import { TemplateSrvStub } from 'test/specs/helpers'; import { dispatch } from 'app/store/store'; import gfunc from '../gfunc'; import { actions } from '../state/actions'; import { getAltSegmentsSelectables, getTagsSelectables, getTagsAsSegmentsSelectables, getTagValuesSelectables, } from '../state/providers'; import { createStore } from '../state/store'; import { GraphiteSegment } from '../types'; jest.mock('app/angular/promiseToDigest', () => ({ promiseToDigest: (scope: any) => { return (p: Promise) => p; }, })); jest.mock('app/store/store', () => ({ dispatch: jest.fn(), })); const mockDispatch = dispatch as jest.Mock; /** * Simulate switching to text editor, changing the query and switching back to visual editor */ async function changeTarget(ctx: any, target: string): Promise { await ctx.dispatch(actions.toggleEditorMode()); await ctx.dispatch(actions.updateQuery({ query: target })); await ctx.dispatch(actions.runQuery()); await ctx.dispatch(actions.toggleEditorMode()); } describe('Graphite actions', () => { const ctx = { datasource: { metricFindQuery: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve([])), getFuncDefs: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(gfunc.getFuncDefs('1.0'))), getFuncDef: gfunc.getFuncDef, waitForFuncDefsLoaded: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(null)), createFuncInstance: gfunc.createFuncInstance, getTagsAutoComplete: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve([])), getTagValuesAutoComplete: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve([])), }, target: { target: 'aliasByNode(scaleToSeconds(*,1),2)' }, } as any; beforeEach(async () => { jest.clearAllMocks(); ctx.state = null; ctx.dispatch = createStore((state) => { ctx.state = state; }); await ctx.dispatch( actions.init({ datasource: ctx.datasource, target:, refresh: jest.fn(), queries: [], //@ts-ignore templateSrv: new TemplateSrvStub(), }) ); }); describe('init', () => { it('should validate metric key exists', () => { expect(ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('*'); }); it('should not delete last segment if no metrics are found', () => { expect(ctx.state.segments[2].value).not.toBe('select metric'); expect(ctx.state.segments[2].value).toBe('*'); }); it('should parse expression and build function model', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.functions.length).toBe(2); }); }); describe('when toggling edit mode to raw and back again', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await ctx.dispatch(actions.toggleEditorMode()); await ctx.dispatch(actions.toggleEditorMode()); }); it('should validate metric key exists', () => { const lastCallIndex = ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery.mock.calls.length - 1; expect(ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery.mock.calls[lastCallIndex][0]).toBe('*'); }); it('should delete last segment if no metrics are found', () => { expect(ctx.state.segments[0].value).toBe('test'); expect(ctx.state.segments[1].value).toBe('prod'); expect(ctx.state.segments[2].value).toBe('select metric'); }); it('should parse expression and build function model', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.functions.length).toBe(2); }); }); describe('when middle segment value of* is changed', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const segment: GraphiteSegment = { type: 'metric', value: 'test', expandable: true }; await ctx.dispatch(actions.segmentValueChanged({ segment: segment, index: 1 })); }); it('should validate metric key exists', () => { const lastCallIndex = ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery.mock.calls.length - 1; expect(ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery.mock.calls[lastCallIndex][0]).toBe('test.test.*'); }); it('should delete last segment if no metrics are found', () => { expect(ctx.state.segments[0].value).toBe('test'); expect(ctx.state.segments[1].value).toBe('test'); expect(ctx.state.segments[2].value).toBe('select metric'); }); it('should parse expression and build function model', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.functions.length).toBe(2); }); }); describe('when adding function', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); await changeTarget(ctx, '*.count'); await ctx.dispatch(actions.addFunction({ name: 'aliasByNode' })); }); it('should add function with correct node number', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.functions[0].params[0]).toBe(2); }); it('should update target', () => { expect('aliasByNode(*.count, 2)'); }); it('should call refresh', () => { expect(ctx.state.refresh).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when adding function before any metric segment', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: true }]); await changeTarget(ctx, ''); await ctx.dispatch(actions.addFunction({ name: 'asPercent' })); }); it('should add function and remove select metric link', () => { expect(ctx.state.segments.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('when initializing a target with single param func using variable', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([]); await changeTarget(ctx, 'movingAverage(prod.count, $var)'); }); it('should add 2 segments', () => { expect(ctx.state.segments.length).toBe(2); }); it('should add function param', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.functions[0].params.