import { render, screen, fireEvent, waitFor, getByText } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import React from 'react'; import { NodeGraph } from './NodeGraph'; import { makeEdgesDataFrame, makeNodesDataFrame } from './utils'; jest.mock('react-use/lib/useMeasure', () => { return { __esModule: true, default: () => { return [() => {}, { width: 500, height: 200 }]; }, }; }); describe('NodeGraph', () => { const origError = console.error; const consoleErrorMock = jest.fn(); afterEach(() => (console.error = origError)); beforeEach(() => (console.error = consoleErrorMock)); it('shows no data message without any data', async () => { render( []} />); await screen.findByText('No data'); }); it('can zoom in and out', async () => { render( []} />); const zoomIn = await screen.findByTitle(/Zoom in/); const zoomOut = await screen.findByTitle(/Zoom out/); expect(getScale()).toBe(1); await; expect(getScale()).toBe(1.5); await; expect(getScale()).toBe(1); }); it('can pan the graph', async () => { render( []} /> ); await screen.findByLabelText('Node: service:1'); panView({ x: 10, y: 10 }); // Though we try to pan down 10px we are rendering in straight line 3 nodes so there are bounds preventing // as panning vertically await waitFor(() => expect(getTranslate()).toEqual({ x: 10, y: 0 })); }); it('renders with single node', async () => { render( []} />); const circle = await screen.findByText('', { selector: 'circle' }); await screen.findByText(/service:0/); expect(getXY(circle)).toEqual({ x: 0, y: 0 }); }); it('shows context menu when clicking on node or edge', async () => { render( { return [ { title: dataFrame.fields.find((f) => === 'source') ? 'Edge traces' : 'Node traces', href: '', origin: null, target: '_self', }, ]; }} /> ); const node = await screen.findByLabelText(/Node: service:0/); await; await screen.findByText(/Node traces/); const edge = await screen.findByLabelText(/Edge from/); await; await screen.findByText(/Edge traces/); }); it('lays out 3 nodes in single line', async () => { render( []} /> ); await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:0', { x: -221, y: 0 }); await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:1', { x: -21, y: 0 }); await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:2', { x: 221, y: 0 }); }); it('lays out first children on one vertical line', async () => { render( []} /> ); // Should basically look like < await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:0', { x: -100, y: 0 }); await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:1', { x: 100, y: -100 }); await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:2', { x: 100, y: 100 }); }); it('limits the number of nodes shown and shows a warning', async () => { render( []} nodeLimit={2} /> ); const nodes = await screen.findAllByLabelText(/Node: service:\d/); expect(nodes.length).toBe(2); screen.getByLabelText(/Nodes hidden warning/); const markers = await screen.findAllByLabelText(/Hidden nodes marker: \d/); expect(markers.length).toBe(1); }); it('allows expanding the nodes when limiting visible nodes', async () => { render( []} nodeLimit={3} /> ); const node = await screen.findByLabelText(/Node: service:0/); expect(node).toBeInTheDocument(); const marker = await screen.findByLabelText(/Hidden nodes marker: 3/); await; expect(screen.queryByLabelText(/Node: service:0/)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByLabelText(/Node: service:4/)).toBeInTheDocument(); const nodes = await screen.findAllByLabelText(/Node: service:\d/); expect(nodes.length).toBe(3); }); it('can switch to grid layout', async () => { render( []} nodeLimit={3} /> ); const button = await screen.findByTitle(/Grid layout/); await; await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:0', { x: -60, y: -60 }); await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:1', { x: 60, y: -60 }); await expectNodePositionCloseTo('service:2', { x: -60, y: 80 }); }); }); async function expectNodePositionCloseTo(node: string, pos: { x: number; y: number }) { const nodePos = await getNodeXY(node); expect(nodePos.x).toBeCloseTo(pos.x, -1); expect(nodePos.y).toBeCloseTo(pos.y, -1); } async function getNodeXY(node: string) { const group = await screen.findByLabelText(new RegExp(`Node: ${node}`)); const circle = getByText(group, '', { selector: 'circle' }); return getXY(circle); } function panView(toPos: { x: number; y: number }) { const svg = getSvg(); fireEvent(svg, new MouseEvent('mousedown', { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 })); fireEvent(document, new MouseEvent('mousemove', { clientX: toPos.x, clientY: toPos.y })); fireEvent(document, new MouseEvent('mouseup')); } function getSvg() { return screen.getAllByText('', { selector: 'svg' })[0]; } function getTransform() { const svg = getSvg(); const group = svg.children[0] as SVGElement; return'transform'); } function getScale() { const scale = getTransform().match(/scale\(([\d\.]+)\)/)![1]; return parseFloat(scale); } function getTranslate() { const matches = getTransform().match(/translate\((\d+)px, (\d+)px\)/); return { x: parseFloat(matches![1]), y: parseFloat(matches![2]), }; } function getXY(e: Element) { return { x: parseFloat(e.attributes.getNamedItem('cx')?.value || ''), y: parseFloat(e.attributes.getNamedItem('cy')?.value || ''), }; }