelectedLogGroups(selectedLogGroups); }; onRegionChange = async (v: string) => { this.setState({ loadingLogGroups: true, }); const logGroups = await this.fetchLogGroupOptions(v); this.setState((state) => { const selectedLogGroups = intersectionBy(state.selectedLogGroups, logGroups, 'value'); const { onChange, query } = this.props; if (onChange) { const nextQuery = { ...query, logGroupNames: => group.value!), }; onChange(nextQuery); } return { availableLogGroups: logGroups, selectedLogGroups: selectedLogGroups, loadingLogGroups: false, }; }); }; onTypeahead = async (typeahead: TypeaheadInput): Promise => { const { datasource, query } = this.props; const { selectedLogGroups } = this.state; if (!datasource.languageProvider) { return { suggestions: [] }; } const cloudwatchLanguageProvider = datasource.languageProvider as CloudWatchLanguageProvider; const { history, absoluteRange } = this.props; const { prefix, text, value, wrapperClasses, labelKey, editor } = typeahead; return await cloudwatchLanguageProvider.provideCompletionItems( { text, value, prefix, wrapperClasses, labelKey, editor }, { history, absoluteRange, logGroupNames: => logGroup.value!), region: query.region, } ); }; onQueryFieldClick = (_event: Event, _editor: Editor, next: () => any) => { const { selectedLogGroups, loadingLogGroups } = this.state; const queryFieldDisabled = loadingLogGroups || selectedLogGroups.length === 0; if (queryFieldDisabled) { this.setState({ invalidLogGroups: true, }); } next(); }; onOpenLogGroupMenu = () => { this.setState({ invalidLogGroups: false, }); }; render() { const { onRunQuery, onChange, ExtraFieldElement, data, query, datasource, allowCustomValue } = this.props; const { selectedLogGroups, availableLogGroups, loadingLogGroups, hint, invalidLogGroups } = this.state; const showError = data && data.error && data.error.refId === query.refId; const cleanText = datasource.languageProvider ? datasource.languageProvider.cleanText : undefined; const MAX_LOG_GROUPS = 20; return ( <>
{ this.setSelectedLogGroups(v); }} onCreateOption={(v) => { this.setCustomLogGroups(v); }} onBlur={this.props.onRunQuery} className={containerClass} closeMenuOnSelect={false} isClearable={true} invalid={invalidLogGroups} isOptionDisabled={() => selectedLogGroups.length >= MAX_LOG_GROUPS} placeholder="Choose Log Groups" maxVisibleValues={4} noOptionsMessage="No log groups available" isLoading={loadingLogGroups} onOpenMenu={this.onOpenLogGroupMenu} onInputChange={(value, actionMeta) => { this.onLogGroupSearchDebounced(value, query.region, actionMeta); }} /> } />
{hint && (
{hint.message} {hint.fix.label}
)} {showError ? (
) : null} ); } }