import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { DataSourceRef, getDataSourceRef } from '@grafana/data'; import { getDatasourceSrv } from 'app/features/plugins/datasource_srv'; import { AdHocVariableFilter, AdHocVariableModel } from 'app/features/variables/types'; import { StoreState, ThunkResult } from 'app/types'; import { changeVariableEditorExtended } from '../editor/reducer'; import { getAdhocVariableEditorState } from '../editor/selectors'; import { isAdHoc } from '../guard'; import { variableUpdated } from '../state/actions'; import { toKeyedAction } from '../state/keyedVariablesReducer'; import { getLastKey, getNewVariableIndex, getVariable, getVariablesState } from '../state/selectors'; import { addVariable, changeVariableProp } from '../state/sharedReducer'; import { AddVariable, KeyedVariableIdentifier } from '../state/types'; import { toKeyedVariableIdentifier, toVariablePayload } from '../utils'; import { AdHocVariabelFilterUpdate, filterAdded, filterRemoved, filtersRestored, filterUpdated, initialAdHocVariableModelState, } from './reducer'; export interface AdHocTableOptions { datasource: DataSourceRef; key: string; value: string; operator: string; } const filterTableName = 'Filters'; export const applyFilterFromTable = (options: AdHocTableOptions): ThunkResult => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { let variable = getVariableByOptions(options, getState()); if (!variable) { dispatch(createAdHocVariable(options)); variable = getVariableByOptions(options, getState()); if (!variable) { return; } } const index = variable.filters.findIndex((f) => f.key === options.key && f.value === options.value); if (index === -1) { const { value, key, operator } = options; const filter = { value, key, operator, condition: '' }; return await dispatch(addFilter(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), filter)); } const filter = { ...variable.filters[index], operator: options.operator }; return await dispatch(changeFilter(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), { index, filter })); }; }; export const changeFilter = ( identifier: KeyedVariableIdentifier, update: AdHocVariabelFilterUpdate ): ThunkResult => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const variable = getVariable(identifier, getState()); dispatch(toKeyedAction(identifier.rootStateKey, filterUpdated(toVariablePayload(variable, update)))); await dispatch(variableUpdated(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), true)); }; }; export const removeFilter = (identifier: KeyedVariableIdentifier, index: number): ThunkResult => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const variable = getVariable(identifier, getState()); dispatch(toKeyedAction(identifier.rootStateKey, filterRemoved(toVariablePayload(variable, index)))); await dispatch(variableUpdated(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), true)); }; }; export const addFilter = (identifier: KeyedVariableIdentifier, filter: AdHocVariableFilter): ThunkResult => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const variable = getVariable(identifier, getState()); dispatch(toKeyedAction(identifier.rootStateKey, filterAdded(toVariablePayload(variable, filter)))); await dispatch(variableUpdated(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), true)); }; }; export const setFiltersFromUrl = ( identifier: KeyedVariableIdentifier, filters: AdHocVariableFilter[] ): ThunkResult => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const variable = getVariable(identifier, getState()); dispatch(toKeyedAction(identifier.rootStateKey, filtersRestored(toVariablePayload(variable, filters)))); await dispatch(variableUpdated(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(variable), true)); }; }; export const changeVariableDatasource = ( identifier: KeyedVariableIdentifier, datasource?: DataSourceRef ): ThunkResult => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const { editor } = getVariablesState(identifier.rootStateKey, getState()); const extended = getAdhocVariableEditorState(editor); const variable = getVariable(identifier, getState()); dispatch( toKeyedAction( identifier.rootStateKey, changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(variable, { propName: 'datasource', propValue: datasource })) ) ); const ds = await getDatasourceSrv().get(datasource); // TS TODO: ds is not typed to be optional - is this check unnecessary or is the type incorrect? const message = ds?.getTagKeys ? 'Ad hoc filters are applied automatically to all queries that target this data source' : 'This data source does not support ad hoc filters yet.'; dispatch( toKeyedAction( identifier.rootStateKey, changeVariableEditorExtended({ infoText: message, dataSources: extended?.dataSources ?? [], }) ) ); }; }; export const initAdHocVariableEditor = (key: string): ThunkResult => (dispatch) => { const dataSources = getDatasourceSrv().getList({ metrics: true, variables: true }); const selectable = dataSources.reduce( (all: Array<{ text: string; value: DataSourceRef | null }>, ds) => { if (ds.meta.mixed) { return all; } const text = ds.isDefault ? `${} (default)` :; const value = getDataSourceRef(ds); all.push({ text, value }); return all; }, [{ text: '', value: {} }] ); dispatch( toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableEditorExtended({ dataSources: selectable, }) ) ); }; const createAdHocVariable = (options: AdHocTableOptions): ThunkResult => { return (dispatch, getState) => { const key = getLastKey(getState()); const model: AdHocVariableModel = { ...cloneDeep(initialAdHocVariableModelState), datasource: options.datasource, name: filterTableName, id: filterTableName, rootStateKey: key, }; const global = false; const index = getNewVariableIndex(key, getState()); const identifier: KeyedVariableIdentifier = { type: 'adhoc', id:, rootStateKey: key }; dispatch(toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(identifier, { global, model, index })))); }; }; const getVariableByOptions = (options: AdHocTableOptions, state: StoreState): AdHocVariableModel | undefined => { const key = getLastKey(state); const templatingState = getVariablesState(key, state); return Object.values(templatingState.variables).find( (v) => isAdHoc(v) && v.datasource?.uid === options.datasource.uid ) as AdHocVariableModel; };