import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import React from 'react'; import { PanelData } from '@grafana/data'; import { PrometheusDatasource } from '../datasource'; import { PromQuery } from '../types'; import PromLink from './PromLink'; jest.mock('@grafana/data', () => ({ ...(jest.requireActual('@grafana/data') as any), rangeUtil: { intervalToSeconds: jest.fn(() => 15), }, })); const getPanelData = (panelDataOverrides?: Partial) => { const panelData = { request: { scopedVars: [{ __interval: { text: '15s', value: '15s' } }], targets: [ { refId: 'A', datasource: 'prom1' }, { refId: 'B', datasource: 'prom2' }, ], range: { to: { utc: () => ({ format: jest.fn(), }), }, }, }, }; return Object.assign(panelData, panelDataOverrides) as PanelData; }; const getDataSource = (datasourceOverrides?: Partial) => { const datasource = { getPrometheusTime: () => 123, createQuery: () => ({ expr: 'up', step: 15 }), directUrl: 'prom1', getRateIntervalScopedVariable: jest.fn(() => ({ __rate_interval: { text: '60s', value: '60s' } })), }; return Object.assign(datasource, datasourceOverrides) as unknown as PrometheusDatasource; }; const getDataSourceWithCustomQueryParameters = (datasourceOverrides?: Partial) => { const datasource = { getPrometheusTime: () => 124, createQuery: () => ({ expr: 'up', step: 20 }), directUrl: 'prom3', getRateIntervalScopedVariable: jest.fn(() => ({ __rate_interval: { text: '60s', value: '60s' } })), customQueryParameters: new URLSearchParams(''), }; return Object.assign(datasource, datasourceOverrides) as unknown as PrometheusDatasource; }; describe('PromLink', () => { it('should show correct link for 1 component', async () => { render(
); expect(screen.getByText('Prometheus')).toHaveAttribute( 'href', 'prom1/graph?g0.expr=up&g0.range_input=0s&g0.end_input=undefined&g0.step_input=15&' ); }); it('should show different link when there are 2 components with the same panel data', () => { render(
); const promLinkButtons = screen.getAllByText('Prometheus'); expect(promLinkButtons[0]).toHaveAttribute( 'href', 'prom1/graph?g0.expr=up&g0.range_input=0s&g0.end_input=undefined&g0.step_input=15&' ); expect(promLinkButtons[1]).toHaveAttribute( 'href', 'prom2/graph?g0.expr=up&g0.range_input=0s&g0.end_input=undefined&g0.step_input=15&' ); }); it('should create sanitized link', async () => { render(
); expect(screen.getByText('Prometheus')).toHaveAttribute('href', 'about:blank'); }); it('should add custom query parameters when it is configured', async () => { render(
); expect(screen.getByText('Prometheus')).toHaveAttribute( 'href', 'prom3/graph?' ); }); });