import { CombinedRule, Rule, RuleIdentifier, RuleWithLocation } from 'app/types/unified-alerting'; import { Annotations, Labels, RulerRuleDTO } from 'app/types/unified-alerting-dto'; import { GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME } from './datasource'; import { isAlertingRule, isAlertingRulerRule, isCloudRuleIdentifier, isGrafanaRuleIdentifier, isGrafanaRulerRule, isPrometheusRuleIdentifier, isRecordingRule, isRecordingRulerRule, } from './rules'; export function fromRulerRule( ruleSourceName: string, namespace: string, groupName: string, rule: RulerRuleDTO ): RuleIdentifier { if (isGrafanaRulerRule(rule)) { return { uid: rule.grafana_alert.uid!, ruleSourceName: 'grafana' }; } return { ruleSourceName, namespace, groupName, rulerRuleHash: hashRulerRule(rule), }; } export function fromRule(ruleSourceName: string, namespace: string, groupName: string, rule: Rule): RuleIdentifier { return { ruleSourceName, namespace, groupName, ruleHash: hashRule(rule), }; } export function fromCombinedRule(ruleSourceName: string, rule: CombinedRule): RuleIdentifier { const namespaceName =; const groupName =; if (rule.rulerRule) { return fromRulerRule(ruleSourceName, namespaceName, groupName, rule.rulerRule); } if (rule.promRule) { return fromRule(ruleSourceName, namespaceName, groupName, rule.promRule); } throw new Error('Could not create an id for a rule that is missing both `rulerRule` and `promRule`.'); } export function fromRuleWithLocation(rule: RuleWithLocation): RuleIdentifier { return fromRulerRule(rule.ruleSourceName, rule.namespace,, rule.rule); } export function equal(a: RuleIdentifier, b: RuleIdentifier) { if (isGrafanaRuleIdentifier(a) && isGrafanaRuleIdentifier(b)) { return a.uid === b.uid; } if (isCloudRuleIdentifier(a) && isCloudRuleIdentifier(b)) { return ( a.groupName === b.groupName && a.namespace === b.namespace && a.rulerRuleHash === b.rulerRuleHash && a.ruleSourceName === b.ruleSourceName ); } if (isPrometheusRuleIdentifier(a) && isPrometheusRuleIdentifier(b)) { return ( a.groupName === b.groupName && a.namespace === b.namespace && a.ruleHash === b.ruleHash && a.ruleSourceName === b.ruleSourceName ); } return false; } const cloudRuleIdentifierPrefix = 'cri'; const prometheusRuleIdentifierPrefix = 'pri'; function escapeDollars(value: string): string { return value.replace(/\$/g, '_DOLLAR_'); } function unesacapeDollars(value: string): string { return value.replace(/\_DOLLAR\_/g, '$'); } export function parse(value: string, decodeFromUri = false): RuleIdentifier { const source = decodeFromUri ? decodeURIComponent(value) : value; const parts = source.split('$'); if (parts.length === 1) { return { uid: value, ruleSourceName: 'grafana' }; } if (parts.length === 5) { const [prefix, ruleSourceName, namespace, groupName, hash] =; if (prefix === cloudRuleIdentifierPrefix) { return { ruleSourceName, namespace, groupName, rulerRuleHash: Number(hash) }; } if (prefix === prometheusRuleIdentifierPrefix) { return { ruleSourceName, namespace, groupName, ruleHash: Number(hash) }; } } throw new Error(`Failed to parse rule location: ${value}`); } export function tryParse(value: string | undefined, decodeFromUri = false): RuleIdentifier | undefined { if (!value) { return; } try { return parse(value, decodeFromUri); } catch (error) { return; } } export function stringifyIdentifier(identifier: RuleIdentifier): string { if (isGrafanaRuleIdentifier(identifier)) { return identifier.uid; } if (isCloudRuleIdentifier(identifier)) { return [ cloudRuleIdentifierPrefix, identifier.ruleSourceName, identifier.namespace, identifier.groupName, identifier.rulerRuleHash, ] .map(String) .map(escapeDollars) .join('$'); } return [ prometheusRuleIdentifierPrefix, identifier.ruleSourceName, identifier.namespace, identifier.groupName, identifier.ruleHash, ] .map(String) .map(escapeDollars) .join('$'); } function hash(value: string): number { let hash = 0; if (value.length === 0) { return hash; } for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var char = value.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char; hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash; } // this is used to identify lotex rules, as they do not have a unique identifier function hashRulerRule(rule: RulerRuleDTO): number { if (isRecordingRulerRule(rule)) { return hash(JSON.stringify([rule.record, rule.expr, hashLabelsOrAnnotations(rule.labels)])); } else if (isAlertingRulerRule(rule)) { return hash( JSON.stringify([ rule.alert, rule.expr, hashLabelsOrAnnotations(rule.annotations), hashLabelsOrAnnotations(rule.labels), ]) ); } else { throw new Error('only recording and alerting ruler rules can be hashed'); } } function hashRule(rule: Rule): number { if (isRecordingRule(rule)) { return hash(JSON.stringify([rule.type, rule.query, hashLabelsOrAnnotations(rule.labels)])); } if (isAlertingRule(rule)) { return hash( JSON.stringify([ rule.type, rule.query, hashLabelsOrAnnotations(rule.annotations), hashLabelsOrAnnotations(rule.labels), ]) ); } throw new Error('only recording and alerting rules can be hashed'); } function hashLabelsOrAnnotations(item: Labels | Annotations | undefined): string { return JSON.stringify(Object.entries(item || {}).sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0]))); } export function ruleIdentifierToRuleSourceName(identifier: RuleIdentifier): string { return isGrafanaRuleIdentifier(identifier) ? GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME : identifier.ruleSourceName; }