import { lastValueFrom, Observable, of } from 'rxjs'; import { createFetchResponse } from 'test/helpers/createFetchResponse'; import { DataFrame, dataFrameToJSON, DataSourceInstanceSettings, FieldType, getDefaultTimeRange, LoadingState, MutableDataFrame, PluginType, } from '@grafana/data'; import { BackendDataSourceResponse, FetchResponse, setBackendSrv, setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { DEFAULT_LIMIT, TempoJsonData, TempoDatasource, TempoQuery } from './datasource'; import mockJson from './mockJsonResponse.json'; jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => { return { ...jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime'), reportInteraction: jest.fn(), }; }); describe('Tempo data source', () => { // Mock the console error so that running the test suite doesnt throw the error const origError = console.error; const consoleErrorMock = jest.fn(); afterEach(() => (console.error = origError)); beforeEach(() => (console.error = consoleErrorMock)); it('returns empty response when traceId is empty', async () => { const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings); const response = await lastValueFrom( ds.query({ targets: [{ refId: 'refid1', queryType: 'traceId', query: '' } as Partial] } as any), { defaultValue: 'empty' } ); expect(response).toBe('empty'); }); describe('Variables should be interpolated correctly', () => { function getQuery(): TempoQuery { return { refId: 'x', queryType: 'traceId', linkedQuery: { refId: 'linked', expr: '{instance="$interpolationVar"}', }, query: '$interpolationVar', search: '$interpolationVar', minDuration: '$interpolationVar', maxDuration: '$interpolationVar', }; } it('when traceId query for dashboard->explore', async () => { const templateSrv: any = { replace: jest.fn() }; const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings, templateSrv); const text = 'interpolationText'; templateSrv.replace.mockReturnValue(text); const queries = ds.interpolateVariablesInQueries([getQuery()], { interpolationVar: { text: text, value: text }, }); expect(templateSrv.replace).toBeCalledTimes(7); expect(queries[0].linkedQuery?.expr).toBe(text); expect(queries[0].query).toBe(text); expect(queries[0].serviceName).toBe(text); expect(queries[0].spanName).toBe(text); expect(queries[0].search).toBe(text); expect(queries[0].minDuration).toBe(text); expect(queries[0].maxDuration).toBe(text); }); it('when traceId query for template variable', async () => { const templateSrv: any = { replace: jest.fn() }; const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings, templateSrv); const text = 'interpolationText'; templateSrv.replace.mockReturnValue(text); const resp = ds.applyTemplateVariables(getQuery(), { interpolationVar: { text: text, value: text }, }); expect(templateSrv.replace).toBeCalledTimes(7); expect(resp.linkedQuery?.expr).toBe(text); expect(resp.query).toBe(text); expect(resp.serviceName).toBe(text); expect(resp.spanName).toBe(text); expect(; expect(resp.minDuration).toBe(text); expect(resp.maxDuration).toBe(text); }); }); it('parses json fields from backend', async () => { setupBackendSrv( new MutableDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'traceID', values: ['04450900759028499335'] }, { name: 'spanID', values: ['4322526419282105830'] }, { name: 'parentSpanID', values: [''] }, { name: 'operationName', values: ['store.validateQueryTimeRange'] }, { name: 'startTime', values: [1619712655875.4539] }, { name: 'duration', values: [14.984] }, { name: 'serviceTags', values: ['{"key":"servicetag1","value":"service"}'] }, { name: 'logs', values: ['{"timestamp":12345,"fields":[{"key":"count","value":1}]}'] }, { name: 'tags', values: ['{"key":"tag1","value":"val1"}'] }, { name: 'serviceName', values: ['service'] }, ], }) ); const templateSrv: any = { replace: jest.fn() }; const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings, templateSrv); const response = await lastValueFrom(ds.query({ targets: [{ refId: 'refid1', query: '12345' }] } as any)); expect( ([0] as DataFrame) => ({ name:, values: f.values.toArray(), })) ).toMatchObject([ { name: 'traceID', values: ['04450900759028499335'] }, { name: 'spanID', values: ['4322526419282105830'] }, { name: 'parentSpanID', values: [''] }, { name: 'operationName', values: ['store.validateQueryTimeRange'] }, { name: 'startTime', values: [1619712655875.4539] }, { name: 'duration', values: [14.984] }, { name: 'serviceTags', values: [{ key: 'servicetag1', value: 'service' }] }, { name: 'logs', values: [{ timestamp: 12345, fields: [{ key: 'count', value: 