import uPlot, { Cursor, Series } from 'uplot'; import { GrafanaTheme2, TimeRange } from '@grafana/data'; import { alpha } from '@grafana/data/src/themes/colorManipulator'; import { VisibilityMode } from '@grafana/schema'; import { FIXED_UNIT } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/GraphNG/GraphNG'; import { distribute, SPACE_BETWEEN } from 'app/plugins/panel/barchart/distribute'; import { pointWithin, Quadtree, Rect } from 'app/plugins/panel/barchart/quadtree'; import { TimelineFieldConfig, TimelineMode, TimelineValueAlignment } from './types'; const { round, min, ceil } = Math; const textPadding = 2; const pxRatio = devicePixelRatio; const laneDistr = SPACE_BETWEEN; type WalkCb = (idx: number, offPx: number, dimPx: number) => void; function walk(rowHeight: number, yIdx: number | null, count: number, dim: number, draw: WalkCb) { distribute(count, rowHeight, laneDistr, yIdx, (i, offPct, dimPct) => { let laneOffPx = dim * offPct; let laneWidPx = dim * dimPct; draw(i, laneOffPx, laneWidPx); }); } interface TimelineBoxRect extends Rect { fillColor: string; } /** * @internal */ export interface TimelineCoreOptions { mode: TimelineMode; alignValue?: TimelineValueAlignment; numSeries: number; rowHeight: number; colWidth?: number; theme: GrafanaTheme2; showValue: VisibilityMode; mergeValues?: boolean; isDiscrete: (seriesIdx: number) => boolean; getValueColor: (seriesIdx: number, value: any) => string; label: (seriesIdx: number) => string; getTimeRange: () => TimeRange; formatValue?: (seriesIdx: number, value: any) => string; getFieldConfig: (seriesIdx: number) => TimelineFieldConfig; onHover: (seriesIdx: number, valueIdx: number, rect: Rect) => void; onLeave: () => void; } /** * @internal */ export function getConfig(opts: TimelineCoreOptions) { const { mode, numSeries, isDiscrete, rowHeight = 0, colWidth = 0, showValue, mergeValues = false, theme, label, formatValue, alignValue = 'left', getTimeRange, getValueColor, getFieldConfig, onHover, onLeave, } = opts; let qt: Quadtree; const hoverMarks = Array(numSeries) .fill(null) .map(() => { let mark = document.createElement('div'); mark.classList.add('bar-mark'); = 'absolute'; = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)'; return mark; }); // Needed for to calculate text positions let boxRectsBySeries: TimelineBoxRect[][]; const resetBoxRectsBySeries = (count: number) => { boxRectsBySeries = Array(numSeries) .fill(null) .map((v) => Array(count).fill(null)); }; const font = `500 ${Math.round(12 * devicePixelRatio)}px ${theme.typography.fontFamily}`; const hovered: Array = Array(numSeries).fill(null); const size = [colWidth, Infinity]; const gapFactor = 1 - size[0]; const maxWidth = (size[1] ?? Infinity) * pxRatio; const fillPaths: Map = new Map(); const strokePaths: Map = new Map(); function drawBoxes(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { fillPaths.forEach((fillPath, fillStyle) => { ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle; ctx.fill(fillPath); }); strokePaths.forEach((strokePath, strokeStyle) => { ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; ctx.stroke(strokePath); }); fillPaths.clear(); strokePaths.clear(); } function putBox( ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, rect: uPlot.RectH, xOff: number, yOff: number, left: number, top: number, boxWidth: number, boxHeight: number, strokeWidth: number, seriesIdx: number, valueIdx: number, value: any, discrete: boolean ) { // do not render super small boxes if (boxWidth < 1) { return; } const valueColor = getValueColor(seriesIdx + 1, value); const fieldConfig = getFieldConfig(seriesIdx); const fillColor = getFillColor(fieldConfig, valueColor); boxRectsBySeries[seriesIdx][valueIdx] = { x: round(left - xOff), y: round(top - yOff), w: boxWidth, h: boxHeight, sidx: seriesIdx + 1, didx: valueIdx, // for computing label contrast fillColor, }; if (discrete) { let fillStyle = fillColor; let fillPath = fillPaths.get(fillStyle); if (fillPath == null) { fillPaths.set(fillStyle, (fillPath = new Path2D())); } rect(fillPath, left, top, boxWidth, boxHeight); if (strokeWidth) { let strokeStyle = valueColor; let strokePath = strokePaths.get(strokeStyle); if (strokePath == null) { strokePaths.set(strokeStyle, (strokePath = new Path2D())); } rect( strokePath, left + strokeWidth / 2, top + strokeWidth / 2, boxWidth - strokeWidth, boxHeight - strokeWidth ); } } else { ctx.beginPath(); rect(ctx, left, top, boxWidth, boxHeight); ctx.fillStyle = fillColor; ctx.fill(); if (strokeWidth) { ctx.beginPath(); rect(ctx, left + strokeWidth / 2, top + strokeWidth / 2, boxWidth - strokeWidth, boxHeight - strokeWidth); ctx.strokeStyle = valueColor; ctx.lineWidth = strokeWidth; ctx.stroke(); } } } const drawPaths: Series.PathBuilder = (u, sidx, idx0, idx1) => { uPlot.orient( u, sidx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim, moveTo, lineTo, rect) => { let strokeWidth = round((series.width || 0) * pxRatio); let discrete = isDiscrete(sidx);; rect(u.ctx, u.bbox.left,, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); u.ctx.clip(); walk(rowHeight, sidx - 1, numSeries, yDim, (iy, y0, height) => { if (mode === TimelineMode.Changes) { for (let ix = 0; ix < dataY.length; ix++) { let yVal = dataY[ix]; if (yVal != null) { let left = Math.round(valToPosX(dataX[ix], scaleX, xDim, xOff)); let nextIx = ix; while ( ++nextIx < dataY.length && (dataY[nextIx] === undefined || (mergeValues && dataY[nextIx] === yVal)) ) {} // to now (not to end of chart) let right = nextIx === dataY.length ? xOff + xDim + strokeWidth : Math.round(valToPosX(dataX[nextIx], scaleX, xDim, xOff)); putBox( u.ctx, rect, xOff, yOff, left, round(yOff + y0), right - left, round(height), strokeWidth, iy, ix, yVal, discrete ); ix = nextIx - 1; } } } else if (mode === TimelineMode.Samples) { let colWid = valToPosX(dataX[1], scaleX, xDim, xOff) - valToPosX(dataX[0], scaleX, xDim, xOff); let gapWid = colWid * gapFactor; let barWid = round(min(maxWidth, colWid - gapWid) - strokeWidth); let xShift = barWid / 2; //let xShift = align === 1 ? 0 : align === -1 ? barWid : barWid / 2; for (let ix = idx0; ix <= idx1; ix++) { if (dataY[ix] != null) { // TODO: all xPos can be pre-computed once for all series in aligned set let left = valToPosX(dataX[ix], scaleX, xDim, xOff); putBox( u.ctx, rect, xOff, yOff, round(left - xShift), round(yOff + y0), barWid, round(height), strokeWidth, iy, ix, dataY[ix], discrete ); } } } }); if (discrete) { u.ctx.lineWidth = strokeWidth; drawBoxes(u.ctx); } u.ctx.restore(); } ); return null; }; const drawPoints: Series.Points.Show = formatValue == null || showValue === VisibilityMode.Never ? false : (u, sidx, i0, i1) => {; u.ctx.rect(u.bbox.left,, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); u.ctx.clip(); u.ctx.font = font; u.ctx.textAlign = mode === TimelineMode.Changes ? alignValue : 'center'; u.ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; uPlot.orient( u, sidx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim) => { let strokeWidth = round((series.width || 0) * pxRatio); let y = round(yOff + yMids[sidx - 1]); for (let ix = 0; ix < dataY.length; ix++) { if (dataY[ix] != null) { const boxRect = boxRectsBySeries[sidx - 1][ix]; // Todo refine this to better know when to not render text (when values do not fit) if (!boxRect || (showValue === VisibilityMode.Auto && boxRect.w < 25)) { continue; } if (boxRect.x >= xDim) { continue; // out of view } // center-aligned let x = round(boxRect.x + xOff + boxRect.w / 2); const txt = formatValue(sidx, dataY[ix]); if (mode === TimelineMode.Changes) { if (alignValue === 'left') { x = round(boxRect.x + xOff + strokeWidth + textPadding); } else if (alignValue === 'right') { x = round(boxRect.x + xOff + boxRect.w - strokeWidth - textPadding); } } // TODO: cache by fillColor to avoid setting ctx for label u.ctx.fillStyle = theme.colors.getContrastText(boxRect.fillColor, 3); u.ctx.fillText(txt, x, y); } } } ); u.ctx.restore(); return false; }; const init = (u: uPlot) => { let over = u.over; = 