import uPlot from 'uplot'; import { DataFrame, FieldColorModeId, fieldColorModeRegistry, getDisplayProcessor, getFieldColorModeForField, getFieldDisplayName, getFieldSeriesColor, GrafanaTheme2, } from '@grafana/data'; import { alpha } from '@grafana/data/src/themes/colorManipulator'; import { config } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { AxisPlacement, ScaleDirection, ScaleOrientation, VisibilityMode } from '@grafana/schema'; import { UPlotConfigBuilder } from '@grafana/ui'; import { FacetedData, FacetSeries } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/uPlot/types'; import { findFieldIndex, getScaledDimensionForField, ScaleDimensionConfig, ScaleDimensionMode, } from 'app/features/dimensions'; import { pointWithin, Quadtree, Rect } from '../barchart/quadtree'; import { isGraphable } from './dims'; import { defaultScatterConfig, ScatterFieldConfig, ScatterLineMode, XYChartOptions } from './models.gen'; import { DimensionValues, ScatterHoverCallback, ScatterSeries } from './types'; export interface ScatterPanelInfo { error?: string; series: ScatterSeries[]; builder?: UPlotConfigBuilder; } /** * This is called when options or structure rev changes */ export function prepScatter( options: XYChartOptions, getData: () => DataFrame[], theme: GrafanaTheme2, ttip: ScatterHoverCallback ): ScatterPanelInfo { let series: ScatterSeries[]; let builder: UPlotConfigBuilder; try { series = prepSeries(options, getData()); builder = prepConfig(getData, series, theme, ttip); } catch (e) { console.log('prepScatter ERROR', e); return { error: e.message, series: [], }; } return { series, builder, }; } interface Dims { pointColorIndex?: number; pointColorFixed?: string; pointSizeIndex?: number; pointSizeConfig?: ScaleDimensionConfig; } function getScatterSeries( seriesIndex: number, frames: DataFrame[], frameIndex: number, xIndex: number, yIndex: number, dims: Dims ): ScatterSeries { const frame = frames[frameIndex]; const y = frame.fields[yIndex]; let state = y.state ?? {}; state.seriesIndex = seriesIndex; y.state = state; // Color configs //---------------- let seriesColor = dims.pointColorFixed ? config.theme2.visualization.getColorByName(dims.pointColorFixed) : getFieldSeriesColor(y, config.theme2).color; let pointColor: DimensionValues = () => seriesColor; const fieldConfig: ScatterFieldConfig = { ...defaultScatterConfig, ...y.config.custom }; let pointColorMode = fieldColorModeRegistry.get(FieldColorModeId.PaletteClassic); if (dims.pointColorIndex) { const f = frames[frameIndex].fields[dims.pointColorIndex]; if (f) { const disp = f.display ?? getDisplayProcessor({ field: f, theme: config.theme2, }); pointColorMode = getFieldColorModeForField(y); if (pointColorMode.isByValue) { const index = dims.pointColorIndex; pointColor = (frame: DataFrame) => { // Yes we can improve this later return frame.fields[index].values.toArray().map((v) => disp(v).color!); }; } else { seriesColor = pointColorMode.getCalculator(f, config.theme2)(f.values.get(0), 1); pointColor = () => seriesColor; } } } // Size configs //---------------- let pointSizeHints = dims.pointSizeConfig; let pointSizeFixed = dims.pointSizeConfig?.fixed ?? y.config.custom?.pointSizeConfig?.fixed ?? 5; let pointSize: DimensionValues = () => pointSizeFixed; if (dims.pointSizeIndex) { pointSize = (frame) => { const s = getScaledDimensionForField( frame.fields[dims.pointSizeIndex!], dims.pointSizeConfig!, ScaleDimensionMode.Quadratic ); const vals = Array(frame.length); for (let i = 0; i < frame.length; i++) { vals[i] = s.get(i); } return vals; }; } else { pointSizeHints = { fixed: pointSizeFixed, min: pointSizeFixed, max: pointSizeFixed, }; } // Series config //---------------- const name = getFieldDisplayName(y, frame, frames); return { name, frame: (frames) => frames[frameIndex], x: (frame) => frame.fields[xIndex], y: (frame) => frame.fields[yIndex], legend: (frame) => { return [ { label: name, color: seriesColor, // single color for series? getItemKey: () => name, yAxis: yIndex, // << but not used }, ]; }, line: fieldConfig.line ?? ScatterLineMode.None, lineWidth: fieldConfig.lineWidth ?? 