import { capitalize, groupBy, isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import { of } from 'rxjs'; import { v5 as uuidv5 } from 'uuid'; import { FieldType, TimeSeries, Labels, DataFrame, ArrayVector, MutableDataFrame, findUniqueLabels, DataFrameView, DataLink, Field, QueryResultMetaStat, QueryResultMeta, TimeSeriesValue, ScopedVars, toDataFrame, } from '@grafana/data'; import { getTemplateSrv, getDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import TableModel from 'app/core/table_model'; import { renderLegendFormat } from '../prometheus/legend'; import { formatQuery, getHighlighterExpressionsFromQuery } from './query_utils'; import { dataFrameHasLokiError } from './responseUtils'; import { LokiRangeQueryRequest, LokiResponse, LokiMatrixResult, LokiVectorResult, TransformerOptions, LokiResultType, LokiStreamResult, LokiTailResponse, LokiQuery, LokiOptions, DerivedFieldConfig, LokiStreamResponse, LokiStats, } from './types'; const UUID_NAMESPACE = '6ec946da-0f49-47a8-983a-1d76d17e7c92'; /** * Transforms LokiStreamResult structure into a dataFrame. Used when doing standard queries */ export function lokiStreamsToRawDataFrame(streams: LokiStreamResult[], refId?: string): DataFrame { const labels = new ArrayVector<{}>([]); const times = new ArrayVector([]); const timesNs = new ArrayVector([]); const lines = new ArrayVector([]); const uids = new ArrayVector([]); // We need to store and track all used uids to ensure that uids are unique const usedUids: { string?: number } = {}; for (const stream of streams) { const streamLabels: Labels =; const labelsString = Object.entries(streamLabels) .map(([key, val]) => `${key}="${val}"`) .sort() .join(''); for (const [ts, line] of stream.values) { labels.add(streamLabels); // num ns epoch in string, we convert it to iso string here so it matches old format times.add(new Date(parseInt(ts.slice(0, -6), 10)).toISOString()); timesNs.add(ts); lines.add(line); uids.add(createUid(ts, labelsString, line, usedUids, refId)); } } return constructDataFrame(times, timesNs, lines, uids, labels, refId); } /** * Constructs dataFrame with supplied fields and other data. */ function constructDataFrame( times: ArrayVector, timesNs: ArrayVector, lines: ArrayVector, uids: ArrayVector, labels: ArrayVector<{}>, refId?: string ) { const dataFrame = { refId, fields: [ { name: 'labels', type: FieldType.other, config: {}, values: labels }, { name: 'Time', type: FieldType.time, config: {}, values: times }, // Time { name: 'Line', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: lines }, // Line - needs to be the first field with string type { name: 'tsNs', type: FieldType.time, config: {}, values: timesNs }, // Time { name: 'id', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: uids }, ], length: times.length, }; return dataFrame; } /** * Transform LokiResponse data and appends it to MutableDataFrame. Used for streaming where the dataFrame can be * a CircularDataFrame creating a fixed size rolling buffer. * TODO: Probably could be unified with the logStreamToDataFrame function. * @param response * @param data Needs to have ts, line, labels, id as fields */ export function appendResponseToBufferedData(response: LokiTailResponse, data: MutableDataFrame) { // Should we do anything with: response.dropped_entries? const streams: LokiStreamResult[] = response.streams; if (!streams || !streams.length) { return; } let baseLabels: Labels = {}; for (const f of data.fields) { if (f.type === FieldType.string) { if (f.labels) { baseLabels = f.labels; } break; } } const labelsField = data.fields[0]; const tsField = data.fields[1]; const lineField = data.fields[2]; const idField = data.fields[3]; const tsNsField = data.fields[4]; // We are comparing used ids only within the received stream. This could be a problem if the same line + labels + nanosecond timestamp came in 2 separate batches. // As this is very unlikely, and the result would only affect live-tailing css animation we have decided to not compare all received uids from data param as this would slow down processing. const usedUids: { string?: number } = {}; for (const stream of streams) { // Find unique labels const unique = findUniqueLabels(, baseLabels); const allLabelsString = Object.entries( .map(([key, val]) => `${key}="${val}"`) .sort() .join(''); // Add each line for (const [ts, line] of stream.values) { tsField.values.add(new Date(parseInt(ts.slice(0, -6), 10)).toISOString()); tsNsField.values.add(ts); lineField.values.add(line); labelsField.values.add(unique); idField.values.add(createUid(ts, allLabelsString, line, usedUids, data.refId)); } } } function createUid(ts: string, labelsString: string, line: string, usedUids: any, refId?: string): string { // Generate id as hashed nanosecond timestamp, labels and line (this does not have to be unique) let id = uuidv5(`${ts}_${labelsString}_${line}`, UUID_NAMESPACE); // Check if generated id is unique // If not and we've already used it, append it's count after it if (id in usedUids) { // Increase the count const newCount = usedUids[id] + 1; usedUids[id] = newCount; // Append count to generated id to make it unique id = `${id}_${newCount}`; } else { // If id is unique and wasn't used, add it to usedUids and start count at 0 usedUids[id] = 0; } // Return unique id if (refId) { return `${id}_${refId}`; } return id; } function lokiMatrixToTimeSeries(matrixResult: LokiMatrixResult, options: TransformerOptions): TimeSeries { const name = createMetricLabel(matrixResult.metric, options); return { target: name, title: name, datapoints: lokiPointsToTimeseriesPoints(matrixResult.values), tags: matrixResult.metric, meta: options.meta, refId: options.refId, }; } function parsePrometheusFormatSampleValue(value: string): number { switch (value) { case '+Inf': return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; case '-Inf': return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; default: return parseFloat(value); } } export function lokiPointsToTimeseriesPoints(data: Array<[number, string]>): TimeSeriesValue[][] { const datapoints: TimeSeriesValue[][] = []; for (const [time, value] of data) { let datapointValue: TimeSeriesValue = parsePrometheusFormatSampleValue(value); const timestamp = time * 1000; datapoints.push([datapointValue, timestamp]); } return datapoints; } export function lokiResultsToTableModel( lokiResults: Array, resultCount: number, refId: string, meta: QueryResultMeta ): TableModel { if (!lokiResults || lokiResults.length === 0) { return new TableModel(); } // Collect all labels across all metrics const metricLabels: Set = new Set( lokiResults.reduce((acc, cur) => acc.concat(Object.keys(cur.metric)), [] as string[]) ); // Sort metric labels, create columns for them and record their index const sortedLabels = [...metricLabels.values()].sort(); const table = new TableModel(); table.refId = refId; table.meta = meta; table.columns = [ { text: 'Time', type: FieldType.time }, => ({ text: label, filterable: true, type: FieldType.string })), { text: `Value #${refId}`, type: FieldType.number }, ]; // Populate rows, set value to empty string when label not present. lokiResults.forEach((series) => { const newSeries: LokiMatrixResult = { metric: series.metric, values: (series as LokiVectorResult).value ? [(series as LokiVectorResult).value] : (series as LokiMatrixResult).values, }; if (!newSeries.values) { return; } if (!newSeries.metric) { table.rows.concat([a, b]) => [a * 1000, parseFloat(b)])); } else { table.rows.push([a, b]) => [ a * 1000, => newSeries.metric[label] || ''), parseFloat(b), ]) ); } }); return table; } export function createMetricLabel(labelData: { [key: string]: string }, options?: TransformerOptions) { let label = options === undefined || isEmpty(options.legendFormat) ? getOriginalMetricName(labelData) : renderLegendFormat(getTemplateSrv().replace(options.legendFormat ?? '', options.scopedVars), labelData); if (!label && options) { label = options.query; } return label; } function getOriginalMetricName(labelData: { [key: string]: string }) { const labelPart = Object.entries(labelData) .map((label) => `${label[0]}="${label[1]}"`) .join(','); return `{${labelPart}}`; } export function decamelize(s: string): string { return s.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (m) => ` ${m.toLowerCase()}`); } // Turn loki stats { metric: value } into meta stat { title: metric, value: value } function lokiStatsToMetaStat(stats: LokiStats | undefined): QueryResultMetaStat[] { const result: QueryResultMetaStat[] = []; if (!stats) { return result; } for (const section in stats) { const values = stats[section]; for (const label in values) { const value = values[label]; let unit; if (/time/i.test(label) && value) { unit = 's'; } else if (/bytes.