import { isEmpty, isObject, mapValues, omitBy } from 'lodash'; import { AbsoluteTimeRange, DataSourceApi, EventBusExtended, ExploreUrlState, getDefaultTimeRange, HistoryItem, LoadingState, PanelData, } from '@grafana/data'; import { ExplorePanelData } from 'app/types'; import { ExploreGraphStyle, ExploreItemState } from 'app/types/explore'; import store from '../../../core/store'; import { clearQueryKeys, lastUsedDatasourceKeyForOrgId, toGraphStyle } from '../../../core/utils/explore'; import { getDatasourceSrv } from '../../plugins/datasource_srv'; import { toRawTimeRange } from '../utils/time'; export const DEFAULT_RANGE = { from: 'now-6h', to: 'now', }; const GRAPH_STYLE_KEY = ''; export const storeGraphStyle = (graphStyle: string): void => { store.set(GRAPH_STYLE_KEY, graphStyle); }; const loadGraphStyle = (): ExploreGraphStyle => { const data = store.get(GRAPH_STYLE_KEY); return toGraphStyle(data); }; /** * Returns a fresh Explore area state */ export const makeExplorePaneState = (): ExploreItemState => ({ containerWidth: 0, datasourceInstance: null, datasourceMissing: false, history: [], queries: [], initialized: false, range: { from: null, to: null, raw: DEFAULT_RANGE, } as any, absoluteRange: { from: null, to: null, } as any, scanning: false, loading: false, queryKeys: [], isLive: false, isPaused: false, queryResponse: createEmptyQueryResponse(), tableResult: null, graphResult: null, logsResult: null, eventBridge: null as unknown as EventBusExtended, cache: [], richHistory: [], logsVolumeDataProvider: undefined, logsVolumeData: undefined, graphStyle: loadGraphStyle(), panelsState: {}, }); export const createEmptyQueryResponse = (): ExplorePanelData => ({ state: LoadingState.NotStarted, series: [], timeRange: getDefaultTimeRange(), graphFrames: [], logsFrames: [], traceFrames: [], nodeGraphFrames: [], tableFrames: [], graphResult: null, logsResult: null, tableResult: null, }); export async function loadAndInitDatasource( orgId: number, datasourceUid?: string ): Promise<{ history: HistoryItem[]; instance: DataSourceApi }> { let instance; try { instance = await getDatasourceSrv().get(datasourceUid); } catch (error) { // Falling back to the default data source in case the provided data source was not found. // It may happen if last used data source or the data source provided in the URL has been // removed or it is not provisioned anymore. instance = await getDatasourceSrv().get(); } if (instance.init) { try { instance.init(); } catch (err) { // TODO: should probably be handled better console.error(err); } } const historyKey = `grafana.explore.history.${instance.meta?.id}`; const history = store.getObject(historyKey, []); // Save last-used datasource store.set(lastUsedDatasourceKeyForOrgId(orgId), instance.uid); return { history, instance }; } // recursively walks an object, removing keys where the value is undefined // if the resulting object is empty, returns undefined function pruneObject(obj: object): object | undefined { let pruned = mapValues(obj, (value) => (isObject(value) ? pruneObject(value) : value)); pruned = omitBy(pruned, isEmpty); if (isEmpty(pruned)) { return undefined; } return pruned; } export function getUrlStateFromPaneState(pane: ExploreItemState): ExploreUrlState { return { // datasourceInstance should not be undefined anymore here but in case there is some path for it to be undefined // lets just fallback instead of crashing. datasource: pane.datasourceInstance?.name || '', queries:, range: toRawTimeRange(pane.range), // don't include panelsState in the url unless a piece of state is actually set panelsState: pruneObject(pane.panelsState), }; } export function createCacheKey(absRange: AbsoluteTimeRange) { const params = { from: absRange.from, to:, }; const cacheKey = Object.entries(params) .map(([k, v]) => `${encodeURIComponent(k)}=${encodeURIComponent(v.toString())}`) .join('&'); return cacheKey; } export function getResultsFromCache( cache: Array<{ key: string; value: PanelData }>, absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange ): PanelData | undefined { const cacheKey = createCacheKey(absoluteRange); const cacheIdx = cache.findIndex((c) => c.key === cacheKey); const cacheValue = cacheIdx >= 0 ? cache[cacheIdx].value : undefined; return cacheValue; }