2, lineStyle: fieldConfig.lineStyle!, lineColor: () => seriesColor, point: fieldConfig.point!, pointSize, pointColor, pointSymbol: (frame: DataFrame, from?: number) => 'circle', // single field, multiple symbols.... kinda equals multiple series 🤔 label: VisibilityMode.Never, labelValue: () => '', hints: { pointSize: pointSizeHints!, pointColor: { mode: pointColorMode, }, }, }; } function prepSeries(options: XYChartOptions, frames: DataFrame[]): ScatterSeries[] { let seriesIndex = 0; if (!frames.length) { throw 'missing data'; } if (options.mode === 'explicit') { if (options.series?.length) { for (const series of options.series) { if (!series?.x) { throw 'Select X dimension'; } if (!series?.y) { throw 'Select Y dimension'; } for (let frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frames.length; frameIndex++) { const frame = frames[frameIndex]; const xIndex = findFieldIndex(frame, series.x); if (xIndex != null) { // TODO: this should find multiple y fields const yIndex = findFieldIndex(frame, series.y); if (yIndex == null) { throw 'Y must be in the same frame as X'; } const dims: Dims = { pointColorFixed: series.pointColor?.fixed, pointColorIndex: findFieldIndex(frame, series.pointColor?.field), pointSizeConfig: series.pointSize, pointSizeIndex: findFieldIndex(frame, series.pointSize?.field), }; return [getScatterSeries(seriesIndex++, frames, frameIndex, xIndex, yIndex, dims)]; } } } } } // Default behavior const dims = options.dims ?? {}; const frameIndex = dims.frame ?? 0; const frame = frames[frameIndex]; const numericIndicies: number[] = []; let xIndex = findFieldIndex(frame, dims.x); for (let i = 0; i < frame.fields.length; i++) { if (isGraphable(frame.fields[i])) { if (xIndex == null || i === xIndex) { xIndex = i; continue; } if (dims.exclude && dims.exclude.includes(getFieldDisplayName(frame.fields[i], frame, frames))) { continue; // skip } numericIndicies.push(i); } } if (xIndex == null) { throw 'Missing X dimension'; } if (!numericIndicies.length) { throw 'No Y values'; } return => getScatterSeries(seriesIndex++, frames, frameIndex, xIndex!, yIndex, {})); } interface DrawBubblesOpts { each: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number, dataIdx: number, lft: number, top: number, wid: number, hgt: number) => void; disp: { //unit: 3, size: { values: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => number[]; }; color: { values: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => string[]; alpha: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => string[]; }; }; } //const prepConfig: UPlotConfigPrepFnXY = ({ frames, series, theme }) => { const prepConfig = ( getData: () => DataFrame[], scatterSeries: ScatterSeries[], theme: GrafanaTheme2, ttip: ScatterHoverCallback ) => { let qt: Quadtree; let hRect: Rect | null; function drawBubblesFactory(opts: DrawBubblesOpts) { const drawBubbles: uPlot.Series.PathBuilder = (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1) => { uPlot.orient( u, seriesIdx, ( series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim, moveTo, lineTo, rect, arc ) => { const scatterInfo = scatterSeries[seriesIdx - 1]; let d =[seriesIdx] as unknown as FacetSeries; let showLine = scatterInfo.line !