'hidden'; hoverMarks.forEach((m) => { over.appendChild(m); }); }; const drawClear = (u: uPlot) => { qt = qt || new Quadtree(0, 0, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); qt.clear(); resetBoxRectsBySeries([0].length); // force-clear the path cache to cause drawBars() to rebuild new quadtree u.series.forEach((s) => { // @ts-ignore s._paths = null; }); }; function setHoverMark(i: number, o: Rect | null) { let h = hoverMarks[i]; if (o) { = ''; = round(o.x / pxRatio) + 'px'; = round(o.y / pxRatio) + 'px'; = round(o.w / pxRatio) + 'px'; = round(o.h / pxRatio) + 'px'; } else { = 'none'; } hovered[i] = o; } let hoveredAtCursor: Rect | undefined; function hoverMulti(cx: number, cy: number) { let foundAtCursor: Rect | undefined; for (let i = 0; i < numSeries; i++) { let found: Rect | undefined; if (cx >= 0) { let cy2 = yMids[i]; qt.get(cx, cy2, 1, 1, (o) => { if (pointWithin(cx, cy2, o.x, o.y, o.x + o.w, o.y + o.h)) { found = o; if (Math.abs(cy - cy2) <= o.h / 2) { foundAtCursor = o; } } }); } if (found) { if (found !== hovered[i]) { setHoverMark(i, found); } } else if (hovered[i] != null) { setHoverMark(i, null); } } if (foundAtCursor) { if (foundAtCursor !== hoveredAtCursor) { hoveredAtCursor = foundAtCursor; onHover(foundAtCursor.sidx, foundAtCursor.didx, foundAtCursor); } } else if (hoveredAtCursor) { hoveredAtCursor = undefined; onLeave(); } } function hoverOne(cx: number, cy: number) { let foundAtCursor: Rect | undefined; qt.get(cx, cy, 1, 1, (o) => { if (pointWithin(cx, cy, o.x, o.y, o.x + o.w, o.y + o.h)) { foundAtCursor = o; } }); if (foundAtCursor) { setHoverMark(0, foundAtCursor); if (foundAtCursor !== hoveredAtCursor) { hoveredAtCursor = foundAtCursor; onHover(foundAtCursor.sidx, foundAtCursor.didx, foundAtCursor); } } else if (hoveredAtCursor) { setHoverMark(0, null); hoveredAtCursor = undefined; onLeave(); } } const doHover = mode === TimelineMode.Changes ? hoverMulti : hoverOne; const setCursor = (u: uPlot) => { let cx = round(u.cursor.left! * pxRatio); let cy = round(! * pxRatio); // if quadtree is empty, fill it if (!qt.o.length && qt.q == null) { for (const seriesRects of boxRectsBySeries) { for (const rect of seriesRects) { rect && qt.add(rect); } } } doHover(cx, cy); }; // hide y crosshair & hover points const cursor: Partial = { y: false, x: mode === TimelineMode.Changes, points: { show: false }, }; const yMids: number[] = Array(numSeries).fill(0); const ySplits: number[] = Array(numSeries).fill(0); return { cursor, xSplits: mode === TimelineMode.Samples ? (u: uPlot, axisIdx: number, scaleMin: number, scaleMax: number, foundIncr: number, foundSpace: number) => { let splits = []; let dataIncr =[0][1] -[0][0]; let skipFactor = ceil(foundIncr / dataIncr); for (let i = 0; i <[0].length; i += skipFactor) { let v =[0][i]; if (v >= scaleMin && v <= scaleMax) { splits.push(v); } } return splits; } : null, xRange: (u: uPlot) => { const r = getTimeRange(); let min = r.from.valueOf(); let max =; if (mode === TimelineMode.Samples) { let colWid =[0][1] -[0][0]; let scalePad = colWid / 2; if (min <=[0][0]) { min =[0][0] - scalePad; } let lastIdx =[0].length - 1; if (max >=[0][lastIdx]) { max =[0][lastIdx] + scalePad; } } return [min, max] as uPlot.Range.MinMax; }, ySplits: (u: uPlot) => { walk(rowHeight, null, numSeries, u.bbox.height, (iy, y0, hgt) => { // vertical midpoints of each series' timeline (stored relative to .u-over) yMids[iy] = round(y0 + hgt / 2); ySplits[iy] = u.posToVal(yMids[iy] / pxRatio, FIXED_UNIT); }); return ySplits; }, yValues: (u: uPlot, splits: number[]) =>, i) => label(i + 1)), yRange: [0, 1] as uPlot.Range.MinMax, // pathbuilders drawPaths, drawPoints, // hooks init, drawClear, setCursor, }; } function getFillColor(fieldConfig: TimelineFieldConfig, color: string) { // if #rgba with pre-existing alpha. ignore fieldConfig.fillOpacity // e.g. thresholds with opacity if (color[0] === '#' && color.length === 9) { return color; } const opacityPercent = (fieldConfig.fillOpacity ?? 100) / 100; return alpha(color, opacityPercent); }