import { AnnotationEvent, getDefaultTimeRange } from '@grafana/data'; import { SnapshotWorker } from './SnapshotWorker'; import { DashboardQueryRunnerOptions } from './types'; function getDefaultOptions(): DashboardQueryRunnerOptions { const dashboard: any = {}; const range = getDefaultTimeRange(); return { dashboard, range }; } function getSnapshotData(annotation: any, timeEnd: number | undefined = undefined): AnnotationEvent[] { return [{ annotation, source: {}, timeEnd, time: 1 }]; } function getAnnotation(timeEnd: number | undefined = undefined) { const annotation = { enable: true, hide: false, name: 'Test', iconColor: 'pink', }; return { ...annotation, snapshotData: getSnapshotData(annotation, timeEnd), }; } describe('SnapshotWorker', () => { const worker = new SnapshotWorker(); describe('when canWork is called with correct props', () => { it('then it should return true', () => { const dashboard: any = { annotations: { list: [getAnnotation(), {}] } }; const options = { ...getDefaultOptions(), dashboard }; expect(worker.canWork(options)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when canWork is called with incorrect props', () => { it('then it should return false', () => { const dashboard: any = { annotations: { list: [{}] } }; const options = { ...getDefaultOptions(), dashboard }; expect(worker.canWork(options)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when run is called with incorrect props', () => { it('then it should return the correct results', async () => { const dashboard: any = { annotations: { list: [{}] } }; const options = { ...getDefaultOptions(), dashboard }; await expect([{ alertStates: [], annotations: [] }]); }); }); describe('when run is called with correct props', () => { it('then it should return the correct results', async () => { const noRegionUndefined = getAnnotation(); const noRegionEqualTime = getAnnotation(1); const region = getAnnotation(2); const noSnapshotData = { ...getAnnotation(), snapshotData: undefined }; const dashboard: any = { annotations: { list: [noRegionUndefined, region, noSnapshotData, noRegionEqualTime] } }; const options = { ...getDefaultOptions(), dashboard }; await expect( => { expect(received).toHaveLength(1); const { alertStates, annotations } = received[0]; expect(alertStates).toBeDefined(); expect(annotations).toHaveLength(3); expect(annotations[0]).toEqual({ annotation: { enable: true, hide: false, name: 'Test', iconColor: 'pink' }, source: { enable: true, hide: false, name: 'Test', iconColor: 'pink' }, timeEnd: undefined, time: 1, color: '#ffc0cb', type: 'Test', isRegion: false, }); expect(annotations[1]).toEqual({ annotation: { enable: true, hide: false, name: 'Test', iconColor: 'pink' }, source: { enable: true, hide: false, name: 'Test', iconColor: 'pink' }, timeEnd: 2, time: 1, color: '#ffc0cb', type: 'Test', isRegion: true, }); expect(annotations[2]).toEqual({ annotation: { enable: true, hide: false, name: 'Test', iconColor: 'pink' }, source: { enable: true, hide: false, name: 'Test', iconColor: 'pink' }, timeEnd: 1, time: 1, color: '#ffc0cb', type: 'Test', isRegion: false, }); }); }); }); });