*persecond/i.test(label)) { unit = 'Bps'; } else if (/bytes/i.test(label)) { unit = 'decbytes'; } const title = `${capitalize(section)}: ${decamelize(label)}`; result.push({ displayName: title, value, unit }); } } return result; } export function lokiStreamsToDataFrames( response: LokiStreamResponse, target: LokiQuery, limit: number, config: LokiOptions ): DataFrame[] { const data = limit > 0 ? : []; const stats: QueryResultMetaStat[] = lokiStatsToMetaStat(; // Use custom mechanism to identify which stat we want to promote to label const custom = { lokiQueryStatKey: 'Summary: total bytes processed', // TODO: when we get a real frame-type in @grafana/data // move this to frame.meta.type frameType: 'LabeledTimeValues', }; const meta: QueryResultMeta = { searchWords: getHighlighterExpressionsFromQuery(formatQuery(target.expr)), limit, stats, custom, preferredVisualisationType: 'logs', }; const dataFrame = lokiStreamsToRawDataFrame(data, target.refId); enhanceDataFrame(dataFrame, config); if (meta.custom && dataFrameHasLokiError(dataFrame)) { meta.custom.error = 'Error when parsing some of the logs'; } if (stats.length && !data.length) { return [ { fields: [], length: 0, refId: target.refId, meta, }, ]; } return [ { ...dataFrame, refId: target.refId, meta, }, ]; } /** * Adds new fields and DataLinks to DataFrame based on DataSource instance config. */ export const enhanceDataFrame = (dataFrame: DataFrame, config: LokiOptions | null): void => { if (!config) { return; } const derivedFields = config.derivedFields ?? []; if (!derivedFields.length) { return; } const derivedFieldsGrouped = groupBy(derivedFields, 'name'); const newFields = Object.values(derivedFieldsGrouped).map(fieldFromDerivedFieldConfig); const view = new DataFrameView(dataFrame); view.forEach((row: { Line: string }) => { for (const field of newFields) { const logMatch = row.Line.match(derivedFieldsGrouped[][0].matcherRegex); field.values.add(logMatch && logMatch[1]); } }); dataFrame.fields = [...dataFrame.fields, ...newFields]; }; /** * Transform derivedField config into dataframe field with config that contains link. */ function fieldFromDerivedFieldConfig(derivedFieldConfigs: DerivedFieldConfig[]): Field { const dataSourceSrv = getDataSourceSrv(); const dataLinks = derivedFieldConfigs.reduce((acc, derivedFieldConfig) => { // Having field.datasourceUid means it is an internal link. if (derivedFieldConfig.datasourceUid) { const dsSettings = dataSourceSrv.getInstanceSettings(derivedFieldConfig.datasourceUid); acc.push({ // Will be filled out later title: derivedFieldConfig.urlDisplayLabel || '', url: '', // This is hardcoded for Jaeger or Zipkin not way right now to specify datasource specific query object internal: { query: { query: derivedFieldConfig.url }, datasourceUid: derivedFieldConfig.datasourceUid, datasourceName: dsSettings?.name ?? 'Data source not found', }, }); } else if (derivedFieldConfig.url) { acc.push({ // We do not know what title to give here so we count on presentation layer to create a title from metadata. title: derivedFieldConfig.urlDisplayLabel || '', // This is hardcoded for Jaeger or Zipkin not way right now to specify datasource specific query object url: derivedFieldConfig.url, }); } return acc; }, [] as DataLink[]); return { name: derivedFieldConfigs[0].name, type: FieldType.string, config: { links: dataLinks, }, // We are adding values later on values: new ArrayVector([]), }; } function rangeQueryResponseToTimeSeries( response: LokiResponse, query: LokiRangeQueryRequest, target: LokiQuery, scopedVars: ScopedVars ): TimeSeries[] { /** Show results of Loki metric queries only in graph */ const meta: QueryResultMeta = { preferredVisualisationType: 'graph', }; const transformerOptions: TransformerOptions = { legendFormat: target.legendFormat ?? '', query: query.query, refId: target.refId, meta, scopedVars, }; switch ( { case LokiResultType.Vector: return => lokiMatrixToTimeSeries({ metric: vecResult.metric, values: [vecResult.value] }, transformerOptions) ); case LokiResultType.Matrix: return => lokiMatrixToTimeSeries(matrixResult, transformerOptions)); default: return []; } } export function rangeQueryResponseToDataFrames( response: LokiResponse, query: LokiRangeQueryRequest, target: LokiQuery, scopedVars: ScopedVars ): DataFrame[] { const series = rangeQueryResponseToTimeSeries(response, query, target, scopedVars); const frames = => toDataFrame(s)); const { step } = query; if (step != null) { const intervalMs = step * 1000; frames.forEach((frame) => { frame.fields.forEach((field) => { if (field.type === FieldType.time) { field.config.interval = intervalMs; } }); }); } return frames; } export function processRangeQueryResponse( response: LokiResponse, target: LokiQuery, query: LokiRangeQueryRequest, limit: number, config: LokiOptions, scopedVars: ScopedVars ) { switch ( { case LokiResultType.Stream: return of({ data: lokiStreamsToDataFrames(response as LokiStreamResponse, target, limit, config), key: `${target.refId}_log`, }); case LokiResultType.Vector: case LokiResultType.Matrix: return of({ data: rangeQueryResponseToDataFrames(response, query, target, scopedVars), key: target.refId, }); default: throw new Error(`Unknown result type "${( as any).resultType}".`); } }