import { SyntaxNode } from '@lezer/common'; import { parser } from '@grafana/lezer-logql'; import { ErrorName, getAllByType, getLeftMostChild, getString, makeBinOp, makeError, replaceVariables, } from '../../prometheus/querybuilder/shared/parsingUtils'; import { QueryBuilderLabelFilter, QueryBuilderOperation } from '../../prometheus/querybuilder/shared/types'; import { binaryScalarDefs } from './binaryScalarOperations'; import { LokiVisualQuery, LokiVisualQueryBinary } from './types'; interface Context { query: LokiVisualQuery; errors: ParsingError[]; } interface ParsingError { text: string; from?: number; to?: number; parentType?: string; } export function buildVisualQueryFromString(expr: string): Context { const replacedExpr = replaceVariables(expr); const tree = parser.parse(replacedExpr); const node = tree.topNode; // This will be modified in the handleExpression const visQuery: LokiVisualQuery = { labels: [], operations: [], }; const context: Context = { query: visQuery, errors: [], }; try { handleExpression(replacedExpr, node, context); } catch (err) { // Not ideal to log it here, but otherwise we would lose the stack trace. console.error(err); context.errors.push({ text: err.message, }); } // If we have empty query, we want to reset errors if (isEmptyQuery(context.query)) { context.errors = []; } return context; } export function handleExpression(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context) { const visQuery = context.query; switch ( { case 'Matcher': { visQuery.labels.push(getLabel(expr, node)); const err = node.getChild(ErrorName); if (err) { context.errors.push(makeError(expr, err)); } break; } case 'LineFilter': { const { operation, error } = getLineFilter(expr, node); if (operation) { visQuery.operations.push(operation); } // Show error for query patterns not supported in visual query builder if (error) { context.errors.push(createNotSupportedError(expr, node, error)); } break; } case 'LabelParser': { visQuery.operations.push(getLabelParser(expr, node)); break; } case 'LabelFilter': { const { operation, error } = getLabelFilter(expr, node); if (operation) { visQuery.operations.push(operation); } // Show error for query patterns not supported in visual query builder if (error) { context.errors.push(createNotSupportedError(expr, node, error)); } break; } case 'JsonExpressionParser': { // JsonExpressionParser is not supported in query builder const error = 'JsonExpressionParser not supported in visual query builder'; context.errors.push(createNotSupportedError(expr, node, error)); } case 'LineFormatExpr': { visQuery.operations.push(getLineFormat(expr, node)); break; } case 'LabelFormatMatcher': { visQuery.operations.push(getLabelFormat(expr, node)); break; } case 'UnwrapExpr': { const { operation, error } = handleUnwrapExpr(expr, node, context); if (operation) { visQuery.operations.push(operation); } // Show error for query patterns not supported in visual query builder if (error) { context.errors.push(createNotSupportedError(expr, node, error)); } break; } case 'RangeAggregationExpr': { visQuery.operations.push(handleRangeAggregation(expr, node, context)); break; } case 'VectorAggregationExpr': { visQuery.operations.push(handleVectorAggregation(expr, node, context)); break; } case 'BinOpExpr': { handleBinary(expr, node, context); break; } case ErrorName: { if (isIntervalVariableError(node)) { break; } context.errors.push(makeError(expr, node)); break; } default: { // Any other nodes we just ignore and go to it's children. This should be fine as there are lot's of wrapper // nodes that can be skipped. // TODO: there are probably cases where we will just skip nodes we don't support and we should be able to // detect those and report back. let child = node.firstChild; while (child) { handleExpression(expr, child, context); child = child.nextSibling; } } } } function getLabel(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode): QueryBuilderLabelFilter { const labelNode = node.getChild('Identifier'); const label = getString(expr, labelNode); const op = getString(expr, labelNode!.nextSibling); const value = getString(expr, node.getChild('String')).replace(/"/g, ''); return { label, op, value, }; } function getLineFilter(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode): { operation?: QueryBuilderOperation; error?: string } { // Check for nodes not supported in visual builder and return error const ipLineFilter = getAllByType(expr, node, 'Ip'); if (ipLineFilter.length > 0) { return { error: 'Matching ip addresses not supported in query builder', }; } const mapFilter: any = { '|=': '__line_contains', '!