import { interval, lastValueFrom, of, throwError } from 'rxjs'; import { createFetchResponse } from 'test/helpers/createFetchResponse'; import { getTemplateSrvDependencies } from 'test/helpers/getTemplateSrvDependencies'; import { DataFrame, DataQueryErrorType, DataSourceInstanceSettings, dateMath, getFrameDisplayName, } from '@grafana/data'; import { backendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv'; // will use the version in __mocks__ import { TimeSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { TemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; import * as redux from 'app/store/store'; import { convertToStoreState } from '../../../../../test/helpers/convertToStoreState'; import { CustomVariableModel, initialVariableModelState, VariableHide } from '../../../../features/variables/types'; import { CloudWatchDatasource } from '../datasource'; import { CloudWatchJsonData, CloudWatchLogsQuery, CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus, CloudWatchMetricsQuery, LogAction, MetricEditorMode, MetricQueryType, } from '../types'; import * as rxjsUtils from '../utils/rxjs/increasingInterval'; jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...(jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime') as unknown as object), getBackendSrv: () => backendSrv, })); type Args = { response?: any; throws?: boolean; templateSrv?: TemplateSrv }; function getTestContext({ response = {}, throws = false, templateSrv = new TemplateSrv() }: Args = {}) { jest.clearAllMocks(); const fetchMock = jest.spyOn(backendSrv, 'fetch'); throws ? fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => throwError(response)) : fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(createFetchResponse(response))); const instanceSettings = { jsonData: { defaultRegion: 'us-east-1' }, name: 'TestDatasource', } as DataSourceInstanceSettings; const timeSrv = { time: { from: '2016-12-31 15:00:00Z', to: '2016-12-31 16:00:00Z' }, timeRange: () => { return { from: dateMath.parse(timeSrv.time.from, false), to: dateMath.parse(, true), }; }, } as TimeSrv; const ds = new CloudWatchDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrv, timeSrv); return { ds, fetchMock, instanceSettings }; } describe('CloudWatchDatasource', () => { const start = 1483196400 * 1000; const defaultTimeRange = { from: new Date(start), to: new Date(start + 3600 * 1000) }; beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('When getting log groups', () => { it('should return log groups as an array of strings', async () => { const response = { results: { A: { frames: [ { schema: { name: 'logGroups', refId: 'A', fields: [{ name: 'logGroupName', type: 'string', typeInfo: { frame: 'string', nullable: true } }], }, data: { values: [ [ '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/application', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/dataplane', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/flowlogs', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/host', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/performance', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/prometheus', '/aws/containerinsights/ecommerce-sockshop/application', '/aws/containerinsights/ecommerce-sockshop/dataplane', '/aws/containerinsights/ecommerce-sockshop/host', '/aws/containerinsights/ecommerce-sockshop/performance', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/application', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/dataplane', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/host', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/performance', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/prometheus', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-prod-us-east-1/performance', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-staging/application', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-staging/dataplane', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-staging/host', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-staging/performance', '/aws/ecs/containerinsights/bugbash-ec2/performance', '/aws/ecs/containerinsights/ecs-demoworkshop/performance', '/aws/ecs/containerinsights/ecs-workshop-dev/performance', '/aws/eks/dev303-workshop/cluster', '/aws/events/cloudtrail', '/aws/events/ecs', '/aws/lambda/cwsyn-mycanary-fac97ded-f134-499a-9d71-4c3be1f63182', '/aws/lambda/cwsyn-watch-linkchecks-ef7ef273-5da2-4663-af54-d2f52d55b060', '/ecs/ecs-cwagent-daemon-service', '/ecs/ecs-demo-limitTask', 'CloudTrail/DefaultLogGroup', 'container-insights-prometheus-beta', 'container-insights-prometheus-demo', ], ], }, }, ], }, }, }; const { ds } = getTestContext({ response }); const expectedLogGroups = [ '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/application', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/dataplane', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/flowlogs', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/host', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/performance', '/aws/containerinsights/dev303-workshop/prometheus', '/aws/containerinsights/ecommerce-sockshop/application', '/aws/containerinsights/ecommerce-sockshop/dataplane', '/aws/containerinsights/ecommerce-sockshop/host', '/aws/containerinsights/ecommerce-sockshop/performance', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/application', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/dataplane', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/host', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/performance', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-perf/prometheus', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-prod-us-east-1/performance', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-staging/application', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-staging/dataplane', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-staging/host', '/aws/containerinsights/watchdemo-staging/performance', '/aws/ecs/containerinsights/bugbash-ec2/performance', '/aws/ecs/containerinsights/ecs-demoworkshop/performance', '/aws/ecs/containerinsights/ecs-workshop-dev/performance', '/aws/eks/dev303-workshop/cluster', '/aws/events/cloudtrail', '/aws/events/ecs', '/aws/lambda/cwsyn-mycanary-fac97ded-f134-499a-9d71-4c3be1f63182', '/aws/lambda/cwsyn-watch-linkchecks-ef7ef273-5da2-4663-af54-d2f52d55b060', '/ecs/ecs-cwagent-daemon-service', '/ecs/ecs-demo-limitTask', 'CloudTrail/DefaultLogGroup', 'container-insights-prometheus-beta', 'container-insights-prometheus-demo', ]; const logGroups = await ds.describeLogGroups({ region: 'default' }); expect(logGroups).toEqual(expectedLogGroups); }); }); describe('When performing CloudWatch logs query', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(rxjsUtils, 'increasingInterval').mockImplementation(() => interval(100)); }); it('should stop querying when timed out', async () => { const { ds } = getTestContext(); const fakeFrames = genMockFrames(20); const initialRecordsMatched = fakeFrames[0].meta!.stats!.find((stat) => stat.displayName === 'Records scanned')! .value!; for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) { fakeFrames[i].meta!.stats = [ { displayName: 'Records scanned', value: initialRecordsMatched, }, ]; } const finalRecordsMatched = fakeFrames[9].meta!.stats!.find((stat) => stat.displayName === 'Records scanned')! .value!; for (let i = 10; i < fakeFrames.length; i++) { fakeFrames[i].meta!.stats = [ { displayName: 'Records scanned', value: finalRecordsMatched, }, ]; } let i = 0; jest.spyOn(ds, 'makeLogActionRequest').mockImplementation((subtype: LogAction) => { if (subtype === 'GetQueryResults') { const mockObservable = of([fakeFrames[i]]); i++; return mockObservable; } else { return of([]); } }); const iterations = 15; // Times out after 15 passes for consistent testing const timeoutFunc = () => { return i >= iterations; }; const myResponse = await lastValueFrom( ds.logsQuery([{ queryId: 'fake-query-id', region: 'default', refId: 'A' }], timeoutFunc) ); const expectedData = [ { ...fakeFrames[14], meta: { custom: { Status: 'Cancelled', }, stats: fakeFrames[14].meta!.stats, }, }, ]; expect(myResponse).toEqual({ data: expectedData, key: 'test-key', state: 'Done', error: { type: DataQueryErrorType.Timeout, message: `error: query timed out after 5 attempts`, }, }); expect(i).toBe(iterations); }); it('should continue querying as long as new data is being received', async () => { const { ds } = getTestContext(); const fakeFrames = genMockFrames(15); let i = 0; jest.spyOn(ds, 'makeLogActionRequest').mockImplementation((subtype: LogAction) => { if (subtype === 'GetQueryResults') { const mockObservable = of([fakeFrames[i]]); i++; return mockObservable; } else { return of([]); } }); const startTime = new Date(); const timeoutFunc = () => { return >= startTime.valueOf() + 6000; }; const myResponse = await lastValueFrom( ds.logsQuery([{ queryId: 'fake-query-id', region: 'default', refId: 'A' }], timeoutFunc) ); expect(myResponse).toEqual({ data: [fakeFrames[fakeFrames.length - 1]], key: 'test-key', state: 'Done', }); expect(i).toBe(15); }); it('should stop querying when results come back with status "Complete"', async () => { const { ds } = getTestContext(); const fakeFrames = genMockFrames(3); let i = 0; jest.spyOn(ds, 'makeLogActionRequest').mockImplementation((subtype: LogAction) => { if (subtype === 'GetQueryResults') { const mockObservable = of([fakeFrames[i]]); i++; return mockObservable; } else { return of([]); } }); const startTime = new Date(); const timeoutFunc = () => { return >= startTime.valueOf() + 6000; }; const myResponse = await lastValueFrom( ds.logsQuery([{ queryId: 'fake-query-id', region: 'default', refId: 'A' }], timeoutFunc) ); expect(myResponse).toEqual({ data: [fakeFrames[2]], key: 'test-key', state: 'Done', }); expect(i).toBe(3); }); }); describe('When performing CloudWatch metrics query', () => { const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', expression: '', refId: 'A', region: 'us-east-1', namespace: 'AWS/EC2', metricName: 'CPUUtilization', dimensions: { InstanceId: 'i-12345678', }, statistic: 'Average', period: '300', }, ], }; const response: any = { timings: [null], results: { A: { type: 'Metrics', error: '', refId: 'A', meta: {}, series: [ { name: 'CPUUtilization_Average', points: [ [1, 1483228800000], [2, 1483229100000], [5, 1483229700000], ], tags: { InstanceId: 'i-12345678', }, }, ], }, }, }; it('should generate the correct query', async () => { const { ds, fetchMock } = getTestContext({ response }); await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith(() => { expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries).toMatchObject( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ namespace: query.targets[0].namespace, metricName: query.targets[0].metricName, dimensions: { InstanceId: ['i-12345678'] }, statistic: query.targets[0].statistic, period: query.targets[0].period, }), ]) ); }); }); it('should generate the correct query with interval variable', async () => { const period: CustomVariableModel = { ...initialVariableModelState, id: 'period', name: 'period', index: 0, current: { value: '10m', text: '10m', selected: true }, options: [{ value: '10m', text: '10m', selected: true }], multi: false, includeAll: false, query: '', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, type: 'custom', }; const templateSrv = new TemplateSrv(); templateSrv.init([period]); const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', refId: 'A', region: 'us-east-1', namespace: 'AWS/EC2', metricName: 'CPUUtilization', dimensions: { InstanceId: 'i-12345678', }, statistic: 'Average', period: '[[period]]', }, ], }; const { ds, fetchMock } = getTestContext({ response, templateSrv }); await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith(() => { expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].period).toEqual('600'); }); }); it('should return series list', async () => { const { ds } = getTestContext({ response }); await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith((received) => { const result = received[0]; expect(getFrameDisplayName([0])).toBe(response.results.A.series[0].name); expect([0].fields[1].values.buffer[0]).toBe(response.results.A.series[0].points[0][0]); }); }); describe('and throttling exception is thrown', () => { const partialQuery = { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', namespace: 'AWS/EC2', metricName: 'CPUUtilization', dimensions: { InstanceId: 'i-12345678', }, statistic: 'Average', period: '300', expression: '', }; const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { ...partialQuery, refId: 'A', region: 'us-east-1' }, { ...partialQuery, refId: 'B', region: 'us-east-2' }, { ...partialQuery, refId: 'C', region: 'us-east-1' }, { ...partialQuery, refId: 'D', region: 'us-east-2' }, { ...partialQuery, refId: 'E', region: 'eu-north-1' }, ], }; const backendErrorResponse = { data: { message: 'Throttling: exception', results: { A: { error: 'Throttling: exception', refId: 'A', meta: {}, }, B: { error: 'Throttling: exception', refId: 'B', meta: {}, }, C: { error: 'Throttling: exception', refId: 'C', meta: {}, }, D: { error: 'Throttling: exception', refId: 'D', meta: {}, }, E: { error: 'Throttling: exception', refId: 'E', meta: {}, }, }, }, }; beforeEach(() => { redux.setStore({ dispatch: jest.fn(), } as any); }); it('should display one alert error message per region+datasource combination', async () => { const { ds } = getTestContext({ response: backendErrorResponse, throws: true }); const memoizedDebounceSpy = jest.spyOn(ds, 'debouncedAlert'); await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith((received) => { expect(memoizedDebounceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('TestDatasource', 'us-east-1'); expect(memoizedDebounceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('TestDatasource', 'us-east-2'); expect(memoizedDebounceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('TestDatasource', 'eu-north-1'); expect(memoizedDebounceSpy).toBeCalledTimes(3); }); }); }); }); describe('When query region is "default"', () => { it('should return the datasource region if empty or "default"', () => { const { ds, instanceSettings } = getTestContext(); const defaultRegion = instanceSettings.jsonData.defaultRegion; expect(ds.getActualRegion()).toBe(defaultRegion); expect(ds.getActualRegion('')).toBe(defaultRegion); expect(ds.getActualRegion('default')).toBe(defaultRegion); }); it('should return the specified region if specified', () => { const { ds } = getTestContext(); expect(ds.getActualRegion('some-fake-region-1')).toBe('some-fake-region-1'); }); it('should