Time series:
- return column named time (in UTC), as a unix time stamp or any sql native date data type. You can use the macros below.
- any other columns returned will be the time point values.
  - return column named metric to represent the series name.
  - If multiple value columns are returned the metric column is used as prefix.
  - If no column named metric is found the column name of the value column is used as series name

Resultsets of time series queries need to be sorted by time.

- return any set of columns

- $__time(column) -> column AS time
- $__timeEpoch(column) -> DATEDIFF(second, '1970-01-01', column) AS time
- $__timeFilter(column) -> column BETWEEN '2017-04-21T05:01:17Z' AND '2017-04-21T05:01:17Z'
- $__unixEpochFilter(column) -> column >= 1492750877 AND column <= 1492750877
- $__unixEpochNanoFilter(column) ->  column >= 1494410783152415214 AND column <= 1494497183142514872
- $__timeGroup(column, '5m'[, fillvalue]) -> CAST(ROUND(DATEDIFF(second, '1970-01-01', column)/300.0, 0) as bigint)*300.
     by setting fillvalue grafana will fill in missing values according to the interval
     fillvalue can be either a literal value, NULL or previous; previous will fill in the previous seen value or NULL if none has been seen yet
- $__timeGroupAlias(column, '5m'[, fillvalue]) -> CAST(ROUND(DATEDIFF(second, '1970-01-01', column)/300.0, 0) as bigint)*300 AS [time]
- $__unixEpochGroup(column,'5m') -> FLOOR(column/300)*300
- $__unixEpochGroupAlias(column,'5m') -> FLOOR(column/300)*300 AS [time]

Example of group by and order by with $__timeGroup:
  $__timeGroup(date_time_col, '1h') AS time,
  sum(value) as value
FROM yourtable
GROUP BY $__timeGroup(date_time_col, '1h')

Or build your own conditionals using these macros which just return the values:
- $__timeFrom() ->  '2017-04-21T05:01:17Z'
- $__timeTo() ->  '2017-04-21T05:01:17Z'
- $__unixEpochFrom() -> 1492750877
- $__unixEpochTo() -> 1492750877
- $__unixEpochNanoFrom() ->  1494410783152415214
- $__unixEpochNanoTo() ->  1494497183142514872