=': '__line_contains_not', '|~': '__line_matches_regex', '!~': '"__line_matches_regex"_not', }; const filter = getString(expr, node.getChild('Filter')); const filterExpr = handleQuotes(getString(expr, node.getChild('String'))); return { operation: { id: mapFilter[filter], params: [filterExpr], }, }; } function getLabelParser(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode): QueryBuilderOperation { const parserNode = node.firstChild; const parser = getString(expr, parserNode); const string = handleQuotes(getString(expr, node.getChild('String'))); const params = !!string ? [string] : []; return { id: parser, params, }; } function getLabelFilter(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode): { operation?: QueryBuilderOperation; error?: string } { // Check for nodes not supported in visual builder and return error if (node.getChild('Or') || node.getChild('And') || node.getChild('Comma')) { return { error: 'Label filter with comma, "and", "or" not supported in query builder', }; } if (node.firstChild!.name === 'IpLabelFilter') { return { error: 'IpLabelFilter not supported in query builder', }; } const id = '__label_filter'; if (node.firstChild!.name === 'UnitFilter') { const filter = node.firstChild!.firstChild; const label = filter!.firstChild; const op = label!.nextSibling; const value = op!.nextSibling; const valueString = handleQuotes(getString(expr, value)); return { operation: { id, params: [getString(expr, label), getString(expr, op), valueString], }, }; } // In this case it is Matcher or NumberFilter const filter = node.firstChild; const label = filter!.firstChild; const op = label!.nextSibling; const value = op!.nextSibling; const params = [getString(expr, label), getString(expr, op), handleQuotes(getString(expr, value))]; // Special case of pipe filtering - no errors if (params.join('') === `__error__=`) { return { operation: { id: '__label_filter_no_errors', params: [], }, }; } return { operation: { id, params, }, }; } function getLineFormat(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode): QueryBuilderOperation { const id = 'line_format'; const string = handleQuotes(getString(expr, node.getChild('String'))); return { id, params: [string], }; } function getLabelFormat(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode): QueryBuilderOperation { const id = 'label_format'; const identifier = node.getChild('Identifier'); const op = identifier!.nextSibling; const value = op!.nextSibling; let valueString = handleQuotes(getString(expr, value)); return { id, params: [getString(expr, identifier), valueString], }; } function handleUnwrapExpr( expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context ): { operation?: QueryBuilderOperation; error?: string } { const unwrapExprChild = node.getChild('UnwrapExpr'); const labelFilterChild = node.getChild('LabelFilter'); const unwrapChild = node.getChild('Unwrap'); if (unwrapExprChild) { handleExpression(expr, unwrapExprChild, context); } if (labelFilterChild) { handleExpression(expr, labelFilterChild, context); } if (unwrapChild) { if (unwrapChild?.nextSibling? === 'ConvOp') { return { error: 'Unwrap with conversion operator not supported in query builder', }; } return { operation: { id: 'unwrap', params: [getString(expr, unwrapChild?.nextSibling)], }, }; } return {}; } function handleRangeAggregation(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context) { const nameNode = node.getChild('RangeOp'); const funcName = getString(expr, nameNode); const number = node.getChild('Number'); const logExpr = node.getChild('LogRangeExpr'); const params = number !== null && number !== undefined ? [getString(expr, number)] : []; let match = getString(expr, node).match(/\[(.+)\]/); if (match?.[1]) { params.push(match[1]); } const op = { id: funcName, params, }; if (logExpr) { handleExpression(expr, logExpr, context); } return op; } function handleVectorAggregation(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context) { const nameNode = node.getChild('VectorOp'); let funcName = getString(expr, nameNode); const grouping = node.getChild('Grouping'); const params = []; const numberNode = node.getChild('Number'); if (numberNode) { params.push(Number(getString(expr, numberNode))); } if (grouping) { const byModifier = grouping.getChild(`By`); if (byModifier && funcName) { funcName = `__${funcName}_by`; } const withoutModifier = grouping.getChild(`Without`); if (withoutModifier) { funcName = `__${funcName}_without`; } params.push(...getAllByType(expr, grouping, 