import { css } from '@emotion/css'; import React, { useCallback } from 'react'; import { GrafanaTheme2 } from '@grafana/data'; import { Alert, Field, Modal, useStyles2, Input, Icon, ClipboardButton } from '@grafana/ui'; import { notifyApp } from '../../core/actions'; import { createSuccessNotification } from '../../core/copy/appNotification'; import { dispatch } from '../../store/store'; export interface Props { onDismiss: () => void; apiKey: string; rootPath: string; } export function ApiKeysAddedModal({ onDismiss, apiKey, rootPath }: Props): JSX.Element { const styles = useStyles2(getStyles); const getClipboardText = useCallback(() => apiKey, [apiKey]); const onClipboardCopy = () => { dispatch(notifyApp(createSuccessNotification('Content copied to clipboard'))); }; return ( Copy } /> It is not stored in this form, so be sure to copy it now.

You can authenticate a request using the Authorization HTTP header, example:

        curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {apiKey}" {rootPath}/api/dashboards/home
); } function getStyles(theme: GrafanaTheme2) { return { label: css` padding: ${theme.spacing(1)}; background-color: ${theme.colors.background.secondary}; border-radius: ${theme.shape.borderRadius()}; `, small: css` font-size: ${theme.typography.bodySmall.fontSize}; font-weight: ${theme.typography.bodySmall.fontWeight}; `, }; }