== ScatterLineMode.None; let showPoints = scatterInfo.point === VisibilityMode.Always; if (!showPoints && scatterInfo.point === VisibilityMode.Auto) { showPoints = d[0].length < 1000; } // always show something if (!showPoints && !showLine) { showLine = true; } let strokeWidth = 1;; u.ctx.rect(u.bbox.left,, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); u.ctx.clip(); u.ctx.fillStyle = (series.fill as any)(); // assumes constant u.ctx.strokeStyle = (series.stroke as any)(); u.ctx.lineWidth = strokeWidth; let deg360 = 2 * Math.PI; let xKey = scaleX.key!; let yKey = scaleY.key!; let pointHints = scatterInfo.hints.pointSize; const colorByValue = scatterInfo.hints.pointColor.mode.isByValue; let maxSize = (pointHints.max ?? pointHints.fixed) * devicePixelRatio; // todo: this depends on direction & orientation // todo: calc once per redraw, not per path let filtLft = u.posToVal(-maxSize / 2, xKey); let filtRgt = u.posToVal(u.bbox.width / devicePixelRatio + maxSize / 2, xKey); let filtBtm = u.posToVal(u.bbox.height / devicePixelRatio + maxSize / 2, yKey); let filtTop = u.posToVal(-maxSize / 2, yKey); let sizes = opts.disp.size.values(u, seriesIdx); let pointColors = opts.disp.color.values(u, seriesIdx); let pointAlpha = opts.disp.color.alpha(u, seriesIdx); let linePath: Path2D | null = showLine ? new Path2D() : null; for (let i = 0; i < d[0].length; i++) { let xVal = d[0][i]; let yVal = d[1][i]; let size = sizes[i] * devicePixelRatio; if (xVal >= filtLft && xVal <= filtRgt && yVal >= filtBtm && yVal <= filtTop) { let cx = valToPosX(xVal, scaleX, xDim, xOff); let cy = valToPosY(yVal, scaleY, yDim, yOff); if (showLine) { linePath!.lineTo(cx, cy); } if (showPoints) { u.ctx.moveTo(cx + size / 2, cy); u.ctx.beginPath(); u.ctx.arc(cx, cy, size / 2, 0, deg360); if (colorByValue) { u.ctx.fillStyle = pointAlpha[i]; u.ctx.strokeStyle = pointColors[i]; } u.ctx.fill(); u.ctx.stroke(); opts.each( u, seriesIdx, i, cx - size / 2 - strokeWidth / 2, cy - size / 2 - strokeWidth / 2, size + strokeWidth, size + strokeWidth ); } } } if (showLine) { let frame = scatterInfo.frame(getData()); u.ctx.strokeStyle = scatterInfo.lineColor(frame); u.ctx.lineWidth = scatterInfo.lineWidth * devicePixelRatio; const { lineStyle } = scatterInfo; if (lineStyle && lineStyle.fill !== 'solid') { if (lineStyle.fill === 'dot') { u.ctx.lineCap = 'round'; } u.ctx.setLineDash(lineStyle.dash ?? [10, 10]); } u.ctx.stroke(linePath!); } u.ctx.restore(); } ); return null; }; return drawBubbles; } let drawBubbles = drawBubblesFactory({ disp: { size: { //unit: 3, // raw CSS pixels values: (u, seriesIdx) => { return[seriesIdx][2] as any; // already contains final pixel geometry //let [minValue, maxValue] = getSizeMinMax(u); //return[seriesIdx][2].map(v => getSize(v, minValue, maxValue)); }, }, color: { // string values values: (u, seriesIdx) => { return[seriesIdx][3] as any; }, alpha: (u, seriesIdx) => { return[seriesIdx][4] as any; }, }, }, each: (u, seriesIdx, dataIdx, lft, top, wid, hgt) => { // we get back raw canvas coords (included axes & padding). translate to the plotting area origin lft -= u.bbox.left; top -=; qt.add({ x: lft, y: top, w: wid, h: hgt, sidx: seriesIdx, didx: dataIdx }); }, }); const builder = new UPlotConfigBuilder(); builder.setCursor({ drag: { setScale: true }, dataIdx: (u, seriesIdx) => { if (seriesIdx === 1) { hRect = null; let dist = Infinity; let cx = u.cursor.left! * devicePixelRatio; let cy =! * devicePixelRatio; qt.get(cx, cy, 1, 1, (o) => { if (pointWithin(cx, cy, o.x, o.y, o.x + o.w, o.y + o.h)) { let ocx = o.x + o.w / 2; let ocy = o.y + o.h / 2; let dx = ocx - cx; let dy = ocy - cy; let d = Math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2); // test against radius for actual hover if (d <= o.w / 2) { // only hover bbox with closest distance if (d <= dist) { dist = d; hRect = o; } } } }); } return hRect && seriesIdx === hRect.sidx ? hRect.didx : null; }, points: { size: (u, seriesIdx) => { return hRect && seriesIdx === hRect.sidx ? hRect.w / devicePixelRatio : 0; }, fill: (u, seriesIdx) => 'rgba(255,255,255,0.4)', }, }); // clip hover points/bubbles to plotting area builder.addHook('init', (u, r) => { = 'hidden'; }); let rect: DOMRect; // rect of .u-over (grid