query for the datasource region if empty or "default"', async () => { const { ds, instanceSettings } = getTestContext(); const performTimeSeriesQueryMock = jest.spyOn(ds, 'performTimeSeriesQuery').mockReturnValue(of({})); const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', refId: 'A', region: 'default', namespace: 'AWS/EC2', metricName: 'CPUUtilization', dimensions: { InstanceId: 'i-12345678', }, statistic: 'Average', period: '300s', }, ], }; await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith(() => { expect(performTimeSeriesQueryMock.mock.calls[0][0].queries[0].region).toBe( instanceSettings.jsonData.defaultRegion ); }); }); }); describe('When interpolating variables', () => { it('should return an empty array if no queries are provided', () => { const templateSrv: any = { replace: jest.fn(), getVariables: () => [] }; const { ds } = getTestContext({ templateSrv }); expect(ds.interpolateVariablesInQueries([], {})).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should replace correct variables in CloudWatchLogsQuery', () => { const templateSrv: any = { replace: jest.fn(), getVariables: () => [] }; const { ds } = getTestContext({ templateSrv }); const variableName = 'someVar'; const logQuery: CloudWatchLogsQuery = { id: 'someId', refId: 'someRefId', queryMode: 'Logs', expression: `$${variableName}`, region: `$${variableName}`, }; ds.interpolateVariablesInQueries([logQuery], {}); // We interpolate `region` in CloudWatchLogsQuery expect(templateSrv.replace).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`$${variableName}`, {}); expect(templateSrv.replace).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should replace correct variables in CloudWatchMetricsQuery', () => { const templateSrv: any = { replace: jest.fn(), getVariables: () => [], getVariableName: jest.fn((name: string) => name), }; const { ds } = getTestContext({ templateSrv }); const variableName = 'someVar'; const logQuery: CloudWatchMetricsQuery = { queryMode: 'Metrics', id: 'someId', refId: 'someRefId', expression: `$${variableName}`, region: `$${variableName}`, period: `$${variableName}`, alias: `$${variableName}`, metricName: `$${variableName}`, namespace: `$${variableName}`, dimensions: { [`$${variableName}`]: `$${variableName}`, }, matchExact: false, statistic: '', sqlExpression: `$${variableName}`, }; ds.interpolateVariablesInQueries([logQuery], {}); // We interpolate `expression`, `region`, `period`, `alias`, `metricName`, and `nameSpace` in CloudWatchMetricsQuery expect(templateSrv.replace).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`$${variableName}`, {}); expect(templateSrv.replace).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(7); expect(templateSrv.getVariableName).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`$${variableName}`); expect(templateSrv.getVariableName).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('When performing CloudWatch query for extended statistic', () => { const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', refId: 'A', region: 'us-east-1', namespace: 'AWS/ApplicationELB', metricName: 'TargetResponseTime', dimensions: { LoadBalancer: 'lb', TargetGroup: 'tg', }, statistic: 'p90.00', period: '300s', }, ], }; const response: any = { timings: [null], results: { A: { error: '', refId: 'A', meta: {}, series: [ { name: 'TargetResponseTime_p90.00', points: [ [1, 1483228800000], [2, 1483229100000], [5, 1483229700000], ], tags: { LoadBalancer: 'lb', TargetGroup: 'tg', }, }, ], }, }, }; it('should return series list', async () => { const { ds } = getTestContext({ response }); await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith((received) => { const result = received[0]; expect(getFrameDisplayName([0])).toBe(response.results.A.series[0].name); expect([0].fields[1].values.buffer[0]).toBe(response.results.A.series[0].points[0][0]); }); }); }); describe('When performing CloudWatch query with template variables', () => { let templateSrv: TemplateSrv; beforeEach(() => { const key = 'key'; const var1: CustomVariableModel = { ...initialVariableModelState, id: 'var1', rootStateKey: key, name: 'var1', index: 0, current: { value: 'var1-foo', text: 'var1-foo', selected: true }, options: [{ value: 'var1-foo', text: 'var1-foo', selected: true }], multi: false, includeAll: false, query: '', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, type: 'custom', }; const var2: CustomVariableModel = { ...initialVariableModelState, id: 'var2', rootStateKey: key, name: 'var2', index: 1, current: { value: 'var2-foo', text: 'var2-foo', selected: true }, options: [{ value: 'var2-foo', text: 'var2-foo', selected: true }], multi: false, includeAll: false, query: '', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, type: 'custom', }; const var3: CustomVariableModel = { ...initialVariableModelState, id: 'var3', rootStateKey: key, name: 'var3', index: 2, current: { value: ['var3-foo', 'var3-baz'], text: 'var3-foo + var3-baz', selected: true }, options: [ { selected: true, value: 'var3-foo', text: 'var3-foo' }, { selected: false, value: 'var3-bar', text: 'var3-bar' }, { selected: true, value: 'var3-baz', text: 'var3-baz' }, ], multi: true, includeAll: false, query: '', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, type: 'custom', }; const var4: CustomVariableModel = { ...initialVariableModelState, id: 'var4', rootStateKey: key, name: 'var4', index: 3, options: [ { selected: true, value: 'var4-foo', text: 'var4-foo' }, { selected: false, value: 'var4-bar', text: 'var4-bar' }, { selected: true, value: 'var4-baz', text: 'var4-baz' }, ], current: { value: ['var4-foo', 'var4-baz'], text: 'var4-foo + var4-baz', selected: true }, multi: true, includeAll: false, query: '', hide: VariableHide.dontHide, type: 'custom', }; const variables = [var1, var2, var3, var4]; const state = convertToStoreState(key, variables); templateSrv = new TemplateSrv(getTemplateSrvDependencies(state)); templateSrv.init(variables); }); it('should generate the correct query for single template variable', async () => { const { ds, fetchMock } = getTestContext({ templateSrv }); const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', refId: 'A', region: 'us-east-1', namespace: 'TestNamespace', metricName: 'TestMetricName', dimensions: { dim2: '[[var2]]', }, statistic: 'Average', period: '300s', }, ], }; await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith(() => { expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim2']).toStrictEqual(['var2-foo']); }); }); it('should generate the correct query in the case of one multilple template variables', async () => { const { ds, fetchMock } = getTestContext({ templateSrv }); const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', refId: 'A', region: 'us-east-1', namespace: 'TestNamespace', metricName: 'TestMetricName', dimensions: { dim1: '[[var1]]', dim2: '[[var2]]', dim3: '[[var3]]', }, statistic: 'Average', period: '300s', }, ], scopedVars: { var1: { selected: true, value: 'var1-foo' }, var2: { selected: true, value: 'var2-foo' }, }, }; await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith(() => { expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim1']).toStrictEqual(['var1-foo']); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim2']).toStrictEqual(['var2-foo']); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim3']).toStrictEqual(['var3-foo', 'var3-baz']); }); }); it('should generate the correct query in the case of multilple multi template variables', async () => { const { ds, fetchMock } = getTestContext({ templateSrv }); const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', refId: 'A', region: 'us-east-1', namespace: 'TestNamespace', metricName: 'TestMetricName', dimensions: { dim1: '[[var1]]', dim3: '[[var3]]', dim4: '[[var4]]', }, statistic: 'Average', period: '300s', }, ], }; await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith(() => { expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim1']).toStrictEqual(['var1-foo']); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim3']).toStrictEqual(['var3-foo', 'var3-baz']); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim4']).toStrictEqual(['var4-foo', 'var4-baz']); }); }); it('should generate the correct query for multilple template variables, lack scopedVars', async () => { const { ds, fetchMock } = getTestContext({ templateSrv }); const query: any = { range: defaultTimeRange, rangeRaw: { from: 1483228800, to: 1483232400 }, targets: [ { metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, type: 'Metrics', refId: 'A', region: 'us-east-1', namespace: 'TestNamespace', metricName: 'TestMetricName', dimensions: { dim1: '[[var1]]', dim2: '[[var2]]', dim3: '[[var3]]', }, statistic: 'Average', period: '300', }, ], scopedVars: { var1: { selected: true, value: 'var1-foo' }, }, }; await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith(() => { expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim1']).toStrictEqual(['var1-foo']); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim2']).toStrictEqual(['var2-foo']); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].dimensions['dim3']).toStrictEqual(['var3-foo', 'var3-baz']); }); }); }); }); function genMockFrames(numResponses: number): DataFrame[] { const recordIncrement = 50; const mockFrames: DataFrame[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < numResponses; i++) { mockFrames.push({ fields: [], meta: { custom: { Status: i === numResponses - 1 ? CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Complete : CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Running, }, stats: [ { displayName: 'Records scanned', value: (i + 1) * recordIncrement, }, ], }, refId: 'A', length: 0, }); } return mockFrames; }