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('when changing the query from the outside', () => { it('should update the model', async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ text: '*' }]); await changeTarget(ctx, 'my.query.*'); expect('my.query.*'); expect(ctx.state.segments[0].value).toBe('my'); expect(ctx.state.segments[1].value).toBe('query'); await ctx.dispatch(actions.queryChanged({ target: 'new.metrics.*', refId: 'A' })); expect('new.metrics.*'); expect(ctx.state.segments[0].value).toBe('new'); expect(ctx.state.segments[1].value).toBe('metrics'); }); }); describe('when initializing target without metric expression and function with series-ref', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([]); await changeTarget(ctx, 'asPercent(metric.node.count, #A)'); }); it('should add segments', () => { expect(ctx.state.segments.length).toBe(3); }); it('should have correct func params', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.functions[0].params.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('when getting altSegments and metricFindQuery returns empty array', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([]); await changeTarget(ctx, 'test.count'); ctx.altSegments = await getAltSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 1, ''); }); it('should have no segments', () => { expect(ctx.altSegments.length).toBe(0); }); }); it('current time range and limit is passed when getting list of tags when editing', async () => { const currentRange = { from: 0, to: 1 }; ctx.state.range = currentRange; await getTagsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, 'any'); expect(ctx.state.datasource.getTagsAutoComplete).toBeCalledWith([], 'any', { range: currentRange, limit: 5000 }); }); it('current time range and limit is passed when getting list of tags for adding', async () => { const currentRange = { from: 0, to: 1 }; ctx.state.range = currentRange; await getTagsAsSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 'any'); expect(ctx.state.datasource.getTagsAutoComplete).toBeCalledWith([], 'any', { range: currentRange, limit: 5000 }); }); it('limit is passed when getting list of tag values', async () => { await getTagValuesSelectables(ctx.state, { key: 'key', operator: '=', value: 'value' }, 1, 'test'); expect(ctx.state.datasource.getTagValuesAutoComplete).toBeCalledWith([], 'key', 'test', { limit: 5000 }); }); describe('when autocomplete for metric names is not available', () => { beforeEach(() => { ctx.state.datasource.getTagsAutoComplete = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve([])); ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = jest.fn().mockReturnValue( new Promise(() => { throw new Error(); }) ); }); it('getAltSegmentsSelectables should handle autocomplete errors', async () => { await expect(async () => { await getAltSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch).toBeCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ type: 'appNotifications/notifyApp', }) ); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('getAltSegmentsSelectables should display the error message only once', async () => { await getAltSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); await getAltSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('when autocomplete for tags is not available', () => { beforeEach(() => { ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve([])); ctx.datasource.getTagsAutoComplete = jest.fn().mockReturnValue( new Promise(() => { throw new Error(); }) ); }); it('getTagsSelectables should handle autocomplete errors', async () => { await expect(async () => { await getTagsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch).toBeCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ type: 'appNotifications/notifyApp', }) ); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('getTagsSelectables should display the error message only once', async () => { await getTagsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); await getTagsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it('getTagsAsSegmentsSelectables should handle autocomplete errors', async () => { await expect(async () => { await getTagsAsSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch).toBeCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ type: 'appNotifications/notifyApp', }) ); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('getTagsAsSegmentsSelectables should display the error message only once', async () => { await getTagsAsSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); await getTagsAsSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 'any'); expect(mockDispatch.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('targetChanged', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const newQuery = 'aliasByNode(scaleToSeconds(*, 1), 2)'; ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); await changeTarget(ctx, newQuery); }); it('should rebuild target after expression model', () => { expect('aliasByNode(scaleToSeconds(*, 1), 2)'); }); it('should call refresh', () => { expect(ctx.state.refresh).