import { Matcher, render, waitFor, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent, { PointerEventsCheckLevel } from '@testing-library/user-event'; import React from 'react'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { Route, Router } from 'react-router-dom'; import { selectOptionInTest } from 'test/helpers/selectOptionInTest'; import { byLabelText, byRole, byTestId, byText } from 'testing-library-selector'; import { DataSourceInstanceSettings } from '@grafana/data'; import { BackendSrv, locationService, setBackendSrv, setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/services/context_srv'; import { DashboardSearchHit } from 'app/features/search/types'; import { configureStore } from 'app/store/configureStore'; import { GrafanaAlertStateDecision, PromApplication } from 'app/types/unified-alerting-dto'; import { searchFolders } from '../../../../app/features/manage-dashboards/state/actions'; import RuleEditor from './RuleEditor'; import { discoverFeatures } from './api/buildInfo'; import { fetchRulerRules, fetchRulerRulesGroup, fetchRulerRulesNamespace, setRulerRuleGroup } from './api/ruler'; import { ExpressionEditorProps } from './components/rule-editor/ExpressionEditor'; import { disableRBAC, mockDataSource, MockDataSourceSrv } from './mocks'; import { getAllDataSources } from './utils/config'; import { DataSourceType, GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME } from './utils/datasource'; import { getDefaultQueries } from './utils/rule-form'; jest.mock('./components/rule-editor/ExpressionEditor', () => ({ // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name ExpressionEditor: ({ value, onChange }: ExpressionEditorProps) => ( onChange(} /> ), })); jest.mock('./api/buildInfo'); jest.mock('./api/ruler'); jest.mock('./utils/config'); jest.mock('../../../../app/features/manage-dashboards/state/actions'); // there's no angular scope in test and things go terribly wrong when trying to render the query editor row. // lets just skip it jest.mock('app/features/query/components/QueryEditorRow', () => ({ // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name QueryEditorRow: () =>


, })); const mocks = { getAllDataSources: jest.mocked(getAllDataSources), searchFolders: jest.mocked(searchFolders), api: { discoverFeatures: jest.mocked(discoverFeatures), fetchRulerRulesGroup: jest.mocked(fetchRulerRulesGroup), setRulerRuleGroup: jest.mocked(setRulerRuleGroup), fetchRulerRulesNamespace: jest.mocked(fetchRulerRulesNamespace), fetchRulerRules: jest.mocked(fetchRulerRules), }, }; function renderRuleEditor(identifier?: string) { const store = configureStore(); locationService.push(identifier ? `/alerting/${identifier}/edit` : `/alerting/new`); return render( ); } const ui = { inputs: { name: byLabelText('Rule name'), alertType: byTestId('alert-type-picker'), dataSource: byTestId('datasource-picker'), folder: byTestId('folder-picker'), namespace: byTestId('namespace-picker'), group: byTestId('group-picker'), annotationKey: (idx: number) => byTestId(`annotation-key-${idx}`), annotationValue: (idx: number) => byTestId(`annotation-value-${idx}`), labelKey: (idx: number) => byTestId(`label-key-${idx}`), labelValue: (idx: number) => byTestId(`label-value-${idx}`), expr: byTestId('expr'), }, buttons: { save: byRole('button', { name: 'Save' }), addAnnotation: byRole('button', { name: /Add info/ }), addLabel: byRole('button', { name: /Add label/ }), // alert type buttons grafanaManagedAlert: byRole('button', { name: /Grafana managed/ }), lotexAlert: byRole('button', { name: /Mimir or Loki alert/ }), lotexRecordingRule: byRole('button', { name: /Mimir or Loki recording rule/ }), }, }; describe('RuleEditor', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); contextSrv.isEditor = true; contextSrv.hasEditPermissionInFolders = true; }); disableRBAC(); it('can create a new cloud alert', async () => { const dataSources = { default: mockDataSource( { type: 'prometheus', name: 'Prom', isDefault: true, }, { alerting: true } ), }; setDataSourceSrv(new MockDataSourceSrv(dataSources)); mocks.getAllDataSources.mockReturnValue(Object.values(dataSources)); mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup.mockResolvedValue(); mocks.api.fetchRulerRulesNamespace.mockResolvedValue([]); mocks.api.fetchRulerRulesGroup.mockResolvedValue({ name: 'group2', rules: [], }); mocks.api.fetchRulerRules.mockResolvedValue({ namespace1: [ { name: 'group1', rules: [], }, ], namespace2: [ { name: 'group2', rules: [], }, ], }); mocks.searchFolders.mockResolvedValue([]); mocks.api.discoverFeatures.mockResolvedValue({ application: PromApplication.Lotex, features: { rulerApiEnabled: true, }, }); await renderRuleEditor(); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.searchFolders).toHaveBeenCalled()); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.discoverFeatures).toHaveBeenCalled()); await ui.buttons.lotexAlert.find()); const dataSourceSelect = ui.inputs.dataSource.get(); await'combobox').get(dataSourceSelect)); await clickSelectOption(dataSourceSelect, 'Prom (default)'); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.fetchRulerRules).toHaveBeenCalled()); await userEvent.type(await ui.inputs.expr.find(), 'up == 1'); await userEvent.type(, 'my great new rule'); await clickSelectOption(ui.inputs.namespace.get(), 'namespace2'); await clickSelectOption(, 'group2'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.annotationValue(0).get(), 'some summary'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.annotationValue(1).get(), 'some description'); // TODO remove skipPointerEventsCheck once is fixed await, { pointerEventsCheck: PointerEventsCheckLevel.Never }); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelKey(0).get(), 'severity'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelValue(0).get(), 'warn'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelKey(1).get(), 'team'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelValue(1).get(), 'the a-team'); // save and check what was sent to backend await; await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalled()); expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { dataSourceName: 'Prom', apiVersion: 'legacy' }, 'namespace2', { name: 'group2', rules: [ { alert: 'my great new rule', annotations: { description: 'some description', summary: 'some summary' }, labels: { severity: 'warn', team: 'the a-team' }, expr: 'up == 1', for: '1m', }, ], } ); }); it('can create new grafana managed alert', async () => { const dataSources = { default: mockDataSource( { type: 'prometheus', name: 'Prom', isDefault: true, }, { alerting: true } ), }; setDataSourceSrv(new MockDataSourceSrv(dataSources)); mocks.getAllDataSources.mockReturnValue(Object.values(dataSources)); mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup.mockResolvedValue(); mocks.api.fetchRulerRulesNamespace.mockResolvedValue([]); mocks.api.fetchRulerRulesGroup.mockResolvedValue({ name: 'group2', rules: [], }); mocks.api.fetchRulerRules.mockResolvedValue({ namespace1: [ { name: 'group1', rules: [], }, ], namespace2: [ { name: 'group2', rules: [], }, ], }); mocks.searchFolders.mockResolvedValue([ { title: 'Folder A', id: 1, }, { title: 'Folder B', id: 2, }, ] as DashboardSearchHit[]); mocks.api.discoverFeatures.mockResolvedValue({ application: PromApplication.Prometheus, features: { rulerApiEnabled: false, }, }); // fill out the form await renderRuleEditor(); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.searchFolders).toHaveBeenCalled()); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.discoverFeatures).toHaveBeenCalled()); await userEvent.type(await, 'my great new rule'); const folderInput = await ui.inputs.folder.find(); await clickSelectOption(folderInput, 'Folder A'); const groupInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /^Group/ }); await userEvent.type(groupInput, 'my group'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.annotationValue(0).get(), 'some summary'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.annotationValue(1).get(), 'some description'); // TODO remove skipPointerEventsCheck once is fixed await, { pointerEventsCheck: PointerEventsCheckLevel.Never }); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelKey(0).get(), 'severity'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelValue(0).get(), 'warn'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelKey(1).get(), 'team'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelValue(1).get(), 'the a-team'); // save and check what was sent to backend await; await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalled()); expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { dataSourceName: GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME, apiVersion: 'legacy' }, 'Folder A', { interval: '1m', name: 'my group', rules: [ { annotations: { description: 'some description', summary: 'some summary' }, labels: { severity: 'warn', team: 'the a-team' }, for: '5m', grafana_alert: { condition: 'B', data: getDefaultQueries(), exec_err_state: 'Alerting', no_data_state: 'NoData', title: 'my great new rule', }, }, ], } ); }); it('can create a new cloud recording rule', async () => { const dataSources = { default: mockDataSource( { type: 'prometheus', name: 'Prom', isDefault: true, }, { alerting: true } ), }; setDataSourceSrv(new MockDataSourceSrv(dataSources)); mocks.getAllDataSources.mockReturnValue(Object.values(dataSources)); mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup.mockResolvedValue(); mocks.api.fetchRulerRulesNamespace.mockResolvedValue([]); mocks.api.fetchRulerRulesGroup.mockResolvedValue({ name: 'group2', rules: [], }); mocks.api.fetchRulerRules.mockResolvedValue({ namespace1: [ { name: 'group1', rules: [], }, ], namespace2: [ { name: 'group2', rules: [], }, ], }); mocks.searchFolders.mockResolvedValue([]); mocks.api.discoverFeatures.mockResolvedValue({ application: PromApplication.Lotex, features: { rulerApiEnabled: true, }, }); await renderRuleEditor(); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.searchFolders).toHaveBeenCalled()); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.discoverFeatures).toHaveBeenCalled()); await userEvent.type(await, 'my great new recording rule'); await ui.buttons.lotexRecordingRule.get()); const dataSourceSelect = ui.inputs.dataSource.get(); await'combobox').get(dataSourceSelect)); await clickSelectOption(dataSourceSelect, 'Prom (default)'); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.fetchRulerRules).toHaveBeenCalled()); await clickSelectOption(ui.inputs.namespace.get(), 'namespace2'); await clickSelectOption(, 'group2'); await userEvent.type(await ui.inputs.expr.find(), 'up == 1'); // TODO remove skipPointerEventsCheck once is fixed await, { pointerEventsCheck: PointerEventsCheckLevel.Never }); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelKey(1).get(), 'team'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelValue(1).get(), 'the a-team'); // try to save, find out that recording rule name is invalid await; await waitFor(() => expect( byText( 'Recording rule name must be valid metric name. It may only contain letters, numbers, and colons. It may not contain whitespace.' ).get() ).toBeInTheDocument() ); expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).not.toBeCalled(); // fix name and re-submit await userEvent.clear(await; await userEvent.type(await, 'my:great:new:recording:rule'); // save and check what was sent to backend await; await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalled()); expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { dataSourceName: 'Prom', apiVersion: 'legacy' }, 'namespace2', { name: 'group2', rules: [ { record: 'my:great:new:recording:rule', labels: { team: 'the a-team' }, expr: 'up == 1', }, ], } ); }); it('can edit grafana managed rule', async () => { const uid = 'FOOBAR123'; const folder = { title: 'Folder A', uid: 'abcd', id: 1, }; const getFolderByUid = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ...folder, canSave: true, }); const dataSources = { default: mockDataSource({ type: 'prometheus', name: 'Prom', isDefault: true, }), }; const backendSrv = { getFolderByUid, } as any as BackendSrv; setBackendSrv(backendSrv); setDataSourceSrv(new MockDataSourceSrv(dataSources)); mocks.getAllDataSources.mockReturnValue(Object.values(dataSources)); mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup.mockResolvedValue(); mocks.api.fetchRulerRulesNamespace.mockResolvedValue([]); mocks.api.fetchRulerRules.mockResolvedValue({ [folder.title]: [ { interval: '1m', name: 'my great new rule', rules: [ { annotations: { description: 'some description', summary: 'some summary' }, labels: { severity: 'warn', team: 'the a-team' }, for: '5m', grafana_alert: { uid, namespace_uid: 'abcd', namespace_id: 1, condition: 'B', data: getDefaultQueries(), exec_err_state: GrafanaAlertStateDecision.Alerting, no_data_state: GrafanaAlertStateDecision.NoData, title: 'my great new rule', }, }, ], }, ], }); mocks.searchFolders.mockResolvedValue([folder] as DashboardSearchHit[]); await renderRuleEditor(uid); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.searchFolders).toHaveBeenCalled()); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.discoverFeatures).toHaveBeenCalled()); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.searchFolders).toHaveBeenCalled()); // check that it's filled in const nameInput = await; expect(nameInput).toHaveValue('my great new rule'); expect(ui.inputs.folder.get()).toHaveTextContent(new RegExp(folder.title)); expect(ui.inputs.annotationValue(0).get()).toHaveValue('some description'); expect(ui.inputs.annotationValue(1).get()).toHaveValue('some summary'); // add an annotation await clickSelectOption(ui.inputs.annotationKey(2).get(), /Add new/); await userEvent.type(byRole('textbox').get(ui.inputs.annotationKey(2).get()), 'custom'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.annotationValue(2).get(), 'value'); //add a label await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelKey(2).get(), 'custom'); await userEvent.type(ui.inputs.labelValue(2).get(), 'value'); // save and check what was sent to backend await; await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalled()); expect(mocks.api.setRulerRuleGroup).