import { SelectableValue } from '@grafana/data'; import { FetchError } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { AlertManagerCortexConfig, MatcherOperator, Route, Matcher, TimeInterval, TimeRange, } from 'app/plugins/datasource/alertmanager/types'; import { Labels } from 'app/types/unified-alerting-dto'; import { MatcherFieldValue } from '../types/silence-form'; import { getAllDataSources } from './config'; import { DataSourceType } from './datasource'; export function addDefaultsToAlertmanagerConfig(config: AlertManagerCortexConfig): AlertManagerCortexConfig { // add default receiver if it does not exist if (!config.alertmanager_config.receivers) { config.alertmanager_config.receivers = [{ name: 'default ' }]; } // add default route if it does not exists if (!config.alertmanager_config.route) { config.alertmanager_config.route = { receiver: config.alertmanager_config.receivers![0].name, }; } if (!config.template_files) { config.template_files = {}; } return config; } export function removeMuteTimingFromRoute(muteTiming: string, route: Route): Route { const newRoute: Route = { ...route, mute_time_intervals: route.mute_time_intervals?.filter((muteName) => muteName !== muteTiming) ?? [], routes: route.routes?.map((subRoute) => removeMuteTimingFromRoute(muteTiming, subRoute)), }; return newRoute; } export function renameMuteTimings(newMuteTimingName: string, oldMuteTimingName: string, route: Route): Route { return { ...route, mute_time_intervals: route.mute_time_intervals?.map((name) => name === oldMuteTimingName ? newMuteTimingName : name ), routes: route.routes?.map((subRoute) => renameMuteTimings(newMuteTimingName, oldMuteTimingName, subRoute)), }; } function isReceiverUsedInRoute(receiver: string, route: Route): boolean { return ( (route.receiver === receiver || route.routes?.some((route) => isReceiverUsedInRoute(receiver, route))) ?? false ); } export function isReceiverUsed(receiver: string, config: AlertManagerCortexConfig): boolean { return ( (config.alertmanager_config.route && isReceiverUsedInRoute(receiver, config.alertmanager_config.route)) ?? false ); } export function matcherToOperator(matcher: Matcher): MatcherOperator { if (matcher.isEqual) { if (matcher.isRegex) { return MatcherOperator.regex; } else { return MatcherOperator.equal; } } else if (matcher.isRegex) { return MatcherOperator.notRegex; } else { return MatcherOperator.notEqual; } } export function matcherOperatorToValue(operator: MatcherOperator) { switch (operator) { case MatcherOperator.equal: return { isEqual: true, isRegex: false }; case MatcherOperator.notEqual: return { isEqual: false, isRegex: false }; case MatcherOperator.regex: return { isEqual: true, isRegex: true }; case MatcherOperator.notRegex: return { isEqual: false, isRegex: true }; } } export function matcherToMatcherField(matcher: Matcher): MatcherFieldValue { return { name:, value: matcher.value, operator: matcherToOperator(matcher), }; } export function matcherFieldToMatcher(field: MatcherFieldValue): Matcher { return { name:, value: field.value, ...matcherOperatorToValue(field.operator), }; } export function matchersToString(matchers: Matcher[]) { const matcherFields =; const combinedMatchers = matcherFields.reduce((acc, current) => { const currentMatcherString = `${}${current.operator}"${current.value}"`; return acc ? `${acc},${currentMatcherString}` : currentMatcherString; }, ''); return `{${combinedMatchers}}`; } export const matcherFieldOptions: SelectableValue[] = [ { label: MatcherOperator.equal, description: 'Equals', value: MatcherOperator.equal }, { label: MatcherOperator.notEqual, description: 'Does not equal', value: MatcherOperator.notEqual }, { label: MatcherOperator.regex, description: 'Matches regex', value: MatcherOperator.regex }, { label: MatcherOperator.notRegex, description: 'Does not match regex', value: MatcherOperator.notRegex }, ]; const matcherOperators = [ MatcherOperator.regex, MatcherOperator.notRegex, MatcherOperator.notEqual, MatcherOperator.equal, ]; export