import { lastValueFrom, of } from 'rxjs'; import { TemplateSrvStub } from 'test/specs/helpers'; import { ScopedVars } from '@grafana/data/src'; import { FetchResponse } from '@grafana/runtime'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import { backendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv'; // will use the version in __mocks__ import InfluxDatasource from '../datasource'; //@ts-ignore const templateSrv = new TemplateSrvStub(); jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...(jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime') as unknown as object), getBackendSrv: () => backendSrv, })); describe('InfluxDataSource', () => { const ctx: any = { instanceSettings: { url: 'url', name: 'influxDb', jsonData: { httpMode: 'GET' } }, }; const fetchMock = jest.spyOn(backendSrv, 'fetch'); beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); ctx.instanceSettings.url = '/api/datasources/proxy/1'; ctx.ds = new InfluxDatasource(ctx.instanceSettings, templateSrv); }); describe('When issuing metricFindQuery', () => { const query = 'SELECT max(value) FROM measurement WHERE $timeFilter'; const queryOptions: any = { range: { from: '2018-01-01T00:00:00Z', to: '2018-01-02T00:00:00Z', }, }; let requestQuery: any, requestMethod: any, requestData: any, response: any; beforeEach(async () => { fetchMock.mockImplementation((req: any) => { requestMethod = req.method; requestQuery = req.params.q; requestData =; return of({ data: { status: 'success', results: [ { series: [ { name: 'measurement', columns: ['name'], values: [['cpu']], }, ], }, ], }, } as FetchResponse); }); response = await ctx.ds.metricFindQuery(query, queryOptions); }); it('should replace $timefilter', () => { expect(requestQuery).toMatch('time >= 1514764800000ms and time <= 1514851200000ms'); }); it('should use the HTTP GET method', () => { expect(requestMethod).toBe('GET'); }); it('should not have any data in request body', () => { expect(requestData).toBeNull(); }); it('parse response correctly', () => { expect(response).toEqual([{ text: 'cpu' }]); }); }); describe('When getting error on 200 after issuing a query', () => { const queryOptions = { range: { from: '2018-01-01T00:00:00Z', to: '2018-01-02T00:00:00Z', }, rangeRaw: { from: '2018-01-01T00:00:00Z', to: '2018-01-02T00:00:00Z', }, targets: [{}], timezone: 'UTC', scopedVars: { interval: { text: '1m', value: '1m' }, __interval: { text: '1m', value: '1m' }, __interval_ms: { text: 60000, value: 60000 }, }, }; it('throws an error', async () => { fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => { return of({ data: { results: [ { error: 'Query timeout', }, ], }, } as FetchResponse); }); try { await lastValueFrom(ctx.ds.query(queryOptions)); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toBe('InfluxDB Error: Query timeout'); } }); }); describe('InfluxDataSource in POST query mode', () => { const ctx: any = { instanceSettings: { url: 'url', name: 'influxDb', jsonData: { httpMode: 'POST' } }, }; beforeEach(() => { ctx.instanceSettings.url = '/api/datasources/proxy/1'; ctx.ds = new InfluxDatasource(ctx.instanceSettings, templateSrv); }); describe('When issuing metricFindQuery', () => { const query = 'SELECT max(value) FROM measurement'; const queryOptions: any = {}; let requestMethod: any, requestQueryParameter: any, queryEncoded: any, requestQuery: any; beforeEach(async () => { fetchMock.mockImplementation((req: any) => { requestMethod = req.method; requestQueryParameter = req.params; requestQuery =; return of({ data: { results: [ { series: [ { name: 'measurement', columns: ['max'], values: [[1]], }, ], }, ], }, } as FetchResponse); }); queryEncoded = await ctx.ds.serializeParams({ q: query }); await ctx.ds.metricFindQuery(query, queryOptions).then(() => {}); }); it('should have the query form urlencoded', () => { expect(requestQuery).toBe(queryEncoded); }); it('should use the HTTP POST method', () => { expect(requestMethod).toBe('POST'); }); it('should not have q as a query parameter', () => { expect(requestQueryParameter).not.toHaveProperty('q'); }); }); }); describe('Variables should be interpolated correctly', () => { const instanceSettings: any = {}; const text = 'interpolationText'; const text2 = 'interpolationText2'; const textWithoutFormatRegex = 'interpolationText,interpolationText2'; const textWithFormatRegex = 'interpolationText|interpolationText2'; const variableMap: Record = { $interpolationVar: text, $interpolationVar2: text2, }; const templateSrv: any = { replace: jest.fn((target?: string, scopedVars?: ScopedVars, format?: string | Function): string => { if (!format) { return variableMap[target!] || ''; } if (format === 'regex') { return textWithFormatRegex; } return textWithoutFormatRegex; }), }; const ds = new InfluxDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrv); const influxQuery = { refId: 'x', alias: '$interpolationVar', measurement: '$interpolationVar', policy: '$interpolationVar', limit: '$interpolationVar', slimit: '$interpolationVar', tz: '$interpolationVar', tags: [ { key: 'cpu', operator: '=~', value: '/^$interpolationVar,$interpolationVar2$/', }, ], groupBy: [ { params: ['$interpolationVar'], type: 'tag', }, ], select: [ [ { params: ['$interpolationVar'], type: 'field', }, ], ], }; function influxChecks(query: any) { expect(templateSrv.replace).toBeCalledTimes(10); expect(query.alias).toBe(text); expect(query.measurement).toBe(textWithFormatRegex); expect(query.policy).toBe(textWithFormatRegex); expect(query.limit).toBe(textWithFormatRegex); expect(query.slimit).toBe(textWithFormatRegex); expect(; expect(query.tags![0].value).toBe(textWithFormatRegex); expect(query.groupBy![0].params![0]).toBe(textWithFormatRegex); expect(![0][0].params![0]).toBe(textWithFormatRegex); } describe('when interpolating query variables for dashboard->explore', () => { it('should interpolate all variables with Flux mode', () => { ds.isFlux = true; const fluxQuery = { refId: 'x', query: '$interpolationVar,$interpolationVar2', }; const queries = ds.interpolateVariablesInQueries([fluxQuery], { interpolationVar: { text: text, value: text }, interpolationVar2: { text: text2, value: text2 }, }); expect(templateSrv.replace).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(queries[0].query).toBe(textWithFormatRegex); }); it('should interpolate all variables with InfluxQL mode', () => { ds.isFlux = false; const queries = ds.interpolateVariablesInQueries([influxQuery], { interpolationVar: { text: text, value: text }, interpolationVar2: { text: text2, value: text2 }, }); influxChecks(queries[0]); }); }); describe('when interpolating template variables', () => { it('should apply all template variables with Flux mode', () => { ds.isFlux = true; const fluxQuery = { refId: 'x', query: '$interpolationVar', }; const query = ds.applyTemplateVariables(fluxQuery, { interpolationVar: { text: text, value: text, }, }); expect(templateSrv.replace).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(query.query).toBe(text); }); it('should apply all template variables with InfluxQL mode', () => { ds.isFlux = false; ds.access = 'proxy'; config.featureToggles.influxdbBackendMigration = true; const query = ds.applyTemplateVariables(influxQuery, { interpolationVar: { text: text, value: text }, interpolationVar2: { text: 'interpolationText2', value: 'interpolationText2' }, }); influxChecks(query); }); }); }); });