import { lastValueFrom } from 'rxjs'; import { MetricFindValue, SelectableValue } from '@grafana/data'; import { BucketAggregationType, isBucketAggregationType, } from '../components/QueryEditor/BucketAggregationsEditor/aggregations'; import { useDatasource, useRange } from '../components/QueryEditor/ElasticsearchQueryContext'; import { isMetricAggregationType, MetricAggregationType, } from '../components/QueryEditor/MetricAggregationsEditor/aggregations'; type AggregationType = BucketAggregationType | MetricAggregationType; const getFilter = (type: AggregationType) => { if (isMetricAggregationType(type)) { switch (type) { case 'cardinality': return []; case 'top_metrics': // top_metrics was introduced in 7.7 where `metrics` only supported number: // // TODO: starting from 7.11 it supports ips and keywords as well: // return ['number']; default: return ['number']; } } if (isBucketAggregationType(type)) { switch (type) { case 'date_histogram': return ['date']; case 'geohash_grid': return ['geo_point']; case 'histogram': return ['number']; default: return []; } } return []; }; const toSelectableValue = ({ text }: MetricFindValue): SelectableValue => ({ label: text, value: text, }); /** * Returns a function to query the configured datasource for autocomplete values for the specified aggregation type or data types. * Each aggregation can be run on different types, for example avg only operates on numeric fields, geohash_grid only on geo_point fields. * If an aggregation type is provided, the promise will resolve with all fields suitable to be used as a field for the given aggregation. * If an array of types is providem the promise will resolve with all the fields matching the provided types. * @param aggregationType the type of aggregation to get fields for */ export const useFields = (type: AggregationType | string[]) => { const datasource = useDatasource(); const range = useRange(); const filter = Array.isArray(type) ? type : getFilter(type); let rawFields: MetricFindValue[]; return async (q?: string) => { // _mapping doesn't support filtering, we avoid sending a request everytime q changes if (!rawFields) { rawFields = await lastValueFrom(datasource.getFields(filter, range)); } return rawFields.filter(({ text }) => q === undefined || text.includes(q)).map(toSelectableValue); }; };