import { InfluxQueryBuilder } from '../query_builder'; describe('InfluxQueryBuilder', () => { describe('when building explore queries', () => { it('should only have measurement condition in tag keys query given query with measurement', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: 'cpu', tags: [] }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG KEYS FROM "cpu"'); }); it('should handle regex measurement in tag keys query', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '/.*/', tags: [], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG KEYS FROM /.*/'); }); it('should have no conditions in tags keys query given query with no measurement or tag', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [] }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG KEYS'); }); it('should have where condition in tag keys query with tags', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [{ key: 'host', value: 'se1' }], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG KEYS WHERE "host" = \'se1\''); }); it('should ignore condition if operator is a value operator', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [{ key: 'value', value: '10', operator: '>' }], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG KEYS'); }); it('should have no conditions in measurement query for query with no tags', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [] }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW MEASUREMENTS LIMIT 100'); }); it('should have no conditions in measurement query for query with no tags and empty query', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [] }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS', undefined, ''); expect(query).toBe('SHOW MEASUREMENTS LIMIT 100'); }); it('should have WITH MEASUREMENT in measurement query for non-empty query with no tags', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [] }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS', undefined, 'something'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW MEASUREMENTS WITH MEASUREMENT =~ /(?i)something/ LIMIT 100'); }); it('should escape the regex value in measurement query', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [] }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS', undefined, 'abc/edf/'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW MEASUREMENTS WITH MEASUREMENT =~ /(?i)abc\\/edf\\// LIMIT 100'); }); it('should have WITH MEASUREMENT WHERE in measurement query for non-empty query with tags', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [{ key: 'app', value: 'email' }], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS', undefined, 'something'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW MEASUREMENTS WITH MEASUREMENT =~ /(?i)something/ WHERE "app" = \'email\' LIMIT 100'); }); it('should have where condition in measurement query for query with tags', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [{ key: 'app', value: 'email' }], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW MEASUREMENTS WHERE "app" = \'email\' LIMIT 100'); }); it('should have where tag name IN filter in tag values query for query with one tag', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '', tags: [{ key: 'app', value: 'asdsadsad' }], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_VALUES', 'app'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "app"'); }); it('should have measurement tag condition and tag name IN filter in tag values query', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: 'cpu', tags: [ { key: 'app', value: 'email' }, { key: 'host', value: 'server1' }, ], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_VALUES', 'app'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "cpu" WITH KEY = "app" WHERE "host" = \'server1\''); }); it('should select from policy correctly if policy is specified', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: 'cpu', policy: 'one_week', tags: [ { key: 'app', value: 'email' }, { key: 'host', value: 'server1' }, ], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_VALUES', 'app'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "one_week"."cpu" WITH KEY = "app" WHERE "host" = \'server1\''); }); it('should not include policy when policy is default', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: 'cpu', policy: 'default', tags: [], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_VALUES', 'app'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "cpu" WITH KEY = "app"'); }); it('should switch to regex operator in tag condition', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: 'cpu', tags: [{ key: 'host', value: '/server.*/' }], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_VALUES', 'app'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "cpu" WITH KEY = "app" WHERE "host" =~ /server.*/'); }); it('should build show field query', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: 'cpu', tags: [{ key: 'app', value: 'email' }], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('FIELDS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM "cpu"'); }); it('should build show field query with regexp', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: '/$var/', tags: [{ key: 'app', value: 'email' }], }); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('FIELDS'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM /$var/'); }); it('should build show retention policies query', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder({ measurement: 'cpu', tags: [] }, 'site'); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('RETENTION POLICIES'); expect(query).toBe('SHOW RETENTION POLICIES on "site"'); }); it('should handle tag-value=number-ish when getting measurements', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder( { measurement: undefined, tags: [{ key: 'app', value: '42', operator: '==' }] }, undefined ); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS'); expect(query).toBe(`SHOW MEASUREMENTS WHERE "app" == 42 LIMIT 100`); }); it('should handle tag-value=number-ish getting tag-keys', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder( { measurement: undefined, tags: [{ key: 'app', value: '42', operator: '==' }] }, undefined ); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe(`SHOW TAG KEYS WHERE "app" == 42`); }); it('should handle tag-value-contains-backslash-character getting tag-keys', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder( { measurement: undefined, tags: [{ key: 'app', value: 'lab\\el', operator: '==' }] }, undefined ); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe(`SHOW TAG KEYS WHERE "app" == 'lab\\\\el'`); }); it('should handle tag-value-contains-single-quote-character getting tag-keys', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder( { measurement: undefined, tags: [{ key: 'app', value: "lab'el", operator: '==' }] }, undefined ); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe(`SHOW TAG KEYS WHERE "app" == 'lab\\'el'`); }); it('should handle tag-value=emptry-string when getting measurements', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder( { measurement: undefined, tags: [{ key: 'app', value: '', operator: '==' }] }, undefined ); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS'); expect(query).toBe(`SHOW MEASUREMENTS WHERE "app" == '' LIMIT 100`); }); it('should handle tag-value=emptry-string when getting tag-keys', () => { const builder = new InfluxQueryBuilder( { measurement: undefined, tags: [{ key: 'app', value: '', operator: '==' }] }, undefined ); const query = builder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS'); expect(query).toBe(`SHOW TAG KEYS WHERE "app" == ''`); }); }); });