import { FieldColorModeId, FieldConfigProperty, FieldMatcherID, PanelModel } from '@grafana/data'; import { LegendDisplayMode } from '@grafana/schema'; import { PieChartOptions, PieChartLabels, PieChartLegendValues, PieChartType } from './types'; export const PieChartPanelChangedHandler = ( panel: PanelModel> | any, prevPluginId: string, prevOptions: any ) => { if (prevPluginId === 'grafana-piechart-panel' && prevOptions.angular) { const angular = prevOptions.angular; const overrides = []; let options: PieChartOptions = panel.options; // Migrate color overrides for series if (angular.aliasColors) { for (const alias of Object.keys(angular.aliasColors)) { const color = angular.aliasColors[alias]; if (color) { overrides.push({ matcher: { id: FieldMatcherID.byName, options: alias, }, properties: [ { id: FieldConfigProperty.Color, value: { mode: FieldColorModeId.Fixed, fixedColor: color, }, }, ], }); } } } panel.fieldConfig = { overrides, defaults: { unit: angular.format, decimals: angular.decimals ? angular.decimals : 0, // Old piechart defaults to 0 decimals while the new one defaults to 1 }, }; options.legend = { placement: 'right', values: [], displayMode: LegendDisplayMode.Table, calcs: [] }; if (angular.valueName) { options.reduceOptions = { calcs: [] }; switch (angular.valueName) { case 'current': options.reduceOptions.calcs = ['lastNotNull']; break; case 'min': options.reduceOptions.calcs = ['min']; break; case 'max': options.reduceOptions.calcs = ['max']; break; case 'avg': options.reduceOptions.calcs = ['mean']; break; case 'total': options.reduceOptions.calcs = ['sum']; break; } } switch (angular.legendType) { case 'Under graph': options.legend.placement = 'bottom'; break; case 'Right side': options.legend.placement = 'right'; break; } switch (angular.pieType) { case 'pie': options.pieType = PieChartType.Pie; break; case 'donut': options.pieType = PieChartType.Donut; break; } if (angular.legend) { if (! { options.legend.displayMode = LegendDisplayMode.Hidden; } if (angular.legend.values) { options.legend.values.push(PieChartLegendValues.Value); } if (angular.legend.percentage) { options.legend.values.push(PieChartLegendValues.Percent); } if (!angular.legend.percentage && !angular.legend.values) { // If you deselect both value and percentage in the old pie chart plugin, the legend is hidden. options.legend.displayMode = LegendDisplayMode.Hidden; } } // Set up labels when the old piechart is using 'on graph', for the legend option. if (angular.legendType === 'On graph') { options.legend.displayMode = LegendDisplayMode.Hidden; options.displayLabels = [PieChartLabels.Name]; if (angular.legend.values) { options.displayLabels.push(PieChartLabels.Value); } if (angular.legend.percentage) { options.displayLabels.push(PieChartLabels.Percent); } } return options; } return {}; };