1 }] }] }, { name: 'tags', values: [{ key: 'tag1', value: 'val1' }] }, { name: 'serviceName', values: ['service'] }, ]); expect( ([1] as DataFrame) => ({ name:, values: f.values.toArray(), })) ).toMatchObject([ { name: 'id', values: ['4322526419282105830'] }, { name: 'title', values: ['service'] }, { name: 'subtitle', values: ['store.validateQueryTimeRange'] }, { name: 'mainstat', values: ['14.98ms (100%)'] }, { name: 'secondarystat', values: ['14.98ms (100%)'] }, { name: 'color', values: [1.000007560204647] }, ]); expect( ([2] as DataFrame) => ({ name:, values: f.values.toArray(), })) ).toMatchObject([ { name: 'id', values: [] }, { name: 'target', values: [] }, { name: 'source', values: [] }, ]); }); it('runs service graph queries', async () => { const ds = new TempoDatasource({ ...defaultSettings, jsonData: { serviceMap: { datasourceUid: 'prom', }, }, }); setDataSourceSrv(backendSrvWithPrometheus as any); const response = await lastValueFrom( ds.query({ targets: [{ queryType: 'serviceMap' }], range: getDefaultTimeRange() } as any) ); expect(; expect([0].name).toBe('Nodes'); expect([0].fields[0].values.length).toBe(3); // Test Links expect([0].fields[0].config.links.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect([0].fields[0].config.links).toEqual(serviceGraphLinks); expect([1].name).toBe('Edges'); expect([1].fields[0].values.length).toBe(2); expect(response.state).toBe(LoadingState.Done); }); it('should handle json file upload', async () => { const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings); ds.uploadedJson = JSON.stringify(mockJson); const response = await lastValueFrom( ds.query({ targets: [{ queryType: 'upload', refId: 'A' }], } as any) ); const field =[0].fields[0]; expect('traceID'); expect(field.type).toBe(FieldType.string); expect(field.values.get(0)).toBe('60ba2abb44f13eae'); expect(field.values.length).toBe(6); }); it('should fail on invalid json file upload', async () => { const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings); ds.uploadedJson = JSON.stringify(mockInvalidJson); const response = await lastValueFrom( ds.query({ targets: [{ queryType: 'upload', refId: 'A' }], } as any) ); expect(response.error?.message).toBeDefined(); expect(; }); it('should build search query correctly', () => { const templateSrv: any = { replace: jest.fn() }; const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings, templateSrv); const duration = '10ms'; templateSrv.replace.mockReturnValue(duration); const tempoQuery: TempoQuery = { queryType: 'search', refId: 'A', query: '', serviceName: 'frontend', spanName: '/config', search: 'root.http.status_code=500', minDuration: '$interpolationVar', maxDuration: '$interpolationVar', limit: 10, }; const builtQuery = ds.buildSearchQuery(tempoQuery); expect(builtQuery).toStrictEqual({ tags: 'root.http.status_code=500"frontend" name="/config"', minDuration: duration, maxDuration: duration, limit: 10, }); }); it('should include a default limit', () => { const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings); const tempoQuery: TempoQuery = { queryType: 'search', refId: 'A', query: '', search: '', }; const builtQuery = ds.buildSearchQuery(tempoQuery); expect(builtQuery).toStrictEqual({ tags: '', limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT, }); }); it('should include time range if provided', () => { const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings); const tempoQuery: TempoQuery = { queryType: 'search', refId: 'A', query: '', search: '', }; const timeRange = { startTime: 0, endTime: 1000 }; const builtQuery = ds.buildSearchQuery(tempoQuery, timeRange); expect(builtQuery).toStrictEqual({ tags: '', limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT, start: timeRange.startTime, end: timeRange.endTime, }); }); it('formats native search query history correctly', () => { const ds = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings); const tempoQuery: TempoQuery = { queryType: 'nativeSearch', refId: 'A', query: '', serviceName: 'frontend', spanName: '/config', search: 'root.http.status_code=500', minDuration: '1ms', maxDuration: '100s', limit: 10, }; const result = ds.getQueryDisplayText(tempoQuery); expect(result).toBe( 'Service Name: frontend, Span Name: /config, Search: root.http.status_code=500, Min Duration: 1ms, Max Duration: 100s, Limit: 10' ); }); it('should get loki search datasource', () => { // 1. Get lokiSearch.datasource if present const ds1 = new TempoDatasource({ ...defaultSettings, jsonData: { lokiSearch: { datasourceUid: 'loki-1', }, }, }); const