'Identifier')); } const metricExpr = node.getChild('MetricExpr'); const op: QueryBuilderOperation = { id: funcName, params }; if (metricExpr) { handleExpression(expr, metricExpr, context); } return op; } const operatorToOpName = binaryScalarDefs.reduce((acc, def) => { acc[def.sign] = { id:, comparison: def.comparison, }; return acc; }, {} as Record); /** * Right now binary expressions can be represented in 2 way in visual query. As additional operation in case it is * just operation with scalar or it creates a binaryQuery when it's 2 queries. * @param expr * @param node * @param context */ function handleBinary(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context) { const visQuery = context.query; const left = node.firstChild!; const op = getString(expr, left.nextSibling); const binModifier = getBinaryModifier(expr, node.getChild('BinModifiers')); const right = node.lastChild!; const opDef = operatorToOpName[op]; const leftNumber = getLastChildWithSelector(left, 'MetricExpr.LiteralExpr.Number'); const rightNumber = getLastChildWithSelector(right, 'MetricExpr.LiteralExpr.Number'); const rightBinary = right.getChild('BinOpExpr'); if (leftNumber) { // TODO: this should be already handled in case parent is binary expression as it has to be added to parent // if query starts with a number that isn't handled now. } else { // If this is binary we don't really know if there is a query or just chained scalars. So // we have to traverse a bit deeper to know handleExpression(expr, left, context); } if (rightNumber) { visQuery.operations.push(makeBinOp(opDef, expr, right, !!binModifier?.isBool)); } else if (rightBinary) { // Due to the way binary ops are parsed we can get a binary operation on the right that starts with a number which // is a factor for a current binary operation. So we have to add it as an operation now. const leftMostChild = getLeftMostChild(right); if (leftMostChild?.name === 'Number') { visQuery.operations.push(makeBinOp(opDef, expr, leftMostChild, !!binModifier?.isBool)); } // If we added the first number literal as operation here we still can continue and handle the rest as the first // number will be just skipped. handleExpression(expr, right, context); } else { visQuery.binaryQueries = visQuery.binaryQueries || []; const binQuery: LokiVisualQueryBinary = { operator: op, query: { labels: [], operations: [], }, }; if (binModifier?.isMatcher) { binQuery.vectorMatchesType = binModifier.matchType; binQuery.vectorMatches = binModifier.matches; } visQuery.binaryQueries.push(binQuery); handleExpression(expr, right, { query: binQuery.query, errors: context.errors, }); } } function getBinaryModifier( expr: string, node: SyntaxNode | null ): | { isBool: true; isMatcher: false } | { isBool: false; isMatcher: true; matches: string; matchType: 'ignoring' | 'on' } | undefined { if (!node) { return undefined; } if (node.getChild('Bool')) { return { isBool: true, isMatcher: false }; } else { const matcher = node.getChild('OnOrIgnoring'); if (!matcher) { // Not sure what this could be, maybe should be an error. return undefined; } const labels = getString(expr, matcher.getChild('GroupingLabels')?.getChild('GroupingLabelList')); return { isMatcher: true, isBool: false, matches: labels, matchType: matcher.getChild('On') ? 'on' : 'ignoring', }; } } function isIntervalVariableError(node: SyntaxNode) { return node?.parent?.name === 'Range'; } function handleQuotes(string: string) { if (string[0] === `"` && string[string.length - 1] === `"`) { return string.replace(/"/g, '').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); } return string.replace(/`/g, ''); } /** * Simple helper to traverse the syntax tree. Instead of node.getChild('foo')?.getChild('bar')?.getChild('baz') you * can write getChildWithSelector(node, '') * @param node * @param selector */ function getLastChildWithSelector(node: SyntaxNode, selector: string) { let child: SyntaxNode | null = node; const children = selector.split('.'); for (const s of children) { child = child.getChild(s); if (!child) { return null; } } return child; } /** * Helper function to enrich error text with information that visual query builder doesn't support that logQL * @param expr * @param node * @param error */ function createNotSupportedError(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, error: string) { const err = makeError(expr, node); err.text = `${error}: ${err.text}`; return err; } function isEmptyQuery(query: LokiVisualQuery) { if (query.labels.length === 0 && query.operations.length === 0) { return true; } return false; }