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { dataSourceName: GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME, apiVersion: 'legacy' }, 'Folder A', { interval: '1m', name: 'my great new rule', rules: [ { annotations: { description: 'some description', summary: 'some summary', custom: 'value' }, labels: { severity: 'warn', team: 'the a-team', custom: 'value' }, for: '5m', grafana_alert: { uid, condition: 'B', data: getDefaultQueries(), exec_err_state: 'Alerting', no_data_state: 'NoData', title: 'my great new rule', }, }, ], } ); }); it('for cloud alerts, should only allow to select editable rules sources', async () => { const dataSources: Record> = { // can edit rules loki: mockDataSource( { type: DataSourceType.Loki, name: 'loki with ruler', }, { alerting: true } ), loki_disabled: mockDataSource( { type: DataSourceType.Loki, name: 'loki disabled for alerting', jsonData: { manageAlerts: false, }, }, { alerting: true } ), // can edit rules prom: mockDataSource( { type: DataSourceType.Prometheus, name: 'cortex with ruler', }, { alerting: true } ), // cannot edit rules loki_local_rule_store: mockDataSource( { type: DataSourceType.Loki, name: 'loki with local rule store', }, { alerting: true } ), // cannot edit rules prom_no_ruler_api: mockDataSource( { type: DataSourceType.Loki, name: 'cortex without ruler api', }, { alerting: true } ), // not a supported datasource type splunk: mockDataSource( { type: 'splunk', name: 'splunk', }, { alerting: true } ), }; mocks.api.discoverFeatures.mockImplementation(async (dataSourceName) => { if (dataSourceName === 'loki with ruler' || dataSourceName === 'cortex with ruler') { return { application: PromApplication.Lotex, features: { rulerApiEnabled: true, alertManagerConfigApi: false, federatedRules: false, querySharding: false, }, }; } if (dataSourceName === 'loki with local rule store') { return { application: PromApplication.Lotex, features: { rulerApiEnabled: false, alertManagerConfigApi: false, federatedRules: false, querySharding: false, }, }; } if (dataSourceName === 'cortex without ruler api') { return { application: PromApplication.Lotex, features: { rulerApiEnabled: false, alertManagerConfigApi: false, federatedRules: false, querySharding: false, }, }; } throw new Error(`${dataSourceName} not handled`); }); mocks.api.fetchRulerRulesGroup.mockImplementation(async ({ dataSourceName }) => { if (dataSourceName === 'loki with ruler' || dataSourceName === 'cortex with ruler') { return null; } if (dataSourceName === 'loki with local rule store') { throw { status: 400, data: { message: 'GetRuleGroup unsupported in rule local store', }, }; } if (dataSourceName === 'cortex without ruler api') { throw new Error('404 from rules config endpoint. Perhaps ruler API is not enabled?'); } return null; }); setDataSourceSrv(new MockDataSourceSrv(dataSources)); mocks.getAllDataSources.mockReturnValue(Object.values(dataSources)); mocks.searchFolders.mockResolvedValue([]); // render rule editor, select mimir/loki managed alerts await renderRuleEditor(); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.api.discoverFeatures).toHaveBeenCalled()); await waitFor(() => expect(mocks.searchFolders).toHaveBeenCalled()); await; await ui.buttons.lotexAlert.get()); // check that only rules sources that have ruler available are there const dataSourceSelect = ui.inputs.dataSource.get(); await'combobox').get(dataSourceSelect)); expect(await byText('loki with ruler').query()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(byText('cortex with ruler').query()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(byText('loki with local rule store').query()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(byText('prom without ruler api').query()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(byText('splunk').query()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(byText('loki disabled for alerting').query()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); const clickSelectOption = async (selectElement: HTMLElement, optionText: Matcher): Promise => { await'combobox').get(selectElement)); await selectOptionInTest(selectElement, optionText as string); };