//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // NOTE: This file will be auto generated from models.cue // It is currenty hand written but will serve as the target for cuetsy //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ import { LegendDisplayMode, OptionsWithLegend } from '@grafana/schema'; export const modelVersion = Object.freeze([1, 0]); export enum VizDisplayMode { CandlesVolume = 'candles+volume', Candles = 'candles', Volume = 'volume', } export enum CandleStyle { Candles = 'candles', OHLCBars = 'ohlcbars', } export enum ColorStrategy { // up/down color depends on current close vs current open // filled always OpenClose = 'open-close', // up/down color depends on current close vs prior close // filled/hollow depends on current close vs current open CloseClose = 'close-close', } export interface CandlestickFieldMap { open?: string; high?: string; low?: string; close?: string; volume?: string; } export interface CandlestickColors { up: string; down: string; flat: string; } export const defaultColors: CandlestickColors = { up: 'green', down: 'red', flat: 'gray', }; export interface CandlestickOptions extends OptionsWithLegend { mode: VizDisplayMode; candleStyle: CandleStyle; colorStrategy: ColorStrategy; fields: CandlestickFieldMap; colors: CandlestickColors; // When enabled, all fields will be sent to the graph includeAllFields?: boolean; } export const defaultPanelOptions: CandlestickOptions = { mode: VizDisplayMode.CandlesVolume, candleStyle: CandleStyle.Candles, colorStrategy: ColorStrategy.OpenClose, colors: defaultColors, fields: {}, legend: { displayMode: LegendDisplayMode.List, placement: 'bottom', calcs: [], }, includeAllFields: false, };