area) builder.addHook('syncRect', (u, r) => { rect = r; }); builder.addHook('setLegend', (u) => { // console.log('TTIP???', u.cursor.idxs); if (u.cursor.idxs != null) { for (let i = 0; i < u.cursor.idxs.length; i++) { const sel = u.cursor.idxs[i]; if (sel != null) { ttip({ scatterIndex: i - 1, xIndex: sel, pageX: rect.left + u.cursor.left!, pageY: +!, }); return; // only show the first one } } } ttip(undefined); }); builder.addHook('drawClear', (u) => { qt = qt || new Quadtree(0, 0, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); qt.clear(); // force-clear the path cache to cause drawBars() to rebuild new quadtree u.series.forEach((s, i) => { if (i > 0) { // @ts-ignore s._paths = null; } }); }); builder.setMode(2); const frames = getData(); let xField = scatterSeries[0].x(scatterSeries[0].frame(frames)); builder.addScale({ scaleKey: 'x', isTime: false, orientation: ScaleOrientation.Horizontal, direction: ScaleDirection.Right, range: (u, min, max) => [min, max], }); builder.addAxis({ scaleKey: 'x', placement: xField.config.custom?.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden ? AxisPlacement.Bottom : AxisPlacement.Hidden, show: xField.config.custom?.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden, theme, label: xField.config.custom.axisLabel, }); scatterSeries.forEach((s) => { let frame = s.frame(frames); let field = s.y(frame); const lineColor = s.lineColor(frame); const pointColor = asSingleValue(frame, s.pointColor) as string; //const lineColor = s.lineColor(frame); //const lineWidth = s.lineWidth; let scaleKey = field.config.unit ?? 'y'; builder.addScale({ scaleKey, orientation: ScaleOrientation.Vertical, direction: ScaleDirection.Up, range: (u, min, max) => [min, max], }); if (field.config.custom?.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden) { builder.addAxis({ scaleKey, theme, placement: field.config.custom?.axisPlacement, label: field.config.custom.axisLabel, values: (u, splits) => => field.display!(s).text), }); } builder.addSeries({ facets: [ { scale: 'x', auto: true, }, { scale: scaleKey, auto: true, }, ], pathBuilder: drawBubbles, // drawBubbles({disp: {size: {values: () => }}}) theme, scaleKey: '', // facets' scales used (above) lineColor: lineColor as string, fillColor: alpha(pointColor, 0.5), }); }); /* builder.setPrepData((frames) => { let seriesData = lookup.fieldMaps.flatMap((f, i) => { let { fields } = frames[i]; return, frameSeriesIndex) => { let xValues = fields[f.x[frameSeriesIndex]].values.toArray(); let yValues = fields[f.y[frameSeriesIndex]].values.toArray(); let sizeValues = f.size![frameSeriesIndex](frames[i]); if (!Array.isArray(sizeValues)) { sizeValues = Array(xValues.length).fill(sizeValues); } return [xValues, yValues, sizeValues]; }); }); return [null, ...seriesData]; }); */ return builder; }; /** * This is called everytime the data changes * * from? is this where we would support that? -- need the previous values */ export function prepData(info: ScatterPanelInfo, data: DataFrame[], from?: number): FacetedData { if (info.error) { return [null]; } return [ null,, idx) => { const frame = s.frame(data); let colorValues; let colorAlphaValues; const r = s.pointColor(frame); if (Array.isArray(r)) { colorValues = r; colorAlphaValues = => alpha(c as string, 0.5)); } else { colorValues = Array(frame.length).fill(r); colorAlphaValues = Array(frame.length).fill(alpha(r as string, 0.5)); } return [ s.x(frame).values.toArray(), // X s.y(frame).values.toArray(), // Y asArray(frame, s.pointSize), colorValues, colorAlphaValues, ]; }), ]; } function asArray(frame: DataFrame, lookup: DimensionValues): T[] { const r = lookup(frame); if (Array.isArray(r)) { return r; } return Array(frame.length).fill(r); } function asSingleValue(frame: DataFrame, lookup: DimensionValues): T { const r = lookup(frame); if (Array.isArray(r)) { return r[0]; } return r; }