lokiDS1 = ds1.getLokiSearchDS(); expect(lokiDS1).toBe('loki-1'); // 2. Get traceToLogs.datasource const ds2 = new TempoDatasource({ ...defaultSettings, jsonData: { tracesToLogs: { lokiSearch: true, datasourceUid: 'loki-2', }, }, }); const lokiDS2 = ds2.getLokiSearchDS(); expect(lokiDS2).toBe('loki-2'); // 3. Return undefined if neither is available const ds3 = new TempoDatasource(defaultSettings); const lokiDS3 = ds3.getLokiSearchDS(); expect(lokiDS3).toBe(undefined); // 4. Return undefined if lokiSearch is undefined, even if traceToLogs is present // since this indicates the user cleared the fallback setting const ds4 = new TempoDatasource({ ...defaultSettings, jsonData: { tracesToLogs: { lokiSearch: true, datasourceUid: 'loki-2', }, lokiSearch: { datasourceUid: undefined, }, }, }); const lokiDS4 = ds4.getLokiSearchDS(); expect(lokiDS4).toBe(undefined); }); }); const backendSrvWithPrometheus = { async get(uid: string) { if (uid === 'prom') { return { query() { return of({ data: [totalsPromMetric, secondsPromMetric, failedPromMetric] }); }, }; } throw new Error('unexpected uid'); }, }; function setupBackendSrv(frame: DataFrame) { setBackendSrv({ fetch(): Observable> { return of( createFetchResponse({ results: { refid1: { frames: [dataFrameToJSON(frame)], }, }, }) ); }, } as any); } const defaultSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings = { id: 0, uid: '0', type: 'tracing', name: 'tempo', access: 'proxy', meta: { id: 'tempo', name: 'tempo', type: PluginType.datasource, info: {} as any, module: '', baseUrl: '', }, jsonData: { nodeGraph: { enabled: true, }, }, }; const totalsPromMetric = new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'traces_service_graph_request_total', fields: [ { name: 'Time', values: [1628169788000, 1628169788000] }, { name: 'client', values: ['app', 'lb'] }, { name: 'instance', values: ['', ''] }, { name: 'job', values: ['local_scrape', 'local_scrape'] }, { name: 'server', values: ['db', 'app'] }, { name: 'tempo_config', values: ['default', 'default'] }, { name: 'Value #traces_service_graph_request_total', values: [10, 20] }, ], }); const secondsPromMetric = new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'traces_service_graph_request_server_seconds_sum', fields: [ { name: 'Time', values: [1628169788000, 1628169788000] }, { name: 'client', values: ['app', 'lb'] }, { name: 'instance', values: ['', ''] }, { name: 'job', values: ['local_scrape', 'local_scrape'] }, { name: 'server', values: ['db', 'app'] }, { name: 'tempo_config', values: ['default', 'default'] }, { name: 'Value #traces_service_graph_request_server_seconds_sum', values: [10, 40] }, ], }); const failedPromMetric = new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'traces_service_graph_request_failed_total', fields: [ { name: 'Time', values: [1628169788000, 1628169788000] }, { name: 'client', values: ['app', 'lb'] }, { name: 'instance', values: ['', ''] }, { name: 'job', values: ['local_scrape', 'local_scrape'] }, { name: 'server', values: ['db', 'app'] }, { name: 'tempo_config', values: ['default', 'default'] }, { name: 'Value #traces_service_graph_request_failed_total', values: [2, 15] }, ], }); const mockInvalidJson = { batches: [ { resource: { attributes: [], }, instrumentation_library_spans: [ { instrumentation_library: {}, spans: [ { trace_id: 'AAAAAAAAAABguiq7RPE+rg==', span_id: 'cmteMBAvwNA=', parentSpanId: 'OY8PIaPbma4=', name: 'HTTP GET - root', kind: 'SPAN_KIND_SERVER', startTimeUnixNano: '1627471657255809000', endTimeUnixNano: '1627471657256268000', attributes: [ { key: 'http.status_code', value: { intValue: '200' } }, { key: 'http.method', value: { stringValue: 'GET' } }, { key: 'http.url', value: { stringValue: '/' } }, { key: 'component', value: { stringValue: 'net/http' } }, ], status: {}, }, ], }, ], }, ], }; const serviceGraphLinks = [ { url: '', title: 'Request rate', internal: { query: { expr: 'rate(traces_service_graph_request_total{server="${}"}[$__rate_interval])', }, datasourceUid: 'prom', datasourceName: 'Prometheus', }, }, { url: '', title: 'Request histogram', internal: { query: { expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(traces_service_graph_request_server_seconds_bucket{server="${}"}[$__rate_interval])) by (le, client, server))', }, datasourceUid: 'prom', datasourceName: 'Prometheus', }, }, { url: '', title: 'Failed request rate', internal: { query: { expr: 'rate(traces_service_graph_request_failed_total{server="${}"}[$__rate_interval])', }, datasourceUid: 'prom', datasourceName: 'Prometheus', }, }, ];