function parseMatcher(matcher: string): Matcher { const trimmed = matcher.trim(); if (trimmed.startsWith('{') && trimmed.endsWith('}')) { throw new Error(`PromQL matchers not supported yet, sorry! PromQL matcher found: ${trimmed}`); } const operatorsFound = matcherOperators .map((op): [MatcherOperator, number] => [op, trimmed.indexOf(op)]) .filter(([_, idx]) => idx > -1) .sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]); if (!operatorsFound.length) { throw new Error(`Invalid matcher: ${trimmed}`); } const [operator, idx] = operatorsFound[0]; const name = trimmed.slice(0, idx).trim(); const value = trimmed.slice(idx + operator.length).trim(); if (!name) { throw new Error(`Invalid matcher: ${trimmed}`); } return { name, value, isRegex: operator === MatcherOperator.regex || operator === MatcherOperator.notRegex, isEqual: operator === MatcherOperator.equal || operator === MatcherOperator.regex, }; } export function parseMatchers(matcherQueryString: string): Matcher[] { const matcherRegExp = /\b([\w.-]+)(=~|!=|!~|=(?="?\w))"?([^"\n,]*)"?/g; const matchers: Matcher[] = []; matcherQueryString.replace(matcherRegExp, (_, key, operator, value) => { const isEqual = operator === MatcherOperator.equal || operator === MatcherOperator.regex; const isRegex = operator === MatcherOperator.regex || operator === MatcherOperator.notRegex; matchers.push({ name: key, value, isEqual, isRegex, }); return ''; }); return matchers; } export function labelsMatchMatchers(labels: Labels, matchers: Matcher[]): boolean { return matchers.every(({ name, value, isRegex, isEqual }) => { return Object.entries(labels).some(([labelKey, labelValue]) => { const nameMatches = name === labelKey; let valueMatches; if (isEqual && !isRegex) { valueMatches = value === labelValue; } if (!isEqual && !isRegex) { valueMatches = value !== labelValue; } if (isEqual && isRegex) { valueMatches = new RegExp(value).test(labelValue); } if (!isEqual && isRegex) { valueMatches = !new RegExp(value).test(labelValue); } return nameMatches && valueMatches; }); }); } export function getAllAlertmanagerDataSources() { return getAllDataSources().filter((ds) => ds.type === DataSourceType.Alertmanager); } export function getAlertmanagerByUid(uid?: string) { return getAllAlertmanagerDataSources().find((ds) => uid === ds.uid); } export function timeIntervalToString(timeInterval: TimeInterval): string { const { times, weekdays, days_of_month, months, years } = timeInterval; const timeString = getTimeString(times); const weekdayString = getWeekdayString(weekdays); const daysString = getDaysOfMonthString(days_of_month); const monthsString = getMonthsString(months); const yearsString = getYearsString(years); return [timeString, weekdayString, daysString, monthsString, yearsString].join(', '); } export function getTimeString(times?: TimeRange[]): string { return ( 'Times: ' + (times ? times?.map(({ start_time, end_time }) => `${start_time} - ${end_time} UTC`).join(' and ') : 'All') ); } export function getWeekdayString(weekdays?: string[]): string { return ( 'Weekdays: ' + (weekdays ?.map((day) => { if (day.includes(':')) { return day .split(':') .map((d) => { const abbreviated = d.slice(0, 3); return abbreviated[0].toLocaleUpperCase() + abbreviated.slice(1); }) .join('-'); } else { const abbreviated = day.slice(0, 3); return abbreviated[0].toLocaleUpperCase() + abbreviated.slice(1); } }) .join(', ') ?? 'All') ); } export function getDaysOfMonthString(daysOfMonth?: string[]): string { return 'Days of the month: ' + (daysOfMonth?.join(', ') ?? 'All'); } export function getMonthsString(months?: string[]): string { return 'Months: ' + (months?.join(', ') ?? 'All'); } export function getYearsString(years?: string[]): string { return 'Years: ' + (years?.join(', ') ?? 'All'); } export function isFetchError(e: unknown): e is FetchError { return typeof e === 'object' && e !== null && 'status' in e && 'data' in e; }