Format the legend keys any way you want by using alias patterns. - Example for Azure Monitor: `dimension: {{dimensionvalue}}` - Example for Application Insights: `server: {{groupbyvalue}}` #### Alias Patterns for Application Insights - {{groupbyvalue}} = replaced with the value of the group by - {{groupbyname}} = replaced with the name/label of the group by - {{metric}} = replaced with metric name (e.g. requests/count) #### Alias Patterns for Azure Monitor - {{resourcegroup}} = replaced with the value of the Resource Group - {{namespace}} = replaced with the value of the Namespace (e.g. Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) - {{resourcename}} = replaced with the value of the Resource Name - {{metric}} = replaced with metric name (e.g. Percentage CPU) - {{dimensionname}} = replaced with dimension key/label (e.g. blobtype) - {{dimensionvalue}} = replaced with dimension value (e.g. BlockBlob) #### Filter Expressions for Application Insights The filter field takes an OData filter expression. Examples: - `client/city eq 'Boydton'` - `client/city ne 'Boydton'` - `client/city ne 'Boydton' and client/city ne 'Dublin'` - `client/city eq 'Boydton' or client/city eq 'Dublin'` #### Writing Queries for Template Variables See the [docs]( for details and examples.