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when updating targets with nested query', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); await changeTarget(ctx, 'scaleToSeconds(#A, 60)'); }); it('should add function params', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.segments.length).toBe(1); expect(ctx.state.queryModel.segments[0].value).toBe('#A'); expect(ctx.state.queryModel.functions[0].params.length).toBe(1); expect(ctx.state.queryModel.functions[0].params[0]).toBe(60); }); it('target should remain the same', () => { expect('scaleToSeconds(#A, 60)'); }); it('targetFull should include nested queries', async () => { await ctx.dispatch( actions.queriesChanged([ { target: 'nested.query.count', refId: 'A', }, ]) ); expect('scaleToSeconds(#A, 60)'); expect('scaleToSeconds(nested.query.count, 60)'); }); }); describe('target interpolation', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); = 'A'; await changeTarget(ctx, 'sumSeries(#B)'); }); it('when updating target used in other query, targetFull of other query should update', async () => { ctx.state.queries = [, { target: '', refId: 'B' }]; await changeTarget(ctx, 'sumSeries(#B)'); expect('sumSeries('); }); it('when updating target from a query from other data source, targetFull of other query should not update', async () => { ctx.state.queries = [, { someOtherProperty: '', refId: 'B' }]; await changeTarget(ctx, 'sumSeries(#B)'); expect(; }); }); describe('when adding seriesByTag function', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); await changeTarget(ctx, ''); await ctx.dispatch(actions.addFunction({ name: 'seriesByTag' })); }); it('should update functions', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.getSeriesByTagFuncIndex()).toBe(0); }); it('should update seriesByTagUsed flag', () => { expect(ctx.state.queryModel.seriesByTagUsed).toBe(true); }); it('should update target', () => { expect('seriesByTag()'); }); it('should call refresh', () => { expect(ctx.state.refresh).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when parsing seriesByTag function', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); await changeTarget(ctx, "seriesByTag('tag1=value1', 'tag2!=~value2')"); }); it('should add tags', () => { const expected = [ { key: 'tag1', operator: '=', value: 'value1' }, { key: 'tag2', operator: '!=~', value: 'value2' }, ]; expect(ctx.state.queryModel.tags).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('when tag added', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); await changeTarget(ctx, 'seriesByTag()'); await ctx.dispatch(actions.addNewTag({ segment: { value: 'tag1' } })); }); it('should update tags with default value', () => { const expected = [{ key: 'tag1', operator: '=', value: '' }]; expect(ctx.state.queryModel.tags).toEqual(expected); }); it('should update target', () => { const expected = "seriesByTag('tag1=')"; expect(; }); }); describe('when tag changed', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); await changeTarget(ctx, "seriesByTag('tag1=value1', 'tag2!=~value2')"); await ctx.dispatch(actions.tagChanged({ tag: { key: 'tag1', operator: '=', value: 'new_value' }, index: 0 })); }); it('should update tags', () => { const expected = [ { key: 'tag1', operator: '=', value: 'new_value' }, { key: 'tag2', operator: '!=~', value: 'value2' }, ]; expect(ctx.state.queryModel.tags).toEqual(expected); }); it('should update target', () => { const expected = "seriesByTag('tag1=new_value', 'tag2!=~value2')"; expect(; }); }); describe('when tag removed', () => { beforeEach(async () => { ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = () => Promise.resolve([{ expandable: false }]); await changeTarget(ctx, "seriesByTag('tag1=value1', 'tag2!=~value2')"); await ctx.dispatch( actions.tagChanged({ tag: { key: ctx.state.removeTagValue, operator: '=', value: '' }, index: 0 }) ); }); it('should update tags', () => { const expected = [{ key: 'tag2', operator: '!=~', value: 'value2' }]; expect(ctx.state.queryModel.tags).toEqual(expected); }); it('should update target', () => { const expected = "seriesByTag('tag2!=~value2')"; expect(; }); }); describe('when auto-completing over a large set of tags and metrics', () => { const manyMetrics: Array<{ text: string }> = [], max = 20000; beforeEach(() => { for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { manyMetrics.push({ text: `metric${i}` }); } ctx.state.datasource.metricFindQuery = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(manyMetrics)); ctx.state.datasource.getTagsAutoComplete = jest.fn((_tag, _prefix, { limit }) => { const tags = []; for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) { tags.push({ text: `tag${i}` }); } return tags; }); }); it('uses limited metrics and tags list', async () => { ctx.state.supportsTags = true; const segments = await getAltSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, ''); expect(segments).toHaveLength(10000); expect(segments[0].value!.value).toBe('*'); // * - is a fixed metric name, always added at the top expect(segments[4999].value!.value).toBe('metric4998'); expect(segments[5000].value!.value).toBe('tag: tag0'); expect(segments[9999].value!.value).toBe('tag: tag4999'); }); it('uses correct limit for metrics and tags list when tags are not supported', async () => { ctx.state.supportsTags = false; const segments = await getAltSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 0, ''); expect(segments).toHaveLength(5000); expect(segments[0].value!.value).toBe('*'); // * - is a fixed metric name, always added at the top expect(segments[4999].value!.value).toBe('metric4998'); }); it('uses limited metrics when adding more metrics', async () => { const segments = await getAltSegmentsSelectables(ctx.state, 1, ''); expect(segments).toHaveLength(5000); }); }); });